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单词 Regeneration
1. The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.
2. Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.
3. The true regeneration of devastated Docklands seemed like pie in the sky.
4. Outlines two policy scenarios, one focusing on urban regeneration and the other on rural protection and urban compaction.
5. Surely the economic regeneration of the area was a priority, without which much vaunted training schemes were somewhat pointless.
6. Regeneration schemes have come and gone in Liverpool, but at least this one has succeeded in uniting the main players.
7. A strategic approach to urban regeneration for Britain's cities Carley, Michael.
8. Several government and local authority funded regeneration programmes have attracted retail and other industries to the area.
9. I think all these regeneration schemes should be under democratic control.
10. The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven.
11. The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
12. These primitive peoples are believed to have worshipped the phallus as a symbol of regeneration.
13. This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.
14. The extended boundaries, however, place the housing debate on Merseyside at the centre of the regeneration agenda.
15. There can be no doubt about the need for urban regeneration in the Cardiff docklands.
16. Thus the volume of water that a softener can soften before regeneration is a function of the hardness content of the water.
17. It aims to look at how the private sector has and can increase its involvement in local and urban regeneration.
18. The incident is passed on so that, over time, the betel nut becomes a symbol of eternal regeneration and devotion.
19. The use of sport to help or lead urban regeneration is often centred on conspicuous facilities designed to host major events.
20. Water is next passed in to remove residues of salt and regeneration products,() and finally normal running is restored.
21. The second level, that of poetic or dream symbolism, is inherent in all folk-tales, traditions and motifs of regeneration.
22. Key points are: The report considers key national issues under the headings of community regeneration and social and community care.
23. The morality of aseptic rationalism has superseded that of spiritual regeneration.
24. Its new approach of competitive bidding has already galvanized towns and cities into bringing forward imaginative proposals for regeneration.
25. Lax local authority policies and the undermining of policies of restraint on appeal, severely undermine processes of urban regeneration.
26. It had a pepper-pot effect that did not represent a comprehensive approach to urban regeneration.
27. Economic activities An increase in primary, and especially in agricultural production, will remain the basis of rural economic regeneration.
28. Several lines of evidence point to specific components of the peripheral nerve environment that support regeneration.
29. The smallest are unlikely to perform satisfactorily strategic functions like planning and economic regeneration.
30. We will support Urban Development Corporations in their critical task of urban regeneration.
1. The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.
2. The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
31. As a consequence, greater emphasis has been placed upon encouraging locally-based regeneration, and especially upon a revival of small firms.
32. In the meantime, Maginnis will continue to play a prominent part in the party's regeneration.
33. The regeneration arena: housing policy as a response to the desire to revitalise declining urban centres and the rural economy.
34. Many trophic factors can influence axonal growth and neuronal survival during nervous system development and in the regeneration of peripheral nerves.
35. Understanding the intricate mechanics of the human body will lead to new treatments or innovations like tissue regeneration.
36. He tells her of his need for regeneration and asks her to sit with him the night before his marriage to Blanche.
37. Dwyer also wanted to ensure that conflicting political and business factions did not undermine the regeneration strategy.
38. The retraction of finances from city coffers calls into question the government's real commitment to urban regeneration.
39. But the account of his moral fall and spiritual regeneration has brought a sudden end to all my sympathy.
40. The resulting openings, devoid of protective vegetation cover, were then subject to erosion which in turn precluded regeneration.
41. Private sector led regeneration has profoundly increased the inequality of access to both private and public goods in the area.
42. But it gave its inner-city policy a new direction by stressing the role of private enterprise in economic regeneration.
43. Inner-city degradation requires the responsible confidence of local business to plan and invest in schemes of regeneration.
44. It seems in retrospect that the Task Force in Merseyside was driven by Heseltine's particular vision of urban regeneration.
45. We have already sown the seeds of what needs to be done to bring about job regeneration in my area.
46. However, after 1984 a greater emphasis was placed on schemes designed to boost the physical regeneration of the inner cities.
47. Over the past six or seven years we have been victims of the city council's urban regeneration strategy.
48. Selection of a president who could meet the needs of national reconstruction and regeneration was truly a Perplexing task.
49. Securing public funds made available for urban regeneration has been a key target.
50. The indigenous community has borne the brunt of the costs of regeneration but has enjoyed few of its rewards.
51. I am keen to support any initiatives aimed at discussing ways of encouraging the economic regeneration of the area.
52. Our families are restored by forces of regeneration from both fundamentalist Protestant and traditionalist Catholic churches.
53. What stop axonal regeneration in Spinal Cord Injury?
54. With her help,(http:///regeneration.html) Raskolnikov began his regeneration.
55. Too much oxygen can also block regeneration.
56. Inseparability of regeneration from its fruits.
57. Conclusion: The pulsing field could improve peripheral nerve regeneration.
58. With her help, Mike began his regeneration.
59. Regeneration of the effluent by diaphragm electrolysis is suggested.
60. Cells continue the process of death and regeneration.
61. Hyssop is an oil useful to the regeneration of the skin and is a good addition to the bath, homemade lotions or body oils as a result.
62. The Coke Powder Activated Carbon has many advantages such as large adsorption capacity, high adsorption efficiency, fast filtration, convenient operation and high regeneration rate.
63. Under the peculiar eco - environment the damaged vegetation has a natural capacity of recovery and regeneration.
64. Conclusion:The implanted nerves in the rabbit reconstructed penis have resumed axoplasm flow. It is suggested that both sensory nerve ending regeneration and sensory function restoration are possible.
65. Based on the theory of DPLL, line phase locked and color subcarrier regeneration were designed.
66. Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of percutaneous electrical stimulation to accelerate peripheral nerve regeneration.
67. A multiparticle simulation to control the halo by a soliton function controller is performed. It shows that the halo- chaos and its regeneration can be eliminated.
68. Rape have established regeneration system of cotyledons, hypocotyls, protoplasts and microspore culture.
69. The result of the researth shows that combining bloody Schwann's cell with epineurium canal is more facilitative on regeneration of nerve.
70. One monoclonal antibody is in development for potential use in the regeneration of corticospinal tract fibers resulting from an acute spinal injury.
71. Adults is no regeneration of nerve tissue, but the stem cells can repair nervous system damage.
72. Genotype affected on callus induction rate, regeneration rate and green plantlet yield significantly.
73. We got the result: Bufo Raddei Strauch Tadpole (1) Bufo Raddei Strauch Tadpole was capable of lens regeneration, which originated from the epithelial cells at iris dorsal margin by dipigmentation.
74. The technology and kinetics of pyrolusite was studied in acid solution by using the cane molasses as reducing agent, which was the regeneration resource.
75. It was revealed that the regeneration of Fagus engleriana took place in the gap formed by the falling or death of one or several canopy trees. By means of ...
76. Morphological and physiological maturities of somatic cells directly affect plantlet germination and plantlet regeneration frequency.
77. Conclusion THSWD could improve the VEGF expression of callus tissue, accelerate the micrangium regeneration in bone stump and promote the healing of fracture.
78. Title: Dental Treatment in the Near Future: Prosthesis or Regeneration?
79. Due to the deficiency of the regeneration in the mature neurons, central nervous system has poor self-repair capability after injury.
79. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
80. Said method has the advantages of high deoxidization efficiency, simple equipment, easy to operate, short regeneration time of resin and large equipment periodic water yield.
81. And , activated carbon regeneration rotary furnace is transformed into vertical moving bed.
82. The desalting regeneration system is revamped by using the magnesium tail water from the intermittent nitric acid production unit to replace hydrochloric acid as the cation bed regenerant.
83. The natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation in sandy land couldn't be accomplished well in many introduction area, which have some barriers unknown.
84. We manufacture air dryers with heatless or heated regeneration to meet the broadest range of application and operator requirements.
85. The conditions of regeneration of the transformer oil in Dayawan Nuclear Power Station are present.
86. Long-term restoration of the human T-cell compartment after thymectomy during infancy: a role for thymic regeneration?
87. Objective To evaluate the effect of portal vein arterialization on hepatic regeneration.
88. In addition to its function as a neurotransmitter and vascular active molecule, serotonin is also a mitogen for hepatocytes and promotes liver regeneration.
89. Compared with the weak resin, the strong resin had the characteristics of long regeneration period, simple operation and low cost.
90. The lamina regeneration ability of Akihime and Toyonoka were better than that of their leafstalk.
91. Competitive inhibition between methane and propene was minimized by physical separation of the regeneration and epoxidation.
92. Comfrey is added to lotion because it guards against dryness and helps prevent wrinkles because it encourages skin cell regeneration.
93. After deactivation due to coking, catalyst could be regenerated by in-situ regeneration so as to reduce producing cost.
94. The coke and sulfur on the catalysts has been removed effectively and active metals are not sintered on the catalyst surface after regeneration.
95. Forest regeneration is lack of shrub layer and ground cover plant, and the ecosystem is under a very unstable state.
96. This paper studied the effect of the supplement of kanamycin and spectinomycin on regeneration of sugar beet petioles.
97. Conclusion Maltol may help create an environment that is more suitable for neuronal survival and regeneration by reducing glial proliferation.
98. Thoughmost of the molecular machinery that's used in regeneration has beenshown to be common to all multicelled animals, some machinery differs.
99. The catalyst bed requires periodic regeneration with a stream of hydrogen diluted in hot nitrogen.
100. Preconditioned grafts also exhibIt'sustained axonal regeneration and past the lesional site in histologic analysis.
101. Regeneration Status of Mangrove Forests in Mida Creek , Kenya: A Compromised of Secured Future?
102. Epithelial regeneration takes place principally from the epithelial lining of the sweat glands and hair follicles.
103. AIM: To investigate the mechanisms of augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) in promoting damaged hepatocyte proliferation.
104. It was the sign of the regeneration of the human race. It'superseded the Gross.
105. The corm of Amorphophallus sp. was used as explants for callus induction, bud differentiation and plant regeneration.
106. Origin of geo - century - old ship out, reincarnation and regeneration.
107. This study was carried out as a focus of a series of tests, to establish a way of regeneration in gladiolus quickly and easily.
108. The key technology of the diesel exhaust particulate filter is filter regeneration.
109. Induction of callus and plantlet regeneration were carried out from stem as explants in Pedilanthus tithymaloides(L.
109. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
110. After treatment, the quality of diesel was improved with the colority of diesel decreasing from 21 to 6. The adsorbent can be reused through solvent regeneration.
111. Bloodstone now gives you bonus health and mana regeneration for each charge it has on it.
112. BACKGROUND: Methyl cobalamin, a derivative of vitamin B12, can promote the metabolism of nucleic acid protein, axoplasmic transport and axonal regeneration.
113. Conclusion The conduit is a valuable method for repair of intracranial oculomotor nerve with a results equal to or slight superior to axonal regeneration compared with nerve grafting in cats.
114. The Corrosion of bottom reboiler of regeneration tower of gas desulfurization unit was introduced. The causes corrosion of and protection measures were studied.
115. Large surface area and strong absorptive power. High speed in absorbing diversified pernicious gases such as benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia. Regeneration in short time.
116. Bud regeneration is obtained from in vitro leaf culture of Actinidia deliciosa on MS medium with 6-BA, Zeatin(ZT) and Thidiazuron (TDZ), in the presence of IBA, respectively.
117. Facilitate sleep, stabilize nervous system, promote cell regeneration, and prevent ageing.
118. You will have to adjust the meter settings or days of regeneration for time clock units.
119. Periosteum and endosteum play roles in not only bone development and bone formation but also bone regeneration and bone reparation.
120. Conclusion The combined application of membrane guided bone tissue regeneration and true bone ceramic can accelerate the process of bone plerosis.
121. The factors that influence callus induction, shoot differentiation and growth of Helianthus annuus cotyledon were studied and an efficient regeneration system was established .
122. Each reactor is taken off stream in turn for regeneration.
123. If those work, hair cell - regeneration treatments for deafness may follow.
124. Yarrow has a spicy floral scent that is useful to stimulate regeneration and heal skin ailments .
125. Activation of lymphocytes and liver regeneration both involve perinuclear clustering of lysosmes.
126. Transparent tone-in-band(TTIB) and feedforward signal regeneration(FFSR) is a technology to combat the effects of multipath propagation delay and doppler effect in wireless channels.
127. Under heating , use desiccative air or nitrogen gas as gas stripping to complete regeneration of H.
128. The paper describes the development idea and process of EH oil regeneration device for large turbine unit, analyzes its practical, economical and social value.
129. A polyanhydride tube bridged both stumps to form a nerve regeneration chamber.
130. Objective To analyze the role of periosteum in guided bone regeneration by means of undecalcified sections and X-ray films.
131. The requirments , mothds and techniques of regeneration air cleaner on regeneration devices are been introduced too.
132. Conclusion: The stimulant method for myringoplasty may promote regeneration and healing of tympanic membrane by mechanical stimulation.
133. Opening up effect belt in dahurian larch (Larix gmelini) plantation can significantly promote the growth and development of manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) natural regeneration seedlings.
134. This number is close to the total regeneration time, including the negative gradient.
135. Studies on the regeneration process of amputated starfish arms are of great importance in the validation of the mechanisms of metazoan regeneration.
136. Phasmatodea is a group of insects with strong regeneration ability of leg autotomy.
137. One can also place a capful of the herb water in their bath along with the regeneration oil.
138. Objective : To sum up regeneration and repair of skin coated Jingwanhong ointment.
139. At present, Iodoform and Calcium hydroxide are popular agent for temporary medical root canal filling material(http://), which enhances apical lesion resolution and bone regeneration.
140. After the cracking reaction in downflow reactor, reaction products are separated and spent catalyst is directed to stripping and regeneration sections.
141. Glyph of Innervate - Your Innervate spell now grants you full mana regeneration while casting for 20 sec, in addition to the effect on the primary target.
142. We will cover topics relating to inner ear development and hair cell regeneration.
143. Anabolic steroids: Steroid hormone that increases tissue growth. Anabolic steroids are given to elderly or postoperative patients to promote muscle growth and tissue regeneration.
144. When regeneration fails in the assembly all parts andall un - regenerated features.
145. Razor Tergum excites every cell in his body, heals herself quickly in a duration time. The regeneration will be cancelled if she is damaged in the effect time.
146. Cat 40 Increases regeneration rate. The increase is based on your Ninjitsu skill.
147. The etherification activity of the deactivated E-01 catalyst can be completely recovered by coke-burning regeneration.
148. Objective To investigate the expression of GDNF in the olfactory ensheathing glia cells of the adult rats and golden hamster for studying the mechanisms of the OECs in the CNS regeneration.
149. Not only that, in the joint products in the energy saving, environmental protection and control is also better than abroad equipment regeneration hot spot.
150. Omeprazole stimulates liver regeneration after reduced - size liver transplantation and this regeneration may be mediated by gastrin.
151. High frequent adventitious shoot formation , plant regeneration and micro - propagation were established in trailing petunia ( Petunia hybrida ) leaf.
152. Forest edge regeneration in shady slope is an important mode for Larix principis-rupprechtii, which could be used as basis of zonal cutting regeneration design.
153. Objective: To observe whether a well vascularized temporoparietal fascial flap would improve rabbit intratemporal facial nerve regeneration repaired with chitin chamber.
154. Objective : To investigate the effects of immunosuppression treatment on peripheral nerve injury and regeneration in rats.
155. The regeneration ability of zeolite catalyst is examined with thermogravimetry and analysis of active stability of reaction.
156. So the regeneration of high loading rate sludge was noneffective.
157. The limitation of cartilage tissue for self-repairing and regeneration, as well as the aging of seed cells, confines the clinical application of tissue-engineering cartilage .
158. The conditions for Volvariella volvacea protoplast preparation and regeneration were studied by lywallzyme digestion.
159. The effects resulted from different patterns of mountain closure objectively reflected the interference level of the human activities to Chinese pine natural regeneration.
160. It increase skin elasticity, increases cell regeneration, replenish skin nutrients and moisture.
161. Holy paladins will use spirit as their mana regeneration stat.
162. This article overviewed the development of natural gas dehydrate, desulfurize and molecular sieve regeneration.
163. Study on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Theobroma Cacao L.
164. These modules apply well to the clock extraction, shaping and regeneration of 5B6B and 8B1H NRZ bit.
165. Regeneration frequency is the average No. regeneration shoots that a leaf regenerated.
166. Conclusion: FGF2 promotes regeneration in the olfactory epithelium, which is decreased notably at chronic sinusitis and may lead to dysosmia.
167. Artificial regeneration of Fraxinus mandshurica in forest range of Changbai Maintain was studied based on the survey and analysis of fixed plots in field contrast trial.
168. Ligation of the pancreatic duct or partial pancreatectomy have been shown to induce islet cell regeneration in the adult rat pancreas.
169. A current stimulation neural signal regeneration IC which consists of a detecting circuit and a stimulating circuit is presented.Sentence dictionary
170. The optimal conditions for protoplast isolation and regeneration of 4 auxotrophic mutant strains of Trichoderma were studied.
171. If this option is enabled, you will see the multiply method is put in the generated skeleton, and the Add method with its business logic is also kept in the skeleton after the code regeneration.
172. A regeneration system of plantlets was established with apical bud of Acer negundo L.
173. Promote cellular regeneration with this replenishing overnight treatment formulated with collagen-enhancing Centella oil plus phyto-nutrients Ginseng and Comfrey.
174. Levels of glycosaminoglycans in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontal degree II furcation involvement before and after guided tissue regeneration.
175. This is the first report of plant regeneration from the protoplast culture of an indica rice.
176. The stimulated signals amplify themselves within the magnetic fields reducing the need for signal regeneration.
177. With the defluoridation capacity of bone char regenerated as an index, the rules of regeneration were studied under different temperatures.
178. The breeding population must cycle through a selection phase before each successive regeneration stage.
179. The control surface plate timely and clearly shows work status of dry regeneration.
180. With service wear of DPF, or due to improper regeneration control, DPF burnout or sintering may occur, leading to DPF failure.
181. Two kinds of methods for the regeneration of magnesium nitrate solution are discussed, which are precipitation method and filter-press method.
182. Kentucky bluegrass regeneration system research progress in the world were summarized in this paper on the influencing factors such as the choice of explants, culture conditions, genotype and so on.
183. Nerve regeneration involves axonal sprouting, growthing and extension, as well as reconstructing synaptic relate with target cell, which can be depended to realize the nerves re dominated function.
184. The methods of regeneration and preventing deactivation of catalysts are reviewed briefly.
185. The content of the alkaloids in total solid substance was 69.3% The conditions of resin regeneration were also studied.
186. The deactivation and regeneration of ambient temperature COS hydrolysis catalyst were studied.
187. DATA SYNTHESIS: Periodontal regeneration is a problem in research for periodontology.
188. The KEB COMBIVERT R6 power supply and line regeneration control is a newly developed solution to efficiently return the energy to the utility.
189. Conclusion Ci-wu-jia electro-ionic osmosis from skin on DPN in combination with effective nursing care can promote the repair and regeneration of the injured nerve.
190. Several methods for regeneration control of diesel particulate trap are analyzed in this paper. Based on the analysis,[] the backpressure control method is selected for experimental study.
191. Taking mature caryopses as explant, the plant regeneration system of Zoysia japonica was optimized.
192. In the meantime, chemical promoter 4PU-30, Yield precise, humic acid and IAA can promote single spike weight and growth of regeneration bud, which resulted in high spike numbers and high yield.
193. It's been known that these satellite cells are crucial for the regeneration of muscle tissue, but this is the first demonstration of self-renewal of a single cell.




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