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单词 Piled
1. Papers were piled in great heaps on the desk.
2. The sink was piled high with greasy dishes.
3. After the game, crowds of football fans piled out.
4. Rubbish was piled everywhere - it was disgusting.
5. Bull-dozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.
6. He opened the doors and they all piled in.
7. The plates were piled high with rice.
8. He piled the table with papers.
9. The lorries drew up, and they piled on.
10. Bales of cotton were piled up in the warehouse.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. If any more work is piled onto this office, I shall leave!
12. We piled plenty of logs up next to the fire.
13. The little girl piled one paper box on top of the other.
14. In the village market, the stalls are piled high with local vegetables.
15. Crowds of school children piled onto the train as soon as it arrived.
16. There's a lot of work piled up on my desk.
17. She piled great dollops of cream onto her apple pie.
18. Praises were piled on him after the game.
19. Letters were piled high in the tray.
20. Snow piled against the fence.
21. They all piled into Jerrold's car.
22. They piled out of the hall.
23. The sofa was piled high with cushions.
24. He piled bread and milk into his basket.
25. Floral tributes were piled up outside the church.
26. Mail was piled up just inside the doorway.
27. We piled the boxes up neatly.
28. The hay was baled and piled.
29. His desk was piled high with papers.
30. The clothes were piled high on the chair.
1. Papers were piled in great heaps on the desk.
2. The sink was piled high with greasy dishes.
3. After the game, crowds of football fans piled out.
4. Rubbish was piled everywhere - it was disgusting.
5. Bull-dozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.
6. He opened the doors and they all piled in.
7. The plates were piled high with rice.
8. He piled the table with papers.
9. The lorries drew up, and they piled on.
10. Bales of cotton were piled up in the warehouse.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. If any more work is piled onto this office, I shall leave!
12. We piled plenty of logs up next to the fire.
13. The little girl piled one paper box on top of the other.
14. In the village market, the stalls are piled high with local vegetables.
15. Crowds of school children piled onto the train as soon as it arrived.
16. There's a lot of work piled up on my desk.
17. She piled great dollops of cream onto her apple pie.
18. Letters were piled high in the tray.
19. The bus stopped, and crowds of passengers piled off.
20. He opened the door and they all piled in.
21. We piled all the baggage in and drove off.
22. The salvage was piled upon the pier.
23. The truck was piled high with fruits and vegetables.
24. They piled wood onto the bonfire until the flames roared.
25. The crowd piled into the bus in a few seconds.
26. He piled up fallen leaves in a corner of the yard.
31. They all piled out of the bus.
32. They piled stones on top of the mound.
33. Tables were piled high with local produce.
34. The children piled noisily into the bus.
35. Her plate was piled with salad.
36. Our very generous host piled our plates with food.
37. She piled the books on the table.
38. The children piled atop one another in the sand.
39. Ma stacked the cups and piled the plates.
40. The bus stopped, and crowds of passengers piled off.
40. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
41. Books were piled on top of one another.
42. Work has piled up during his absence.
43. Dirty plates were piled high in the sink.
44. She piled food onto our plates.
45. The taxi arrived and we all piled in.
46. He opened the door and they all piled in.
47. We piled all the baggage in and drove off.
48. Melissa piled spaghetti onto her plate.
49. The kids all piled into the car.
50. He piled a lot of logs.
51. Snow was piled up against the door.
52. She piled everything into her suitcase.
53. The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.
54. The room was piled high with boxes .
55. We piled sandbags against the door.
56. The weight just piled on while I was abroad.
57. A ship got piled up on a reef.
58. The salvage was piled upon the pier.
59. On the table were dishes piled high with sweets.
60. We piled the branches into heaps for burning.
61. England piled on the pressure from the start.
62. The coach finally arrived and we all piled on.
63. The truck was piled high with fruits and vegetables.
64. Bosses piled on the agony with threats of more job losses.
65. They piled wood onto the bonfire until the flames roared.
66. He piled his plate with as much food as he could.
67. The team piled on the points in the first half of the game.
68. She brushed her hair and piled it carefully on top of her head.
69. It was hard not to get rattled when the work piled up.
70. A wander around any market will reveal stalls piled high with vegetables.
70. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
71. The saucepans clashed as he piled them into the sink.
72. Letters were piled high in the tray on his desk.
73. He piled as much food as he could onto his plate.
74. Snow had piled up against the walls of the house.
75. On a plate in front of him was piled a pyramid of flat white biscuits.
76. Pierre came to pick them up, and they all piled in.
77. The crowd piled into the bus in a few seconds.
78. The German team piled on the pressure in the last 15 minutes.
79. The police were waiting for the hooligans as they piled out of the train.
80. Passengers with trolleys piled high with luggage waited at the check-in desk.
81. Crowds of emigrants piled onto the ship as soon as it arrived.
82. Snow had piled up against the walls of the cottage.
83. She slimmed down a couple of years ago but has piled on the pounds again.
84. When the bus arrived, the children all piled on it.
85. They piled up such a huge debt that they soon went bankrupt.
86. As soon as the train stopped, they all piled in/out.
87. There was a roaring fire was in the grate, piled high with logs.
88. Edward parked by the river and we all piled out.
89. A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load.
90. She piled the boxes one on top of the other.
91. His office was a disaster area with papers piled everywhere.
92. Several cars piled up after ignoring the fog warning on the motorway.
93. She piled the papers in a heap on her desk, just anyhow.
94. The books were piled up all over the floor any old how.
95. One car made a sudden stop and the car behind it piled up.
96. The books had been piled on the shelves in a haphazard fashion.
97. He piled up fallen leaves in a corner of the yard.
98. A few newspapers and magazines were piled on a table.
99. She had a most elaborate hairdo, all piled up on top of her head.
100. We carried on experiments one after another and piled up experience and data as well.
101. A fleet of police cars suddenly arrived. Dozens of officers piled out.
102. He has a lot piled on his plate.
103. Mattie piled her plate with food.
104. Garbage had been piled high on the sidewalk.
105. The top was piled with pulp magazines and such.
106. Dirty dishes were left piled in the sink.
107. He piled up huge debts.
108. The tray was piled with flour.
109. Gifts were piled under the Christmas tree.
110. Caught red-handed, her plate piled high,[http:///piled.html] she swung round.
111. The sky is piled with sunlit June cumulus.
112. He piled up snow and covered the remains.
113. All the combination platters are piled with food.
114. Instead, he piled loss on top of loss.
115. Then we all piled on to the team bus.
116. Woosnam piled on the agony with four successive birdies.
117. We breakfasted, then all piled in.
118. The shop was piled high with rolls of materials.
119. Why is your desk always piled high with novels?
120. People had piled the fallen stones into the shape of an altar, and had put a white lace-edged cloth on top.
121. Plant material was everywhere, hanging to dry from the ceiling, piled in bowls, tied in bundles ....
122. Minna had disappeared in the dark hallway where the rugs were piled on top of each other.
123. The clippings were piled on the soil as mulch and wetted.
124. The drivers piled them into cars and drove off to return shortly for another load.
125. He piled his dirty laundry up just outside my door.
126. The door burst open and the kids piled into the house.
127. Local media reported that when firemen entered the engine room, they found bodies piled on top of each other.
128. A red-haired girl, her hair piled atop her head beneath a hat the shape of a butterfly, noticed him watching.
129. Intoxicated by his success and the enthusiasm of his adoring crowds, he cranked up his rhetoric and piled on the symbolism.
130. Three youths piled into it simultaneously,[] puffing away in my face.
131. Runnerup: Helen Hunt, hair piled up and wearing a sleek, shining Isaac Mizrahi.
132. The police piled into the borough all through the day.
133. Outside, bigger, rougher rocks were piled up to the eaves, with scant little chinks left for doorways and windows.
134. Dennis cut his veal assiduously into tiny squares and piled them into a pyramid that he then inhaled in a single gulp.
135. A huge fire blazed outside on which we piled everything that could not be salvaged.
136. Holmes is alone, leaning back in his chair(), reading a manuscript piled on his desk.
137. On Saturday, Dole piled on, using Napolitano to blast Clinton judicial appointees as soft on crime.
138. They piled up scrap wood, boxes and other junk and made a big bonfire.
139. His hair is reddish-brown, streaked with grey and piled on top of his head.
140. Their bodies piled up in the streets before the authorities could muster the men needed to bury them.
141. The first lightning glimmered. Among the trees were boulders heaped together, piled and scattered.
142. Meanwhile, the crisis has piled injustice upon injustice for hundreds of prison inmates who have nothing to do with Tupac Amaru.
143. They piled into the car and headed off to the local market to sell the shot glasses and recoup cash.
144. Like a bulldozer, it plowed rock off the ocean crust that was descending and piled it into hills along its edge.
145. I saw crates of equipment piled upside down, or rusting from neglect.
146. When they'd gone Maggie gathered up the rest of the dishes and piled them in the sink.
147. Fenella, clutching the narrow ledge, standing precariously on the piled sacks, thought, in horror: Miach's spell.
148. She piled a week's dirty clothes into the washing-machine, and sat down with a book.
149. His note-book and the library books were piled neatly on the stone with the wire and cutters.
150. Charles piled up his plate and sat on his own in the corner.
151. Dieter opened it to shelves piled with Xlexican beer and several pitchers of tea-colored liquid.
152. The floodgates opened then and Bordon piled up six more goals.
153. There were books piled on three shelves, one on top of the other.
154. Black pajamas and conical hats piled out of the trucks and hurried purposefully off in all directions while the boss yelled orders.
155. This I corrected in a grocery store, piled with butter and big cheeses and shelves of pickles and bread.
156. For them, new losses would be piled on top of existing losses.
157. Then they must be split and piled inside the cabin.
158. She forced the sad and crushed skull below the snow and piled the ice above it.
159. The large stack of giant bamboo which had once been piled on the beach had vanished, absorbed into the raft.
160. They piled on the pressure to win handsomely by 30 shots.
160. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
161. There was, as Archie had promised, plenty of good kindling among the piled jetsam on the beach.
162. His armour was piled not three yards away, arrayed ready to be donned at short notice.
163. They also witnessed various nauseating sights including a car piled high with dead animals.
164. They burst into laughter and we piled once again into his car for another search.
165. The Rhode Island company also piled up other protective barriers.
166. The bales that are still in one piece are piled on to a wagon as they are brought in.
167. Bristol piled on fierce pressure and Middlesbrough paid for their lack of enterprise when Bristol equalised after 67 minutes.
168. A dispatcher for a small fleet of trucks, he found it hard not to get rattled when the calls piled up.
169. The piled fibres absorb and reflect the light, alternating deep and pale hues and giving the cloth its unique lustre.
170. The shelf and the floor were piled with books, boxes and folders stuffed with papers.
171. The interiors of these stores had crude floors, bare ceilings, glaring lights, gaudy signs, and merchandise piled everywhere.
172. Joe worshipped her and piled bunches of flowers on her lap.
173. It was the way one thing had piled on top of another that did it.
174. She pushes the empty frame behind the library books piled on the double sink.
175. Two pull and push a cart piled with props and belongings.
176. On the bed, a small four poster with the bolsters piled high, Allingham lay as if asleep.
177. Riven held back as Bicker, Corrary and Isay piled into them.
178. And Walsh piled on the pressure to get promises of advertising business.
179. Concrete blocks were piled high to fortify the government center.
180. These lumps can become somewhat rounded through rolling and they are piled up on top of each other to create pillow lava.
181. I remember coming off stage in Rio and being piled into a helicopter to take us back to the hotel.
182. Walker Evans records a roughly piled grave of loose earth topped with the impermanent and unstable memorial of a dinner plate.
183. Whole industries ground to a halt, rubbish piled up in the streets, transport stopped.
184. Opposite her, piled up on a chair, was a great mound of presents.
185. Pressure Gornei piled on the pressure from the start and by the end of the contest Griffin's face was badly swollen.
186. It piled on the agony for Glasgow, who had passed up another chance two minutes before the break.
187. They all piled into their cars and borrowed tractors, and headed for the Stanlow refinery.
188. Sewage flowed into open drains, and rubbish piled up for days before it was removed.
189. Porters pushed past, their trolleys piled high with sweet-smelling burdens.
190. The film is like a light pizza piled with heavy dressing[http:///piled.html], and it sags under its burden.
191. It adjusts the heat needed to incubate the egg by adding to or subtracting from the amount of compost piled above it.
192. There was a long halt, as a traffic jam piled up ahead.
193. The sufferings he saw everywhere piled up more and more tasks and threatened to overwhelm him.
194. Nestle and Pepsi and others piled into the freshly made iced tea area.
195. And that piled on the misery for Boro coach Venables.
196. The girl was lying on her side with her pink leotard and blue corduroy pants piled on top of her.
197. You see them being loaded and unloaded, sailing piled up to the funnel with cotton bales or wrecked by tornadoes.
198. A stack of copies was piled up at the entrance to the Arts Lab.
199. Children piled into the studio two afternoons a week and on Saturday mornings to study dance and improvisation.
200. As the microcontinents collided, they piled up the sedimentary rock along their shores into mountain belts.
201. Once, they positioned me at a table piled with matchboxes and labels.
202. They were grouped around ala white metal table piled with gewgaws, hair ornaments, earrings, a necklace.
203. What looked like flour-sacks were piled in one section of it, and the floor was dusted with yellowish powder.
204. The passengers were perched atop sacks of rice piled high in the back of the vehicle.
205. They all went on to a nightclub later, piled two deep into the Argyll.
206. They were buried in mass graves, the corpses piled one on top of the other under a few inches of soil.
207. The fog of the Golden Gate has piled up along the steep bank behind our house, engulfing our neighborhood in vapor.
208. He scooped out a hollow and lying down piled the leaves over him like a thick coverlet.
209. What the waitress brought me was a plate piled with weeds and seeds, topped with a zesty pink dressing with specks.
210. We piled into its crowded bar, incongruous among rough seagoing types, and found ourselves a table by the window.
211. She is surrounded by books and papers; her desk piled high with correspondence relating to her work.
212. Xerox was literally synonymous with copying machines; the revenues piled in and the profits piled up.
213. On a shelf at the top of the cupboard were piled paintings of all shapes and sizes.
214. The other, adorned with green toad-badges, wore steel skullcaps piled with simulated excrement.
215. Here the waters are split and piled up either side of a pathway across the sea bed.
216. The vandals broke into the house, piled the cooker with linen then switched it on and set light to it.
217. In the early weeks of 1979, ports were blockaded, the dead left unburied, rubbish piled high in the streets.
218. The wood is piled into the kiln, which is then lit at the bottom.
219. It came piled on a white plate: a hill of young romaine lettuce served with a sliced lemon.
220. Even double beds can be piled and piled with cushions to make an inviting couch for yourself and guests by day.
221. The cemetery is so densely occupied that in many of the mausoleums,[ ] coffins are piled up to 10m high.
222. Some young white boys are cruising, looking for trouble-beefy boys piled into a big old car.
223. She did slim down a couple of years ago but has piled on the pounds again.
224. The floors are piled with traffic signs, plastic bollards, broken Scalextric track, toy trucks and tractors.
225. Her pups were now piled together in a cardboard box lined with an old woollen jumper and several sheets of brown paper.
226. A classic story is told about the unveiling of a vast poster showing a dish piled high with baked beans.
227. Her bed, bedside table, and the floor under her bed were piled with yellow pads and books.
228. Helen piled bricks up in front of the stove, climbed up on them and began dropping the clothes in.
229. Old opinions were shed, stuffy woolly shabby old liberal vests and comforters were left piled on the shore.
230. City player-manager Peter Reid also piled in - and Townsend was still being restrained after Simpson had been cautioned.
231. While soldiers piled duffel bags into buses, i held Patience, and she cried.
232. Nearby, several rocks have been piled up as if intended to make a rudimentary windbreak or wall.
233. As her debts piled up, she came close to a nervous breakdown.
234. They laid the mattress over her, then piled pillows and coats on top of that.
235. They set the urn in a hollow grave and piled great stones over it.
236. The upper floor, reached by a vertical ladder, was piled with hay.
237. Then we barricaded ourselves in, piled our mattresses against the cell door.
238. Lifelong readers who kept the back issues piled in their attics renewed their subscriptions like clockwork at the five-year rate.
239. Pierre came to pick them up in the long Mercedes and they piled in with all their bags and appurtenances.
240. Woodmill piled the pressure on and were finally rewarded with a Martin Shores goal with only thirty seconds left.
241. Benjamin followed, studying the coiled slow fuses, jars of oil and small barrels of gunpowder piled there.
242. Quickly they piled into the car, which sped noisily and dangerously off through the quotidian traffic.
243. The trotting pony overtook a slow-moving cart piled high with sacks of dry-smelling wheat for a flour mill.
244. Here and there a porch is piled high with lobster traps or a yard is completely planted in flowers.
245. So it was the bait piled in by J.J. and myself the first night of a season in the early 1970s.
246. They'd piled him in with the dead, and it was only later a naval ensign noticed him twitching.
247. The back of the roof was piled high with their possessions.
248. That snow piled up outside windows in Washington and elsewhere in the Northeast may slow business even more.
249. Every inch of space in the tiny shop was crammed with goods, piled, stacked and shelved in chaotic order.
250. He took the tins of food through to the lean-to and piled them up on the draining board.
251. The clocks click like chips in a casino, piled to a wobbly tower.
252. Indeed I piled up on my home bookshelf many more volumes than appear here and which I have regretfully had to omit.
253. Since the 70s they have piled up in Kingston's poor districts, usually at election time.
254. Human beings are the same: they're piled on top of one another.
255. A secretary worked at a desk piled with green stock certificates, stuffing them into manila envelopes.
256. Garnish with lime slices and serve piled up in a dish.
257. There was a table with odds and ends piled on it.
258. At Camp Leatherneck, cases of bottled water are piled high under a makeshift shelter on Jan. 13.
259. Some dropped off wreaths and fresh flowers, piled high under the national flag flying at half-staff.
260. While I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.
261. As you travel around the area, you may see trucks piled high with mushrooms, for this is the mushroom capital of the United States.
262. On the horizon the bony hills shone like picked bleached bones piled high.
263. Having piled miles of files, the compiler smiled awhellole at the profile.
264. Both agree that the euro zone's problems have been caused by the laxness of countries that piled up debt and lost competitiveness.
265. Food is piled high onto group-sized platters, arranged on a lazy susan, and shared by the entire table.
266. Most those who make a man gratified is the book can reach the designated position, having a shelf is condole cabinet form, was piled up trimly to go up by the woman book of major of greater part head.
267. Three - wheeled bicycles piled impossibly high with plastic, cardboard and Styrofoam ply the streets.
268. A lot of farm tools are piled in the storehouse.
269. He loves humongous baked potatoes piled high with sour cream.
270. The rest of the space was taken up by cardboard boxes piled right to the ceiling, ten deep.
271. On Saturday night the boys always piled into the Ford, took little Josephine, and went to town to the moving-picture show.
272. Meat is piled high on a board, and the constant thudthudthud of a swinging c leaver echoes round the chamber.
273. Work No. 78 (1993), is described; "as many 2.5cm squares as are necessary cut from 2.5cm Elastoplast tape and piled up, adhesive sides down, to form a 2.5cm cubic stack".




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