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单词 revenge
释义  Related topics: Sportre·venge1 /rɪˈvendʒ/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  1  REVENGEsomething you do in order to punish someone who has harmed or offended you 报复,报仇revenge for She wanted revenge for the insult. 她想报受辱之仇。revenge against/on At his wife’s funeral, he vowed revenge against her killer. 在妻子的葬礼上,他发誓要报复杀害她的凶手。in revenge for something a bomb attack in revenge for the imprisonment of the terrorists 为报复恐怖分子被囚禁而发动的炸弹袭击2  DSthe defeat of someone who has previously defeated you in a sport 雪耻〔指在比赛中战胜曾击败自己的对手〕revenge for The Australians took revenge for their defeat here last time. 澳大利亚队报了上次在这里被击败的一箭之仇。 a revenge match 雪耻之战 —revengeful adjective COLLOCATIONSverbstake revenge 报复He dreamed of taking revenge on his father’s killers. 他梦想着报复杀父凶手。get (your) revenge 报仇Louise eventually got her revenge by reporting him to the immigration service. 路易斯向移民局举报他,终于报了仇。have your revenge 报仇One day I’ll have my revenge. 总有一天我会报仇的。seek revenge 伺机报仇nThey play two women who seek revenge on their former partners.want revenge 意图报仇nYou broke her heart and now she wants revenge.exact/wreak revenge formal (=take revenge) 复仇nHe was exacting revenge on society.vow revenge (=promise to take revenge) 发誓复仇nHis supporters vowed revenge for his death.adjectivesa terrible/awful revenge 恐怖的报复Caesar returned to Rome to exact a terrible revenge. 恺撒回到罗马进行疯狂的报复。revenge + NOUNa revenge attack 报复性袭击The camp was burned down, apparently in a revenge attack. 营地被烧毁,显然是报复性袭击。a revenge killing 报复杀人nHer death was followed by a series of revenge killings.phrasesan act of revenge 报复行为The men were shot dead in an act of revenge for Khan’s assassination. 为了给遇刺的可汗报仇,就将这些人枪杀了。revenge is sweet (=said when someone feels good because they have got revenge) 复仇是甜蜜的It took me a long time, but revenge is sweet. 我花了很长时间,不过复仇是甜蜜的。Examples from the Corpusrevenge• Living well, it seems, is the best revenge, even for a genial poet.• The motive for the murder was clearly revenge.• And at the same time exact revenge on the whites he so despises?• Fearing revenge attacks, the government has sealed off the borders.• But the father kept to his revenge.• The second motive is a mixture of revenge and reproach.• We are not going to indulge in any politics of revenge.• Plus could it be the ultimate indie bassist's revenge?• Members of the party are seeking revenge for the assassination of their leader.• Their revenge was not complete in the knowledge that they could enter anywhere and take over.• I just wanted revenge, what Bacon called a kind of wild justice, I revenge for something• This was nothing but an elaborate hoax perpetrated by her in revenge for all the suffering I had caused her.• The claim that he strangled a son of David I in revenge for being blinded is late and seems improbable.• The statement claimed that the bombing was in revenge for the assassination of Musawi.took revenge• But tensions continued as victims of the repression took revenge against the cadres who had persecuted them.revenge2 verb [transitive]  formalREVENGE to punish someone who has done something to harm you or someone else 为…报仇revenge yourself on somebody The terrorist group is still looking to revenge itself on its attackers. 恐怖组织仍在寻找时机报复攻击者。 The poor murdered girl must be revenged. 一定要为被害的可怜女孩报仇。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrevenge• It was a great release from the torture of doubt, confusion, and anxiety to abandon her mind to revenge.• From that moment Medea set herself to be revenged, as well she knew how.revenge yourself on somebody• He vowed to be revenged on those who had killed his father.Origin revenge2 (1300-1400) Old French revengier, from avengier; → AVENGEre·venge1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1revenge2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to someone who Corpus order punish do you something in




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