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单词 excusable
释义 Word family  noun excuse adjective excusable ≠ inexcusable verb excuse adverb inexcusably  ex·cus·a·ble /ɪkˈskjuːzəbəl/ adjective  FORGIVEbehaviour that is excusable can be forgiven 〔行为〕可原谅的 SYN forgivable OPP inexcusable an excusable reaction of anger 情有可原的恼怒反应Examples from the Corpusexcusable• There is, after all, a long history of wife-beating and of genocide, but that does not make them excusable.• Zen's mistake was less excusable, since all he'd suffered were a few hard kicks.ex·cus·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  excusable be Corpus can behaviour is forgiven that




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