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单词 expansionary
释义  ex·pan·sion·a·ry /ɪkˈspænʃənəri $ -ʃəneri/ adjective formal  encouraging a business or economy to become bigger and more successful 促进企业[经济]扩张的,扩张性的 expansionary fiscal policy 扩张性财政政策Examples from the Corpusexpansionary• Not surprisingly, expansionary demand management policies will be successful in reducing Keynesian unemployment.• Suppose there is a rise in aggregate demand brought about by an expansionary fiscal policy.• An expansionary monetary policy is even less reliable.• Admittedly we also noted how hollow this observation rang in view of the fact that expansionary policies would entail accelerating inflation.• At times firms may hesitate to respond to an expansionary policy fearing that it will be reversed soon.ex·pan·sion·a·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  encouraging business economy a become to or Corpus




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