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单词 entry level
释义  ˈentry ˌlevel, entry-level adjective  entry level product/model/computer etc a product etc that is the most basic or simple of its kind, making it suitable for people who do not have much money to spend or who do not have experience using the product 入门级产品/型号/计算机等Examples from the Corpusentry level• Scheduled to ship in September Velocity 3.0 will cost £17,000 for an entry level development seat with add-on seats costing £2,000.• We take a look at what is regarded by Ti'Ko as the entry level machine for serious computing.• Mechanically the entry level Polos remain the same, bar the adoption of fuel injection.• Pricing will depend on the number of modules picked up, entry level price is £5,000 and up.From Longman Business Dictionaryentry-levelˈentry-ˌlevel adjective1MARKETING an entry-level product/model/computer/car etc a product etc that is the most basic or simple of its kind, making it suitable for people who do not have much money to spend or who do not have experience using the productThey have added an entry-level machine, complementing their existing range of computers.2HUMAN RESOURCES entry-level job/worker etc a job etc at the lowest level in a company, profession, trade etcWe need to create more entry-level jobs for people with the fewest job skills who need opportunities the most. → see also entry level under level1entry levelˈentry ˌlevel [countable, uncountable]HUMAN RESOURCES the level at which someone who has little or no experience of working enters a company or organization at the start of their careerHe was told that he would be paid $5 to $7 an hour at entry level. → levelˈentry ˌlevel adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus is most that a etc the Business product




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