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单词 Cloning
1. The issue of cloning has sharply divided voters.
2. The dilemma over human cloning lies at the heart of the ethical choices facing society.
3. The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.
4. Cloning qua cloning is almost incidental for us, too.
5. What of cloning a child for infertile couples?
6. At issue are the moral questions raised by cloning.
7. Therapeutic cloning has been attacked by anti-abortion campaigners.
8. It also provides greater security against cloning and eavesdropping than the traditional cellular, which uses analog signals.
9. In sheep, the extent to which cloning produces over-large fetuses is difficult to quantify.
10. Conceptually, of course, cloning by embryo splitting is much simpler than cloning by nuclear transfer.
11. In common with other modern cloning scientists we do not first remove the nucleus from its own cytoplasm before transferring it.
12. Unfortunately the deeper issues surrounding the cloning of a human being have received short shrift or no attention at all.
13. Apple, which disdained cloning until early 1995, instead chose to maximize profit margins.
14. If the good guys ban cloning humans, are we not inviting the bad guys to work on it offshore?
15. Women can play a decisive role in the debate over cloning.
16. It could soon be technically possible to produce a human being by cloning.
17. Many experts believe that the risks have not yet been reduced to an acceptable level to attempt human cloning.
18. So we have a convenient animal to study for which there are also real benefits of cloning and genetic modification.
19. The potential for abuse and misuse of genome and cloning technology has always been a quiet threat.
20. We can not, then, say that asexual reproduction is cloning.
21. The ideal candidate will have experience of protein purification and gene cloning and should have an appreciation of plant defence mechanisms.
22. In 1986, again by a slightly circuitous route, Ian began his own cloning programme at Roslin.
23. Again, as we will see, this kind of manoeuvre plays an essential part in the Roslin cloning procedure.
24. In the commercial horticultural field, the mass production of pot plants has been facilitated through cloning.
25. The more excessive he becomes, the more fascinating the cloning concept gets.
26. But here is a form of asexual reproduction that does not lead to cloning.
27. The United States has forbidden the use of federal funds for human cloning research.
28. They are widely used in genetic engineering as vectors into which foreign genes are inserted for subsequent cloning or expression in cells.
29. So far[http://], this phenomenon does not seem to raise particular difficulties in cloning.
30. Our government must take the lead in formulating policy regarding the cloning of humans.
1. Women can play a decisive role in the debate over cloning.
31. Both, for different reasons, kept weather eyes on the cloning work.
32. The plan, announced at a conference on cloning, was denounced as dangerous and immoral by the mainstream scientific community.
33. Maybe the cloning of endangered species is not just a scientific parlor trick.
34. In the current atmosphere, a reasoned debate about human cloning is nearly impossible.
35. Both sides come together in their opposition to the cloning of human embryos, and object to commercial control over the process.
36. What remains For MacDonald and Wimpey, of course, is patenting their process and cloning their hybrid for the purpose of franchising.
37. Shapiro said the commission will meet its June deadline in reporting to Clinton on the issue of human cloning.
38. Again, one prime reason for developing cloning technology is to address these issues.
39. For the cloning biologists of the 1980s, however, the cell cycle had to remain just an uncomfortable awareness.
40. Many hated the idea, including President Clinton of the United States who called for a worldwide moratorium on all cloning research.
41. Cloning cattle of proven performance seems the natural extension of these techniques.
42. Cloning produces large numbers of identical organisms for research purposes, such as the initial testing of new pesticides on plant species.
43. People immediately began imagining all the dumbest applications to which the miracle of cloning might lead.
44. The details clearly matter a great deal to biologists interested in cloning, and we should look at them.
45. Successful cloning of the cactus could be used for revegetation of desert denuded by fire or development.
46. Recombinant DNA techniques developed for cloning genes.
47. Cloning differs from genetic engineering.
48. Would cloning humans be a good or bad thing?
49. Human reproductive cloning already is banned in South Korea.
50. Infertile couples are also likely to seek out cloning.
51. Article 4 Any research on reproductive cloning is prohibited.
52. VOICE: What motives anyone have for cloning a human?
53. Cloning of multidimensional or jagged arrays is not supported.
54. He has become a cheerleader for therapeutic cloning.
55. These are inserted into a cloning vector.
56. Here this article reviews the properties, gene cloning, structure and function of abrin, and its application in targeted cancer therapy.
57. Cloning could also provide a simpler, cheaper way to reproduce farm animals.
58. This year the Pew research added questions about animal cloning.
59. Some ethicists regard the cloning of humans as a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life.
60. In the molecular aspect it was primarily about cloning of PPO gene and there was only a little report on the influence of parasitization of parasites on the PPO transcription of their hosts.
61. The group welcomed the Lockhart report, particularly the lifting of the ban on therapeutic cloning.
62. The same applies to cloning, which is really just the other side of the coin.
63. Application of animal cloning is limited with especially low efficiency and birth defect cloned offspring.
64. That is an argument not only in favor of abortion, but also for the therapeutic cloning.
65. For instance, technologies such as test-tube baby, artificial fertilization and in vitro fertilization, and cloning have drawn a lot of attention.
66. In genetic engineering, multiple identical copies of a gene are produced in cloning vectors, such as plasmids and phages. See gene cloning. See also apomixis.
67. An efficient degrader Nocardia sp. C-14-1 was isolated from acrylic fiber wastewater. The identification, cloning and sequencing of a gene encoding nitrilase from strain C-14-1 was introduced.
68. This shows that a xylose isomerase gene was missing in the yeast, and cloning of this gene from other organisms might make the yeast ferment xylose directly.
69. In order to elucidate the location of chorismate mutase and prephenate dehydrogenase on E. coli T-protein, protein limited digestion and fragmentation cloning were employed.
70. However, item parameter uncertainty induced by item cloning causes ability estimate error inevitably.
71. Conclusion: Cloning vector pEGFP-RECK was successfully constructed, which laid a foundation for further studying the function of RECK gene.
72. If we accept this kind of tinkering, can't we accept cloning?
73. Genome library methodology was adopted for cloning of endoglucanase encoding genes.
74. What's more, the newfound Leiolepis ngovantrii is no run-of-the-mill reptile—the all-female species reproduces via cloning, without the need for male lizards.
75. In a news conference in Seoul, the cloning team also condemned the reproductive cloning of humans as "unsafe and inefficient."
76. Cloning of largemouth bass MSTN is meaningful for researching gene targeting and the mechanism of fish's muscle development and growth.
77. The cloning and sequencing of FKCS establishes a good foundation for the future work on the biological functions of FKCS in the flax(Linum usitatissimum).
78. For the application of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), low cloning efficiency is a great barrier.
79. Asia has huge potential for stem-cell research and aims to become the world leader in cloning technologies, but this will depend on collaboration, says a leading South Korean biologist.
80. Dr Ian Wilmut, the Brition responsible for cloning Dolly, has joined the campaign against human cloning, saying it is too risky.
81. Crucially, the search engine can provide answers without physically detecting (let alone cloning) the string of bits that encodes the questions and thus without knowing what the questions were.
82. The author first reviews the quantum no - cloning theorem and the principle of the quantum copying machine.
83. Some scientists, doctors and legal experts have even asked the United Nations to seek an advisory opinion from the World Court declaring human cloning to be a crime against humanity .
84. Cloning, Sequence Analysis and structure prediction of Oryctolagus cuniculus CD147.
85. Cloning and Expression of D - Lactate Dehydrogenase Gene in Lactobacillus sp.
86. Therapeutic cloning is one of our major research objectives, and therapeutic cloning is based on human somatic cell nuclear transfer.
87. Harvard neurobiologist Lisa Geller admits that intellectually, she doesn't see a difference between in vitro technology and cloning.
88. In 1973,[] the construction of the first biologically functional bacterial plasmid signaled the beginning of molecular cloning and recombinant DNA technology.
89. Methods Two sub-cell lines (NL9980 and L9981) were isolated and established from a human lung large cell carcinoma cell line (WCQH-9801) by the single cell cloning techniques.
90. Also introduced are the research achievements about cloning of vernalization -related genes.
91. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is the key procedure of therapeutic cloning, which is believed to be most potential therapeutic strategy to diseases such as Parkinson sand diabetes.
92. Cloning: Taking an enterprise architecture process template and cloning it to a process model that is part of a particular solution.
93. By establishing a statistical model of process of cloning, a deduction and interpretation of this equation can be obtained according to the principle of binomial distribution .
94. The Lockhart report, particularly the lifting of the ban on therapeutic cloning.
95. First they will produce lineages of stem cells without destroying the embryo, which will make genetic therapy ethically acceptable, and then reproductive cloning.
96. VDM finds the corresponding VM template by going though the directory containing VTD files and cloning the VM template to the destination specified in the deployment task file.
97. After cloning the source VM, VDM collects all configuration data, archives it into an ISO file, and then copies it to the target location of the cloned VM.
98. We established the techniques of screening the plasmid expression library and cloning the immunogen genes.
99. Transposon tagging is an effective method for plant gene cloning and isolation.
100. At the time of the voice of human cloning on the upsurge, scientific groups launched the movement of anti-human cloning.
101. Insertional mutagenesis is a method for identifying genes by using the integration of DNA as the mutagen , thereby facilitating the cloning of the mutated gene.
102. Conclusion semisynthetic antibody library is capable of cloning antibodies by - passing immunization.
103. In nurturing the process of Dolly, scientists used somatic cell cloning technology.
104. Also waiting in the cloning lab this morning is the local industrialist.
105. The cloning and expression of the gene encoding S japonicum tropomyosin had been successfully made.
106. In many ways cloning could offer enormous benefits, " said Simon Fishel, embryologist of the Nurture fertility clinic in Nottingham."
107. Mr Sperling has put $US3.7 million into cloning research in the hope a copy can eventually be made of his aging long-haired dog, Missy.
108. Reproductive cloning has been banned by all international organizations and governments.
109. This is because molecular mechanism underlying animal cloning is not well known.
110. However the former cloning methods such as map-base cloning or transposon tagging which based on forward genetics can only cloned one or several genes at the same time.
111. Word last week that a scientist named Ian Wilmut had succeeded in cloning an adult mammal — an achievement long thought impossible — caught the imagination of everyone.
112. The despot will not be coming to the cloning lab today.
113. Dominating methods in wheat gene cloning include homology - based cloning, map - based cloning, suppression subtractive hybridization , DDRT - PCR etc.
114. All countries in the world should sign the multilateral agreement that cloning never be used on human.
115. Their lack of morals means they have no problems developing WMDS with which to bring massive death, all while doing genetic manipulation and cloning to ensure population boom.
116. The paper mainly reviewed several factors on influencing somatic cloning of pigs , which involve in cytoplast recipients, donor cells, micromanipulation, activation and reconstituted embryo transfer .
117. Cloning of human brevican cDNA and the expression of its mRNA in human Glioma.
118. Think of the possibilities for robotics and cloning in the future.
119. This review describes the recent progress in the studies of the extracellular proteases, the cloning and analysis of the genes encoding the enzymes,[/cloning.html] the construction of protease negative mut...
120. In doing so, they paved the way for the early detection of genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anemia, and for new scientific leaps such as animal cloning.
121. Cloning, Sequencing and Sequence Analysis of Goat ? ? lactoglobulin Gent 5 Flanking Region.
122. The present study is the first to report on the usefulness of puromycin for production of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic piglets after somatic cell cloning and embryo transfer.
123. That famous clone, named for Dolly Parton, was considered an advance on earlier cloning experiments, which relied on embryonic tissue for their biochemical seed material.
124. But cloning is ill-suited to species conservation, since it is a technically challenging process that often results in sick or deformed animals.
125. In this study, the team began by cloning the native M. mycoides genome into yeast by adding a yeast centromere to the bacterial genome.
126. Gene cloning provides a means of purifying and propagating specific DNA segments.
127. From the angle of applied technology, cloning can be itemized into therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning.
128. A large full - length gene bank has been contructured through large - scale cDNA cloning and sequencing.
129. We identified the geminivirus in Malvastrum coromandelianum from the molecular level by designing the primers, PCR, cloning and sequencing.
130. With the single cell cloning technique, we cloned H2D8 subline from H 22 cell line stored by China Center for Type Culture Collection in Wuhan (Wuhan H 22 ).
131. In this work, it is the first time to report the cloning and characterization of the STR gene from the Rubiaceae plant Ophiorrhizajaponica.
132. Androgenetic diploid cloning fishes were induced by thermal shock after fertilization of inactivated Crucican carp eggs with the mature spermatozoas of Singuo red carp .
133. Less expensive and more efficient than the process that produced Dolly the sheep, the iPS approach also would skirt the language of many current prohibitions against human reproductive cloning.
134. And Infigen Inc. of De Forest , Wisconsin recently succeeded at cloning a partially humanized pig.
135. Many experts feel the advent of iPS cells makes therapeutic cloning redundant.
136. With apologies to, the question of the day seems related to cloning.
137. Objective:To analyze the N-terminal amino acid sequence of bovine cementum attachment protein(CAP), which lay a theoretical foundation for cloning and expression of the CAP.
138. Therefore, whether it is benefit for improving living qualities and being continuable development or not should be our value standard to judge the application of the cloning technique.
139. Furthermore, it offers its readers a peculiar experience by building vivid high-tech reproductive cloning world and cyber world through the use of such writing techniques as suspense, and coincidence.
140. Also, in 2007, he was one of the co-sponsors of the Human Cloning Prohibition Act.
141. So human cloning is, and will, I hope, continue, to be unethical.
142. Thank you. Cloning is most simply defined as the asexual reproduction of biological material.
143. The current studies on sexual Stage avirulence gene analysis, RFLP analysis, cloning of avirulence gene, gene transformation and transposable element of rice blast fungus are discussed in this Paper.
144. They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year - or perhaps not for another five years.
145. Cloning a Chow Chow is expected to be easier and perhaps as much as 50 percent less costly, a South Korean biotech firm said Thursday as it unveiled a new cloning technology.
146. Above all, the therapeutic cloning is of positive value and should be fully supported in ethics.
147. An Australian ban on the research, known as therapeutic cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer, was lifted in December 2006 after a rare conscience vote in the national parliament.
148. Methods Serum free cells suspension culture and single cell cloning technique were used to isolate neuroepithelial stem cells.
149. The disputes on morals and ethics sparked by cloning technology will continue.
150. A group of arborists, including Jake Milarch,[http:///cloning.html] are hoping to preserve ancient trees such as this California redwood by cloning them.
151. "We have regulations in Australia such that the abuses of cloning wouldn't happen here, we will not get live birth cloning," he told local radio.
152. Cloning formation assay and cell proliferation activity analysis showed that overexpression of CT120A significantly promoted the growth of MCF7 and T47D cells.
153. The second cause of USN rollback occurs when a domain controller has been restored using an unsupported method, most frequently using a disk cloning or imaging tool.
154. In recent years, with the development of the molecular cloning technology, genetic engineering and bioinformatics, the study of vitellin gene will provide a new method to biological control of pests.
155. Objective Cloning and screening a novel candidate gene related to developing mouse cleft palate.
156. Cloning would join the unsafe drug Thalidomide in the teratogenic hall of infamy.
157. Myostatin ( MSTN ) gene was isolated from Japanese flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus ) by homology cloning strategy and genome walking.
158. But others immediately renewed calls for a global ban on human reproductive cloning before the technology moves any farther.
159. Cloning saves the endangered species from extinction and keeps the ecological balance.
160. Memory transfer by cloning may help this dream to be fulfilled.
161. Some countries allow all kinds of ESC research (except for reproductive cloning), while others, such as Brazil, allow research only on embryos discarded from fertility treatment.
162. In real life, there are scientific and goodwill cloning, but also exists unwisdom, malicious parody manufacturing.
163. Many advanced technologies including artificial insemination and cloning have raised ethical discussions in the society.
164. Cloning is the process that an offspring which has the same genomes with matriline is procreated by using agamogenesis technology. And Cloning technology is an important technology in life science.
165. It's still too early to say whether the United States will accept or reject therapeutic cloning.
166. Because of the huge genome and high ratio of repeat sequences in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum), identifying and cloning of genes with important functions from wheat meet many difficulties.
167. Cloning by a method known as "somatic cell nuclear transfer" (SCNF) has become a fundamental research tool with numerous applications, including in human medicine.
168. The high molecular weight glutenin subunits and their encoding genes in Aegilops variables were characterized by SDS-PAGE and molecular cloning.
169. The first, the cloning gene of hydrogenase are that we should get the DNA sequence of hydrogenase in the related species and design the primer and clone the gene.
170. The tell-tale side effects of mental instability and self-name mispronunciation indicate Joruus was the result of hasty Spaarti-based cloning.
171. The invention discloses a Rhizophora stylosa sodium reverse transport protein gene(), a cloning and an application thereof.
172. A new altered sites mutagenesis systems for the cloning DNA is described.
173. This work has provided a basis for cloning sex-linked gene.
174. Human genome project, human cloning and stem - cell research are the real big events of postmodern bioscience.
175. There are a group of people who support human cloning including ambitious scientists, financially strong pharmaceutical companies and a handful of politicians with ulterior motives.
176. Wilmut maintains that cloning animals has tremendous potential for helping people.
177. This paper introduces the development in DNA molecular markers and its application in genome mapping, gene cloning , analysis of relationship of species relationship, as well as disease diagnosis.
178. With the elucidation of lycopene biosynthetic pathway and cloning genes of relative enzymes from microorganisms, it is possible to regulate lycopene biosynthesis via genetic engineering.
178. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
179. With so many potential problems, perhaps cloning research should be banned.
180. To study the biosynthetics genes of apramycin in Streptomyces tenebrarius, the apramycin resistant gene was isolated by gunshot cloning firstly.
181. Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using cloning technology to bring the ancient pachyderm back to life in around five years time.
182. Here, we report the cloning and functional analyses of the promoters of duplicated carbonic anhydrase (DCA1) and carbonic anhydrase (CA1) genes from Dunaliella salina.
183. Cloning Humans Is Ethically Unacceptable. Dr. Wilmut, the scientist involved, and his colleagues at Roslin have made it quite clear that they think that to clone humans would be unethical.
184. This paper reviews establishment of introgression lines from wild tomato in Lycopersicon by MAS and application of theses lines in fine mapping, analysis of QTL effect and gene map-based cloning.
185. Map-based cloning of BER15 demonstrated BER15 encodes a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase which acts as a key enzyme in brassinolide synthesis.
186. In this paper, we mainly focus on the key technology and its difficulties of SCNT in cloning pigs, including its applications and approach of increasing t...
187. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a DFR Gene from Brassica campestris L . var . oleifera DC.
188. Doctors say cloning might also help them find cures for diabetes and cystic fibrosis.
189. David McMaster, a Bartlett vice president, said the cloning would target several "Olmsted trees, " dating from the creation of Central Park by famed architect Frederick Law Olmsted in the late 1850s.
190. The Council of Europe and the United Nations have declared human reproductive cloning a violation of human rights.
191. OBJECTIVE To investigate the molecular cloning of the human tissue kininogenase gene and its expression in Escherichia coli .
192. The results will be useful for cloning and functional analysis of the tsl-1 gene.
193. All theses studies established a base for transforming Acer negundo gene, had important value for cloning aceraceous and other plants.
194. Cloning is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. It's a terrorist's wet dream .
195. Cloning is the process that an offspring which has the same genomes with matriline is procreated by using agamogenesis technology.
196. At last, the expanding of cloning man has some rationality. Because it can not only bring evangel to sterile people, but also promote the development of science and technology.
197. Cloning could massively improve the agricultural industry as the technique of nuclear transfer improves.
198. Human cloning can be classified as therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. The two have similarities and also differences.
199. ECHO cloning is a rapid, easy and common DNA recombination technique.
200. Even the Archbishop of Genoa once observed that although the Vatican opposed human cloning, "an exception might be made in the case of Sophia Loren".
201. The changes of morphology, death rate, the inhibition rate of cell growth, cloning efficiency were observed. DNA content of MGC-803 were measured with the laser scanning confocal microtechnic.
202. He returned to Mount Tantiss on Wayland, and killed the Imperial officer in charge of the new cloning operation there.
203. Wilmut wanted to use his cloning technology to improve livestock.
204. Interspecies cloning is a new technology with the development of Somatic cell clone technology.
205. This trick—cloning an adult mammal by nuclear transplantation—has never, as far as anyone knows, been repeated on humans.
206. It is an efficient strategy to investigate the molecular mechanisms of plant anther and pollen develop by cloning genes from male-sterile mutants followed by functional analysis.
207. He believes it is only a matter of time before we lose our hang-ups about reproductive cloning and accept it as just another IVF technique.
208. Cleavage polyembryony The splitting of an embryo into several identical parts[], each of which may develop into a mature embryo. It is form of natural cloning.
209. Objective: To investigate the effects of the cytokines on isolation and cloning of human embryonic stem-like cells.
210. By cloning the base style in sublevel, it copies the entire style.
211. Conservationists have used cloning to help protect endangered species such as the mouflon sheep.
212. Study on Purification, Characterization and Conformation of Lycoris Radiata Agglutinin 2. Molecular Cloning and Analyzing of Agglutinin from Amaryllis Vittata and Zephyranthes Grandiflora.
213. This review tries to have a brief introduction on the progresses of Trichoderma spp molecule biology, such as gene cloning, tansforma-tion system, expression system and recombinant protein expression.




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