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单词 Rigorous
1. The ship is still in rigorous quarantine.
2. The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
3. The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.
4. Our teacher is so rigorous that he seldom lets up on us.
5. Vigorous youth is subjected to rigorous discipline.
6. The arms trade should be subject to rigorous controls.
7. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure.
8. He is a very rigorous man, very persnickety.
9. The airline has rigorous safety standards .
10. Rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.
11. The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate.
12. She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film.
13. The second team adopted a much more rigorous approach to the problem.
14. Taxis must conform to the rigorous standards laid down by the police.
15. They are a rigorous mystery(http://), governed by unfathomable equations.
16. Then a rigorous initial training period begins.
17. It includes proper complaints and rigorous inspection procedures.
18. The car is put through rigorous road performance tests.
19. Among them are: Rigorous standards in wiring and installation.
20. It advocated more rigorous standards for planning future projects.
21. She cited its rigorous program and emotional strain.
22. But rigorous historical analysis is not Kapuscinski's forte.
23. In fact, Lucas adopts a much less rigorous approach.
24. However, rigorous empirical studies have challenged such characterizations.
25. Rigorous shift patterns allegedly discriminated against women with children.
26. Performance evaluations will be more rigorous.
27. All the results of rigorous staff training programs.
28. To be rigorous, we should treat this number as an integer.
29. She has loads of natural talent as a runner and with rigorous training she could be a world-beater.
30. Few people have gone into the topic in such rigorous detail.
1. The ship is still in rigorous quarantine.
2. The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
3. She has loads of natural talent as a runner and with rigorous training she could be a world-beater.
4. The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.
5. Our teacher is so rigorous that he seldom lets up on us.
6. Vigorous youth is subjected to rigorous discipline.
7. The arms trade should be subject to rigorous controls.
8. The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate.
31. Clients sign contracts to become participants and agree to adhere to a rigorous schedule.
32. A rigorous syllabus and lots of tests dictate the kind of work done.
33. Under rigorous cross examination by prosecution co-counsel Cliff Harris, Sontag acknowledged that Davis' three siblings have led relatively law-abiding lives.
34. More rigorous ideologues of the left boycotted what they dubbed an illegal election.
35. In the main, however, the selection procedure is rigorous enough so that basic training does not have to be used for assessment purposes.
36. They are professionals with equipment which meets rigorous safety standards.
37. However, almost no one thought we had any chance of passing the rigorous war-fighting inspection soon to come.
38. Security at prisons holding category A prisoners is already very tight, with rigorous searching procedures.
39. The checks that were carried out were not particularly rigorous and did not in fact tend to reveal abuse.
39. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40. The Conservative case is more than a political ideal: it can be backed up by rigorous economic arguments.
41. That is needed where possible to make the strategic analysis more rigorous before final approvals are given.
42. There are some rigorous theorems which prove that context free grammars can not be learned, in a certain sense.
43. The Pope's visit to the Wailing Wall last Sunday marked the most rigorous test yet of his brotherly discourse.
44. It seems possible but highly unlikely that more rigorous standards were used for the categories that we happened not to study.
45. Every new drug has to pass a series of rigorous safety checks before it is put on sale.
46. The widespread adoption of a rigorous and effective pre-trial review?
47. The objective feedback to the employees is relevant, rigorous, and rapid.
48. The computational approach is, therefore, much more rigorous intellectually than that to which many psychologists have been accustomed.
49. They use exposure to the world of work to motivate young people to learn more rigorous academics.
50. Its theory is both rigorous and self-consistent and has provided descriptions of many aspects which structural grammar did not touch upon.
51. However only about one in ten offered is selected for the rigorous 12 week-long initial training course.
52. Each distinctive type should be subject to a rigorous set of explicit rules of discipline.
53. They prefer its quiet workouts to the more rigorous bursts of activity demanded by downhill skiing.
54. We don't really comprehend how rigorous the training in the guild system was.
55. There are also private parochial schools that provide a more rigorous curriculum.
56. Sad to learn that those self-evident truths, necessary truths, faltered so badly when subjected to rigorous examination.
57. His thinking is a little less rigorous than others, his language a little more colorful.
58. Promoting consistency and quality of service - the care programme approach added a more rigorous recording system.
59. Judging by their reaction to a recent study, only the most rigorous evidence will convince them.
60. A rigorous Porter-style analysis seems to be a more important ingredient in the decision inputs.
61. The arrangements announced yesterday to ease the introduction of the poll tax are symptomatic of a less rigorous approach.
62. Admissions criteria were rigorous, and included a personal interview as well as a three-month battery of tests.
63. Todorov's analysis of the Decameron tales is based on a very rigorous and literal use of linguistic categories.
64. To tamper with serfdom was certain to arouse wild expectations among the peasantry and would require the most rigorous control.
65. What counts is the emotive visual appeal to feelings or fears and not the logical appeal to abstract rigorous thought.
66. Some three-hour kindergarten programs can offer a lot of rigorous teaching and learning.
67. After you've waited three hours in line, the rigorous, fine-tuned serious art counts for little.
68. The dietary control of plasma phenylalanine concentrations requires rigorous restriction of natural protein intake, often to less than 6 g per day.
69. I was wrong, he said,() to think that the Black Studies Department had abandoned rigorous standards.
70. But not one of these discoveries has been verified to the satisfaction of rigorous investigators.
71. A more rigorous refereeing system or the restriction of scholarship to limited types may be introduced.
72. When he returned to Liverpool as manager, he introduced a more rigorous fitness regime.
73. The entrance tests for people wishing to enter the diplomatic service are particularly rigorous.
74. Staff are required to complete a rigorous induction, with training in handling emergency situations.
75. Improved diet is the best mode of attack but rigorous skincare is also essential.
76. When mid-table apathy sets in, I force him to undertake a rigorous training session which I, naturally, oversee.
77. Cowles developed an ecological approach within an academic framework that stressed rigorous pure research.
78. It should be robust enough to stand up to the most rigorous testing from the appraisal panel.
79. The crucial issue is proof the standard treatments have been subjected to rigorous examination to check that they are effective.
80. Every week we carry out around 15,000 rigorous tests on water samples.
81. Rigorous control procedures established that it was neither an artefact of nutritional compromise nor of preoperative bowel preparatory protocols.
82. Also, the approach has provided few concrete predictions or hypotheses that are subject to rigorous empirical measurement and testing.
83. The new government immediately announced a rigorous cost-cutting programme, claiming that the financial position was catastrophic.
84. The teams have been on a rigorous training schedule for the hundred mile long test of skill and stamina.
85. ProTech students were taking more rigorous mathematics and science courses than their peers, although their grades were not substantially better.
86. In lower panel vanishing point clear and perspective of each element rigorous.
87. A rigorous refereeing procedure means that only top quality papers are published.
88. What animals are capable of discriminating between has been subjected to rigorous experimental study for many decades.
89. The process entails interviews with equal opportunities officers, and rigorous questioning of his own beliefs.
90. As yet, however, no rigorous taxonomy of text types is available, let alone describable in terms of typical linguistic features.
91. Joe also underwent a rigorous exercise program to rebuild muscles that had atrophied from lack of use.
92. After all, flawed basic concepts should not form the starting point for rigorous analytical investigation.
93. All this requires imagination, patience, considerable linguistic skill, but above all a rigorous respect for the facts.
94. The debate about pepper spray has suffered from a lack of rigorous research.
95. There simply is no replacement for a rigorous, carefully planned sequence of academic course work.
96. Also the whole machine passed many rigorous tests with flying colors.
97. A combination of higher taxation and more rigorous academic standards led to a dearth of first-class amateurs.
98. Should this be realised, then assessment on the course may have to be more rigorous.
99. Instead of an anecdotal narrative it must aspire to the rigorous standards of a science.
100. There are some encouraging signs that they may benefit from rigorous application of competition policy.
101. Possibly not,(http:///rigorous.html) but that is the rigorous mathematical answer to your question.
102. In academic research we submit our findings to rigorous peer review.
103. It might be thought that such tenets were unambiguous enough in a democracy to be assured the most rigorous defence.
104. The Archive guarantees a secure database by a continuing programme of rigorous checks on the database's physical integrity.
105. Now there are calls for rigorous tests to be introduced.
106. There she inspected the results of a lifetime of disciplined diet and decades of rigorous ballet classes.
107. I think legal education is the most rigorous of educations, and that is a value unto itself.
108. Testing technique Technically, post-war testing became more and more rigorous.
109. The Bank itself commissioned a study which noted that approximately a third of its projects failed to meet these rigorous criteria.
110. He examined it for blotches and blemishes, and subjected any irregularities to the most rigorous scrutiny.
111. Like all her writings, Children's Minds combines great clarity and lucidity of expression with original and rigorous thought.
112. She can give him chapter and verse on Finance Acts and other current legislation, and is rigorous in keeping up to date.
113. All export controls of armaments and all our customers are subject to the most rigorous control and scrutiny, as she knows.
114. He reveres Cage for his rigorous search for simplicity, his fantastic openness to experiences and ideas.
115. However, its rigorous rules of membership brought about its early demise.
116. The work failed to meet their rigorous standards.
117. Why can't a woman write a rigorous periodic sentence?
118. Rigorous air-cooler model Rigorous Air Cooler design and rating.
119. They worked under rigorous conditions and the closest supervision.
120. This definition is well-grounded and rigorous.
121. A rigorous and comprehensive approach requires some preparatory work.
122. Extremely rigorous tests are performed throughout the assembly process.
123. All candidates must go through a rigorous selection procedure.
124. heart-warming case studies abound, but rigorous analyses are rare.
125. Our treatment is rigorous without being pedantic.
126. He made a rigorous study of the plants in the area.
127. Britain, the land of school uniforms, rigorous exams and ivy-covered school halls, is embracing an American invasion: the high-school prom.
128. The Master of Science in Finance (MSF) degree program provides students with a rigorous and intellectually sophisticated framework for analysis and decision-making in finance.
129. The rigorous requirement of circumstance protection gives the water-glass sand without pollution a good chance to develop greatly.
130. Production testing process rigorous, means complete, stable product performance, quality and reliable.
131. He didn't do the rigorous positioning work, the metaphor elicitation with customers, the ethnological and anthropological observational in situ research.
132. The reflection and transmission of coaxial waveguide partially filled with chiral media were solved by a method which combined the multimode network theory with a rigorous mode matching procedure.
133. Chicken, duck egg to undergo a rigorous disinfection, painted on it.
134. My budget included an historic down payment on reform, and we'll work with Congress to fully cover the costs through rigorous spending reductions and appropriate additional revenues.
135. Formal modeling methods used a rigorous mathematical semantics of the system description, but not intuitive formal models. It was difficult to understand the formal specifications.
136. The apprentice's training was harsh and unforgiving: Vader subjected the boy to rigorous physical tests bordering on torture.
137. A Malaysian geneticist, who declined to be named, said he hopes the experiments will be carried out under rigorous safety protocols.
138. When a nonmember country applies for WTO membership, there is a rigorous examination of that country's trade regime, followed by bilateral negotiations with WTO members in areas of their interest.
139. Advocate rigorous and careful, excelsior, accomplish one one's heart to endeavor, pursuit to the queen's taste.
140. Because above method is not a rigorous ratiocinative method, but a empirical diagnosis based on partial information, this method has robustness to the limitation of testing accuracy and information.
141. The character design to be rigorous and prominent, concise and ideas to science.
142. EXAMPLE: The young company's rigorous attention to generally accepted accounting practices impressed potential investors who could easily assess the company's potential.
143. At these programs, the standards for reporting employment statistics, in true B-school fashion, are rigorous and involve accountants (a system some law schools are considering).
144. We will consistently observe standard work processes, and guarantee topnotch translation quality through rigorous process control.
145. Make selection rigorous by selecting the best trees of many.
146. Company presently by strong development tendency, leading market consciousness, highly effective rigorous ISO management system rapid development.
147. It is at one and the same time the recognition of a fact in a fraction of a second and the rigorous arrangement of the forms visually perceived which give to that fact expression and significance.
148. In this area , the ecological environment is very rigorous for living things, and aridness and wind and arid are main threats.
149. Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism.
150. The control of human spirit by a renitent and rigorous cultural system makes you feel more like a fool than that of a foolish swordsman region.
151. It is based mainly on the rigorous intellectual disciplines of Madhyamika and Yogacara philosophy and utilizes the symbolic ritual practices of Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhism).
152. The semi-formal property of UML makes it difficult to support the rigorous semantic analysis and accuracy verification of the models of complex systems.
153. Moreover, the organometallic reagents needed to be prepared beforehand and the process was rigorous.
154. The input impedance and radiation patterns of the probe-fed cylindrically conformal microstrip antennas with a dielectric superstrate are analyzed based on a rigorous full-wave approach.
155. As a matter of fact, as Buddhism developed, the policies to examining Buddhist books and tonsure turned rigorous again since the sovereign of Ren emperor.
156. For all of us intuition is not a substitute for rigorous thinking and hard work: It is simply the lead-in.
157. A rigorous scientific plan plays a great role in promoting self-access learning.
158. Conclusions It is very important which the hospital have strict administration and rigorous organization structure and consummate emergency program to meet an emergency medical treatment remedy.
159. The first results point the way toward a rigorous, quantitative, historical linguistics.
160. Stable implementation of the rigorous coupled wave surface - relief gratings, enhanced transmittance matrix approach, is presented.
161. Baruch would have required more rigorous and intrusive regulation of all nuclear energy research and production — civilian and military — through an Atomic Development Authority.
162. It is a rigorous method to use the proton condition and distribution coefficient to treat the acid-base equilibrium in aqueous solution.
163. Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children.
164. There are, of course, no answers to the life-and-death issues Mr. McCarthy raises, but there are more rigorous, coherent ways to frame the questions.
165. The rigorous geometric model based on the collinearity equations is the basic model for object positioning of high resolution remotely sensed imagery.
166. Engineering departments follow - or should follow - rigorous engineering Methods : That ensure the feasibility and quality of the technology.
167. But the rigorous discipline and sacrifices involved in raising an overachiever are not for the faint of heart.
168. Becoming a fully credentialed actuary requires passing a rigorous series of exams, usually taking several years.
169. Some pundits are worried that these candidate Q-and-A sessions have supplanted regular newscasts with something less rigorous journalistically.
170. A rigorous model was set up for an acetic acid oxidation column.
171. Ferroir's team took the next step and put the diamond-resistant crystals under the scrutiny of some very rigorous mineralogical analyzing instruments to learn how its atoms are lined up.
172. The EPA said its finding was based on a rigorous review of science on six greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.
173. Only a rigorous academic institution like Harvard-Radcliffe will give me the education I desire in order to pursue my ever-rising personal and professional goals.
174. He felt that more rigorous standards of readmission should apply.
175. The limitation of scalar method for diffractive grating is evaluated by comparison with rigorous coupled - wave analysis.
176. Products issued through the rigorous screening tested in the Yuhuan County medical packaging of the Joint Inspection and Test Center (Our Company is one of ite cooperation enterprises. ).
177. EA series are constructed with high - grade components designed to operate reliably even under rigorous conditions.
178. The product is made of superior petroleum distillate with scientific , reasonable and rigorous process.
179. A dull, plain girl she was called by rigorous critics.
180. At the same time, there are no rigorous and effective methods to guide the design of microwave-assisted chemical reactor.
181. Recently, he completed his rigorous and evenhanded biography, "Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention" (Viking; $30), but, in an echo of his subject's fate, he died on the eve of publication.
182. We provide a rigorous test of this idea, using a compilation of 63 samples of geometrid moths from northern Borneo.
183. Sound power determination in reverberation chambers is discussed in the light of normal mode theory. Rigorous as well as statistical formulas are found, and the aged problem of.
184. This position requires a rigorous program of independent research, multidisciplinary collaboration, and mentoring.
185. The hopper bottom sword is double close set, edge is pressurize rigorous.
186. The data go through rigorous quality-control procedures before they enter the Global Historical Climatology Network, which NCDC uses to monitor long-term trends in temperature and precipitation.
187. With serious and rigorous attitude, excelsior and prudential working way and all kinds of service on stunt creation, we will make every products brilliantly and voluptuously .
188. The long-term integrity of modular system structures requires information hiding, which enforces a rigorous separation of interface and implementation.
189. This should open the door for students, especially older ones,( ) to study about religion in a more rigorous way and without crossing the church-state line.
190. This testing, combined with our already rigorous telco carrier grade testing, helps WebSphere Application Server V7 be one of the most stable SIP application servers on the market.
191. His fine brushwork rigorous modeling portraits, portrait of attention fluid lines, robust hearty, free-style, completely out of the old ladies painted figures Sophie inveteracy trivial detail.
192. Sometimes, depending upon the type of system, you need more rigorous code inspections by independent auditors.
193. As a new branch of logic, semi-symbolic logic intends to break through the limitation of traditional and modern logic to build up a logical system, which is both rigorous and easily to understand.
194. The more rigorous the thinning, the greater the possible genetic gain.
195. Our system ensures that documents go through a rigorous checking process to ensure accuracy and thoroughness.
196. Before changing public policy, Dr. Alderman and Dr. McCarron suggest trying something new: a rigorous test of the low-salt diet in a randomized clinical trial.
197. He rapidly acquired an enormous international reputation as a scholar who was rigorous in his methods, encyclopaedic in his reading and humane in his mode of expression.
198. But when the spotlight was turned on only the more methodologically rigorous studies, a potentially harmful association was found.
199. Since the Project List artifact produced during this phase contains recommendations to commence specific implementations, more rigorous estimation than in phases A and B is required.
200. When an organization faces software development challenges, there is a tendency to impose a more disciplined process on the organization with more rigorous sequential processing.
201. The American Petroleum Institute and rigorous review organizations have made use of API Monogram.
202. Symmetrical and rigorous adornment is indicating master style and position. Special distinctive headboard , under cover arses if in simple geometrical logo a certain obscure truth.
203. Numerical results show that there is no rigorous intermittency behavior in the frame of the model.
204. Trading according to rigorous fundamental research can often mirror sustainable investing, which seeks to profit by taking into account social and environmental factors, he says.
205. Have an experienced, results - oriented style of rigorous, business skills, innovation and strong research design team.
206. The recalculation especially affected China because this is the first time the country has been surveyed in a rigorous fashion for price data.
207. In general, the course may be looked on as a, rigorous introduction to the study of the learning and development of central properties of syntactic structure.
208. Excelsior web pages and rigorous application development and perfect after - sales service .
209. Using rigorous field analysis, the dispersion characteristics of the disk-loaded waveguide filled with plasma is analyzed in a strong longitudinal magnetic field.
210. This paper provides a rigorous solution by the method of superposition.
211. The way to avoid this problem is a rigorous cost-benefit analysis of each government project.
212. Analysis is the rigorous investigation of limiting processes in mathematics.
213. And reassurances that the due diligence performed on Merrill's books had been rigorous, despite the rush, look risible.
214. This is the rigorous statement of the principle of the equipartition of energy.




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