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单词 Senses
(1) The pupils were terrified out of their senses.
(2) Smell is one of the five senses.
(3) No one in their senses would do it.
(4) An animal has senses but no reason.
(5) His senses and reasons inhibited his wrong desires or impulses.
(6) He was a true friend in all senses of the word.
(7) We hope she'll come to her senses and correct her mistakes.
(8) Have you taken lost your senses?
(9) She has lost command of her senses.
(10) Her scent overpowered his senses.
(11) The horror of my experience has numbed my senses.
(12) In some senses the criticisms were justified.
(13) The word 'record' has several different senses.
(14) His senses were swimming giddily out of control.
(15) Are you completely out of your senses?
(16) Have you all taken leave of your senses?
(17) This word can be used in several senses.
(18) Their senses of humor meshed perfectly.
(19) His senses were working overtime.
(20) Fear dispossessed her of her senses.
(21) Are you out of your senses? You'll be killed!
(22) Outside[/senses.html], she quickly regained her senses.
(23) Her senses reeled as she fought for consciousness.
(24) That word has three senses.
(25) The insult drove him out of his senses.
(26) Wine can blunt the senses.
(27) Have you taken leave of your senses?
(28) He was finally brought to his senses and agreed to let the hostages go.
(29) I could hardly believe the evidence of my own senses .
(30) The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel.
(1) The pupils were terrified out of their senses.
(2) Smell is one of the five senses.
(3) No one in their senses would do it.
(4) An animal has senses but no reason.
(5) I could hardly believe the evidence of my own senses .
(6) His senses and reasons inhibited his wrong desires or impulses.
(7) The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel.
(8) He was a true friend in all senses of the word.
(9) We hope she'll come to her senses and correct her mistakes.
(10) Using metaphor, we say that computers have senses and a memory.
(11) She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion.
(31) Combinations of flavors, textures, and colour that can delight the senses .
(32) The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses.
(33) No one in their right senses would let a small child go out alone.
(34) When I came to my senses, I was lying on the floor.
(35) He argued that art should appeal to the senses rather than the intellect.
(36) She was a true friend in all senses of the word.
(37) You want to marry him? Have you taken leave of your senses?
(38) You sold it? You must be out of your senses!
(39) Colour has a profound,[] though often subliminal influence on our senses and moods.
(40) One day he'll come to his senses and see what a fool he's been .
(41) They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses.
(42) Using metaphor, we say that computers have senses and a memory.
(43) Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them.
(44) He waited for Dora to come to her senses and return.
(45) The looters behaved as if altogether bereft of their senses.
(46) She senses that behind the clowning there is a terrible sense of anguish.
(47) You can't take the children out sailing in this weather! Have you completely taken leave of your senses?
(48) She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion.
(49) Although he can't see, he learns a lot through his other senses.
(50) Different senses of a word are ordered according to frequency.
(51) She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses.
(52) No one in their right senses would give him the job!
(53) No one in their right senses would pay that much for a painting.
(54) Why does she want to marry him? She must have taken leave of her senses.
(55) I was reluctant to trust the evidence of my senses.
(56) His senses dulled as the drug swept through his body.
(57) When she came to, her senses told her she was lying on a sandy beach.
(58) Beneath the smooth surface of day-to-day political life, one senses powerful and dangerous undercurrents.
(59) If she threatens to leave, it should bring him to his senses.
(60) The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people.
(61) If a prairie dog senses danger, he whistles a warning.
(62) Was she taking leave of her senses?
(63) His senses were blunted by the whiskey.
(64) But John had not taken leave of his senses.
(65) Such life-styles were, however, fluctuating in two senses.
(66) Must not allow her senses any room to manoeuvre.
(66) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(67) Each of our senses is a remarkably astute censor.
(68) She had taken leave of her senses!
(69) But perhaps his senses accommodated quite different facts, data.
(70) Perhaps it was that close brush with death that had sharpened all her senses.
(71) No one in their senses puts money on a horse other than in the hope of winning money.
(72) But frequently they appear to have taken leave of their senses when it comes to choosing the right sort of women.
(73) In fact, one way and another the food is very aptly named, having risen from the ashes in two senses!
(74) This man she's married finally came to his senses, but he was refusing to marry her at one point.
(75) Its role, however, is increasingly important as an ancillary to selling both in the receiving and giving senses.
(76) We were to use all our senses, our fingers, our eyes as well as our taste buds.
(77) They usually work best in conjunction with the two senses we can record, sound and sight.
(78) Her responsibility for Comfort brought her back to her senses.
(79) Everything about him assailed her senses in a way she resented bitterly yet seemed unable to do anything about.
(80) Confused by the mind and diffused by the senses, we seek pleasure and lose the great treasure called life. RVM 
(81) You must have taken leave of your senses! b. You must have left your senses behind! 35a.
(82) His cheek brushed hers with a cathartic effect on her senses.
(83) After entering the cave, Hawk senses such awesome power that he flees in terror.
(84) The best scenarios are where memories are recalled and expanded upon, using the senses to paint a picture.
(85) His senses told him he was onto a good thing and his senses were rarely wrong.
(86) Finally we come to sight, the most human of senses, the one which normally eclipses all the others.
(87) Now it was blazing steadily, promising an out-of-control inferno, unless she came to her senses and stopped it.
(88) This senses the water temperature and sends a signal to the control box where it is processed in a microchip.
(89) Bakewell senses that Rudd was the brains behind the fraud, but it was the brothers who were condemned to death.
(90) Diehard optimists, like Mr Pynzenyk, say that hyperinflation and economic collapse will eventually force the country to its senses.
(91) The bad senses cluster around the notion of deliberately causing harm to another being or entity.
(92) In this manner I restored many to their senses, with great increase in reputation, and still greater diversion for myself.
(93) But those wines give only momentary pleasure and thereafter the senses are dulled and the mind is clouded.
(94) Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Mitch Albom 
(95) Disease may dampen down the appetite, and a diminution in the senses of taste or smell may make food less appealing.
(96) In more senses than one they belong to no man's land.
(97) The volley of arrows was thin and broken, its unevenness jangling in his nerves even before his senses recorded it.
(98) It presupposes that the functionally optimal capitalist state is in some senses class-neutral.
(99) They were, one senses, hot-blooded creators, these citizens of the Minoan towns.
(100) Walk through the doors at the Slab and the just-out-of-the-oven aroma of fresh-baked cones assails the senses.
(101) I have even developed another faculty not normally considered as one of the five senses.
(102) Managers and executives faced with their own likely technical obsolescence are in some senses confronted with their own professional mortality.
(103) Primo senses she has said these exact words to newly arrived visitors before.
(104) It welled up, reclaiming its rightful position in the hit parade of the senses: No.
(105) Not just one hand now but two were enforcing his onslaught on her senses.
(106) We accept that the matter of reception of external objects by the senses is roughly universal.
(107) This mechanical system was not directly presented to our five senses.
(108) What else could we appeal to, to tell us whether something is true, than the evidence of our senses?
(109) Light is therefore, according to the test, an ambiguous lexical form, and 10 and 11 manifest different senses.
(110) The announcement that Guy was to be godfather to the new baby brought her to her senses with a sharp jolt.
(111) I began to armor myself against the images my senses were conjuring up.
(112) Do this next exercise and then try to hold all your senses in listening expectancy in your future writing.
(113) He could see that her body was naked beneath the midnight blue silk of her robe and her scent overpowered his senses.
(114) Associative feminist psychologies make unstable, continually changing liaisons with these social objects; and so they are associative in two senses.
(115) For example, a child grasps and manipulates objects she can reach, signifying coordination between vision and tactile senses.
(116) It is not just because of their greater autonomy that discretion in both senses is very important to neighbourhood police.
(117) The only world which modern man considers at all is the external world of which his senses make him cognizant.
(118) Her daughter had taken leave of her senses and her husband was never at home when he was needed.
(119) This reduces the combinatorial explosion and decreases the potential for spurious overlaps through the co-incidence of alternative word senses.
(120) Observation statements can be ascertained by any observer by normal use of the senses.
(121) A girl pulling swedes in a field senses the shadow of parachutes and gapes up, knees braced and hair tangling.
(122) To dispel another myth: we have not entirely evolved from this animal ability to use our senses for survival.
(123) During the journey away from his old un-reformed self, the mystic has to enter a dark night of the senses.
(124) Senses rioted, coherent thought fled, and for mindless seconds they were oblivious to the world about them.
(125) She lay still for a moment, holding her breath while she listened and assembled the information from her senses.
(126) Meanwhile, unless his senses were awry from fear and pain, a newcomer had arrived on the scene.
(126) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(127) I had hoped that the cool impersonal air in the Saltine Motel Restaurant would bring me to my senses.
(128) She gave herself a full minute to find her bearings in this mute kingdom, and her senses made the adjustment gratefully.
(129) You challenged him to a fight? Have you taken leave of your senses?
(130) Never for one moment does this shimmering, simmering emotional desert storm of a film relax its grip on your senses.
(131) In these senses this show contributes to contemporary radical perspectives within the visual arts, especially as contextualised within the gallery.
(132) Number one, in all senses, was to establish a democratic, constitutional monarchy.
(133) Quick, somebody send the kid a message to come to his senses.
(134) When that moment comes, one senses, they are going to have to drag Clintonout of the Oval Office.
(135) It is by no means so simple for the insurer who is ignorant of that until in some senses it is too late.
(136) Again he experienced the heightened awareness and sharpening of the senses, which always accompanied his bestial transformation into a primal killer.
(137) It is as if the information processed by the senses becomes integrated to form an analogue of the energy patterns impinging upon them.
(138) In some senses these could also be regarded as special classification schemes.
(139) Competence and efficiency are closely tied to personal senses of worth and value.
(140) Eachuinn Odhar suffered a week of fever before he came to his senses.
(141) It senses the danger and almost instantaneously cuts off the power with a speed of reaction which can prevent a tragedy occurring.
(142) If he senses some one is a little nervous of him, he tries to intimidate them, though his temperament is superb.
(143) In all these senses, the new organization retained most of the features of the organization that had just been abandoned.
(144) One approach to sites is to look at the way we experience them through our senses.
(145) Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that called Body is a portion of Soul discerned by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age. William Blake 
(146) But she senses my momentary abstraction, thinks she's won the fight and lets her guard slip.
(147) Abram exhibits great sensitivity and insight into the essential reciprocity between our human senses and the sensuous earth.
(148) Jaq similarly drew the line at wine, which could fuddle the senses and put a person in needless peril.
(149) The distinction between rationalism and empiricism relates to a distinction between knowledge acquired by reason and knowledge acquired by the senses.
(150) In science or engineering we use instruments to amplify our senses.
(151) Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe. Virginia Woolf 
(152) Only a little more educated than his neighbors, he senses trouble.
(153) Three weeks later Lavender had died of puerperal fever, but long before that Legh had come to his senses.
(154) He senses that the rules of the game exclude putting forward ideas.
(155) By which is meant that they have developed their ability to focus both senses and mind upon a thought process.
(156) Conflicts that hurt others can have a boomerang effect if management senses productivity has been lowered. 2.
(156) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(157) In all these senses, therefore, the exclusively training model performs no educational function at all.
(158) One neat little pair with opposing senses is that of the suffix-ing and the to of the infinitive.
(159) Paige could feel her heart beating like a trapped bird in her chest and her senses reeled.
(160) She kept her cool and dished out more than her fair share of barefaced cheek, in more senses than one.
(161) However, the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 16 should bring everyone to their senses and give some light relief.
(162) We can generalise from the rights and wrongs of his account of seeing to the use of the other senses as well.
(163) In the midst of the morning rush-hour his laughter drifted after her, curling round her senses and inflaming her still further.
(164) He'd need to keep his senses sharp and try to put any such callow thoughts quite out of his mind.
(165) Other insects attract their mates by exploiting the third of the senses, smell.
(166) The vital clue to an individual's sickness may come through any of the senses, so use them all.
(167) Dana had been too determined to avoid her, and Claudia's finely tuned senses told her Dana was uneasy.
(168) The matter of sexually abusive language in texts is in some senses a separate issue.
(169) This can be discerned in either or both of two senses.
(170) I know what you're saying and I think you've taken leave of your senses.
(171) Returning to his senses, Theseus flung himself down flat beneath the sweeping horns.
(172) Thus all the senses of mouth discussed earlier will represent lexical units belonging to a single lexeme.
(173) They are only limited reflections of formless matter that never completely yields to conceptualization through the senses.
(174) The technology of virtual reality uses a computer to map a user's body and senses directly into a digital world.
(175) There are many other aspects and dimensions of vision for it is one of the authentic senses of men.
(176) If this type of interviewer senses a weak spot he or she will hang on in there - mercilessly.
(177) I was running blind, but then Macrae faded from view and from my senses.
(178) Telepathy Similar in some ways to clairvoyance, but it mainly involves communicating with somebody else without using normal senses.
(179) In two senses the rural environment currently puts children at a disadvantage.
(180) Topic - word senses vary according to subject area or domain.
(181) They allow us to experience history with our senses and emotions rather than just understand it with our minds.
(182) The second manner of semantic variation concerns the activation by different contexts of different senses associated with ambiguous word forms.
(183) The senses, the imagination, and the judgment are the natural human powers concerned with external objects.
(184) Each species chooses to exploit the senses that its females are best at detecting.
(185) How great God is! He has given us eyes to see the beauty of the world, hands to touch it, a nose to experience all its fragrance, and a heart to appreciate it all. But we don’t realize how miraculous our senses are until we lose one. Malala Yousafzai 
(186) Pastel colours are gentle and romantic,[/senses.html] helping to restrain exuberant reds and yellows from overwhelming the senses.
(187) Drunks and drug-takers are less susceptible to pain, because their senses are numbed by whatever they have been drinking or taking.
(188) Eventually, I came to my senses and accepted that I was not fit enough to train like a 2:10 marathoner.
(189) Their senses are miraculously acute.
(190) Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
(191) Both vision and hearing are exteroceptive senses.
(192) They barrage one's five senses.
(193) My visual and audile senses were tangling.
(194) We cannot help the egoism of our senses.
(195) The drug blunted his senses.
(196) Repellency is not confined to the olfactory senses.
(197) What tickling of my senses!
(198) The adjective loose has several senses.
(199) All Dan's senses were afire.
(200) Vision and hearing are exteroceptive senses.
(201) He felt his body awaken excitedly, his senses swim.
(202) Was It'spring tickling her senses?
(203) Grief has blunted her senses.
(204) That guy must have been bereft of his senses.
(205) The air that came fragrantly to his brow revived his languid senses.
(206) The amateur astronomer must consult the exposure meter and not rely on his senses.
(207) The word & quot ; nationalism & quot ; is used in at least two distinct senses.
(208) It has become a sombre and speechless load upon the senses.
(209) Ultimately, the most purblind of lenders come to their senses.
(210) Hardly believing his senses he glanced at the willow branches - they really were quivering.
(211) I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.
(212) Bith have atrophied senses of aggression, concentrating their energies into art, music and technology.
(213) False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses.
(214) Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of argon.
(215) Because food has the five senses, the partial eclipse is harmful to the body.
(216) These verbs can also indicate somebody's physical ability to perceive with the senses.
(216) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(217) But not quite a little while, what people senses a thing is incorrect come.
(218) A device that senses and stores the instantaneous value of an analog signal.
(219) Discover the BMW Z 4 Roadster and let your senses run free.
(220) Michael rushes to Carlos and senses his neck, he senses no pulse.
(221) Let the pulsating hip - hop music excite your senses while you become a real hip hopper!
(222) The Animal: Platypus The Power : Electrolocation How It Works : Count your senses.
(223) Sheepskin - like soft texture, we enjoy the infinite charm from tactile senses.
(224) "Opium" is a provocative, sensual, and voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate.
(225) His mother senses a nearby predator(), but it's not the dingo.
(226) It reverberates, a soundless sound , a sense - lacking intruder on the senses.
(227) Silence has its own allure and grace , heightening all the senses, espe - cially hearing.
(228) A film is a mass culture, which contains thinking, artistic and commercial senses.
(229) It makes mock of your sound senses, and lays them in thistledown like fragile vessels.
(230) Sighthounds hunt by sight, Scenthounds by tracking with their superior olfactory senses.
(231) The encounter opened his memory and his senses, and left them dilate.
(232) It's dreadful when two people's senses of humor are antagonistic.
(233) I wish to dazzle - to bewilder - to inflame her senses.
(234) The customer cannot directly detect a kilowatt - hour with any of his physical senses.
(235) A film is a mass culture thinking, artistic and commercial senses.
(236) But , as for me, I come to the inquest with other senses than they possess.
(237) The type scale of modern landscape architecture increase gradually , and peoples esthetic senses change as well.
(238) But when Thy devotee's five senses merge in the five elements.
(239) With the other senses there is nothing quite analogous with the'line of vision '.
(240) Hot healing waters massaged me, and mineral vapours soothed my senses.
(241) These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.
(242) She could hardly believe her senses -- so good - natured and tractable had he invariably been.
(243) People believe that sensation is an immanent act of the senses.
(244) When a prairie dog senses danger it begins to chirp and retreat to its burrow.
(245) His mental state continued to affect his senses upon our return.
(246) A reverse power relay is a relay a wattmeter that senses the direction of power flow.
(247) In the proposition the thought is expressed perceptibly through the senses.
(247) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(248) I love my face, it lets my five senses proportionally distributed.
(249) My whole being exists in a formless void. My senses are idle.
(250) To Croft's keyed senses, the sound echoed up and down the river.
(251) Lucas senses that his girl is running out on him.
(252) The senses are the instruments of a newborn's instinctive knowledge.
(253) The famous panels were transported there and were enriched with Florentine mosaics representing the five senses.
(254) Premium Ceylontea blended with wild Forest Berries to create a truly luscious treat for your senses.
(255) A delectable sugar scrub, luxurious body lotion and handy fragrance a delicious treat for your senses.




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