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单词 Springy
1 The grass was soft and springy.
2 She's 73, but hasn't lost that youthful, springy step.
3 We walked across the springy grass.
4 The turf felt springy under their feet.
5 The turf feels very springy underfoot.
6 The grass was springy and fresh-smelling.
7 They should feel springy to the touch.
8 Cicely has a springy, edgy way of moving, half way between a frightened deer and a 440 hurdler.
9 Helen and Mona and Callie bobbed on the springy front seat with Ralph.
10 There's these springy sort of things bouncing up and down on a string like they're alive.
11 Constant bouncing of the feet, through springy legs, is the essential rhythm of powder skiing.
12 Springy, sheep-cropped turf, crisscrossed with dry stone walls, ran down to the back yards of the houses.
13 Some artists prefer the springy sensitivity of an open canvas whilst others prefer the hardness or smoothness of a board.
14 But then came the springy, difficult to crush and easy-to-use filter matting.
15 His step was springy.
16 Remove breasts before the leg-thigh pieces, while still springy and juicy, and keep warm.
17 Those invigorating tramps across the springy heather merely whetted my appetite for more.
18 Bake in preheated oven until golden brown and springy to the touch,[] about 20 minutes.
19 Steam for about 12 mins until the cake is risen and springy to touch in the centre.
20 The stag was now at full gallop on the springy turf.
21 The rhythm section provided a perfect cushion for the soloists, springy and supportive but never obtrusive.
22 Instinctively, I took off my shoes and felt the springy grass beneath my bare feet.
23 Old vestments lay scattered on top, their colours faded, the material no longer springy soft.
24 If you pull them out of the oven at the right moment, muffins should be springy and firm but moist.
25 Marriner will ensure that the words are clearly heard, the instrumental parts all count and that the rhythms are springy.
26 Billy's short legs kept getting tangled in the heather, so he bounced along like a kangaroo through the springy tufts.
27 Mrs Taxos spoke sharply and Meg scrambled all anyhow on to the warm fur back and gripped the springy mane.
28 Tip the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 30 minutes or until the sponge is springy to the touch.
29 Bake for about 35 minutes or until the center is springy and a toothpick comes out clean.
30 It was like a rug, that grass was, so springy and silky and deep.
1 The grass was soft and springy.
31 Keep Titania tough, springy and challenging: this speech is an accusation, and the expression of her grievance against Oberon.
32 The fabric is lightweight, springy and non allergenic.
33 It better suited their springy dancing muscles.
34 It would result in the floor being rather springy.
35 He bounced into the room with a springy step.
36 Springy and soft, wool is nature's best insulator.
37 Round and springy butt usually highlights your sylphlike figure.
38 Springy balancer: It's for replacing hammer type balance.
39 He walked with a light , confident, springy step.
40 Wing Wah is famous for its shrimp wonton soup, which comes with springy, curly noodles that are still made by hand.
41 Are your muscles tough , springy and full of vim?
42 A light springy jump or leap, especially on one foot.
43 Big, round, springy footprints, the even, loping prints of a cat.
44 Car pets , once rich and uniformly springy, were thinning in paths.
45 A novel calibration apparatus called springy board calibrator that can be used for calibrating the extensometer, tiltmeter etc. has been developed.
46 He bounced into [ out of ] the room with a springy step.
47 All the kids went up the hill with springy steps.
48 If you buy the fish ready filleted, make sure the flesh is firm and springy.
48 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
49 Paul admired that so large an animal should walk on such springy toes.
50 Activists say Canada is attempting to block a deal to ensure that Hesperian countries springy up to promises to boost support to Africa.
51 Feedback is springy and defined without being noisy, though as with most keyboards the spacebar is rather audible.
52 He bounced into [ out of ] the room with springy step.
53 A novel calibration apparatus called springy board calibrator that can be used for calibrating the extensometer, tiltmeter etc.
54 They were in a clearing, completely surrounded by bushes, the turf underfoot was clean and springy.




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