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单词 Abandonment
1. The whole district had an air of abandonment and neglect.
2. The abandonment of the island followed nuclear tests in the area.
3. Constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day's competitions.
4. Lack of money led to the abandonment of this plan.
5. Sometimes through abandonment; more often through non-marriage or divorce.
6. A sense of abandonment overhung the.once proud station.
7. He was simply overwhelmed with a feeling of abandonment.
8. Your advice entails the abandonment of our entire project.
9. The atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible.
10. Urban abandonment or urban renaissance Power, Anne.
11. The abandonment of grandiose planning intentions was the consequence of market conditions.
12. Looks at evidence of abandonment including empty property, declining property values, and demolition.
13. If both parties committed abandonment, adultery, or extreme cruelty, the union was still held to be inviolate.
14. Fromm connects the fear of abandonment with the frustration arising from a necessary dependence upon others.
15. This led to the partial abandonment of physical controls and a move towards financial disciplines for the nationalised industries.
16. This was rightly interpreted as meaning the abandonment of invasion plans - at least for that year.
17. This abandonment of a Tyneside base by ship owning interests would not necessarily reduce recruitment of merchant seamen from the Tyne.
18. The abandonment of separate education, peculiarly enough, has occurred without any visible national debate.
19. Bishop's change in theological position and his abandonment of monastic life both caused sorrow to his community.
20. She said the things that protect children from their fear of night, their anxieties about change, the terror of abandonment.
21. If a girl married without her parents' consent, she would risk abandonment by family and tribe.
22. An undue emphasis on the initial technological concept can lead to unrealistic expectations and an early abandonment of the innovation process.
23. As a result, violent explosions rocked the vessel and led to its abandonment within an hour of the attack.
24. A friend failing to turn up for a date may reawaken deep-seated fears of abandonment.
25. A monstrous pain crackling along the frozen nerves to leave her dry crying, wordless sobs of abandonment.
26. Rough, because of the emotional issues of separation and abandonment and being uprooted.
27. Such a shaking is experienced as supreme betrayal - total abandonment of the source of life and comfort.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. The purist will feel the greatest disappointment though in the abandonment of any notion that pitches should be uncovered.
29. Rusted chains hung from roof girders; the floor was concrete, fouled by the windswept detritus of years of abandonment.
30. The philosophical importance thus attached to the individual coincided with abandonment of traditional values.
1. Lack of money led to the abandonment of this plan.
31. The most important change must be the abandonment of tariffs, and the freeing of international food exchange.
32. The wet weather has already caused the abandonment of several fixtures, including today's card at Ludlow.
33. Sir Haydn's family intended to seek an Abandonment Order for the line and sell it for scrap.
34. The very air was permeated with the smell of abandonment and neglect.
35. The scene before her was one of complete abandonment and Eline recoiled in embarrassed fury.
36. How far did the abandonment of demesne lands affect the income of the landowners?
37. Gannon was unable to provide exact statistics on whether or not child abandonment cases had increased.
38. The woman pulled on her cigarette, then blew the smoke away straight up into the air with an exaggerated abandonment.
39. He describes the suffering, emptiness, abandonment and loneliness that he is experiencing.
40. The Kyoto protocol on global warming, the abandonment of which has brought Mr Bush so much reproach, was indeed flawed.
41. There, the themes of depth, impenetrable darkness, water, abandonment, corruption and death are all present at once.
42. In many schools in the 1960s a revulsion against decontextualised exercises brought about a complete abandonment of the teaching of grammar.
43. These perverse effects are compounded by the heavy political price that has to be paid: the abandonment of monetary sovereignty.
44. All Saunders' finely crafted drawings, in fact, suggest speed and fluidity and an abandonment of conscious control.
45. The abandonment of trees makes the species, especially the young, prone to ground predation.
46. It was certainly not a highly emotional state, nor was it an abandonment of old modes of perception.
47. Schoenberg represented the other side of the dialectic: the abandonment of tonality.
48. But as long as this incremental approach remains half-hearted, wholesale abandonment of parts of the city begins to make grim sense.
49. Numerous instances of the dumping or abandonment of toxic chemicals and other materials have been discovered.
50. the government's abandonment of its new economic policy.
51. Notice of abandonment may be waived by the insurer.
52. Maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behavior.
53. Mary Shelley knew something about loneliness and abandonment.
54. If you have more freedom to allow farmers to dispose of land power, not only can reduce the abandonment of land, the land can be more effective.
55. The first is the final abandonment of the idea that has animated Citigroup since Sandy Weill engineered the merger of his company, Travelers, with Citicorp in 1998—that of the financial supermarket.
56. Not only that; since the U.S. abandonment of the gold standard in 1933, Federal Reserve Notes have been legal tender for all monetary debts, public or private.
57. Sure, sometimes they do dumb things like throw tantrums, but even in that you can see their pure abandonment of everything but what is happening to them right now.
57. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
58. In the case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given.
59. That attainment of these objectives required abandonment of the traditional posture did not deter Roosevelt.
60. Cathy's experience of abandonment is hard for a Martian to understand.
61. Abandonment in marine insurance is when constructive total loss happens, the assured transfer rights of the insurer to the subject matter insured and demands indemnification from the insurer.
62. Probed new regulations and practice of calculation of asset depreciation, devalue preparation, prediction of abandonment charge and rights and interests of the mineral district.
63. Where an insurer has re - insured his risk, no notice of abandonment need be given by him.
64. His poetics reveals his anxiety that the organon -oriented thinking in the period of industrial civilization will bring about not only the abandonment of poetics but also the death of mother earth.
65. It also marks the possible abandonment of a French-backed plan for banks to roll-over their Greek debt.
66. Organized abandonment gives them a way out of the morass.
67. WHY DID SO MANY LINGUISTS and psychologists object strongly to the abandonment of phonics?
68. They liken Obama's rejection of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt to Jimmy Carter's 1979 abandonment of the shah of Iran.
69. Abandonment is a unique legal system in marine insurance law.
70. The death penalty was abolished; the abandonment of nuclear weapons confirmed.
71. You're caught up in three devastating feelings: hurt, abandonment, and doubt.
72. In case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given.
73. And premature abandonment of the continuity assumption by accountants may cause liquidation if it results in demands by creditors for repayment of accounts outstanding.
74. Therefore in my opinion, self - abandonment and sympathy are just what George Eliot strongly advocates in Middlemarch.
75. Where notice of abandonment is accepted the abandonment is irrevocable.
76. He would be happy if it cost all honesty of statement , all abandonment of truth.
77. A great deal of research has been done on shopping cart abandonment.
78. In other words, nonuse does not constitute abandonment by itself.
79. But the deal mentions only an initial " disablement " of facilities, not their abandonment.
80. Last week seemed to have Been spent in reckless aBandonment.
81. You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love.
82. Many of these changes consisted of the abandonment of a pegged exchange rate in favour of a more flexible exchange regime.
83. The way of life is wonderful: it is by abandonment.
84. The grounds for abandonment may include injury ascribable to the opponent's actions.
85. "Spiritual poverty" of the poverty university students mainly has several kinds of behavior such as self-obturate, anxiety and melancholy, green-eyed monster, abandonment.
86. The United States said there was no link between Libya's abandonment of efforts to develop nuclear arms and other weapons and the current military campaign by Western nations.
87. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms.
87. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
88. A desolate place has, by definition, no inhabitants. It is characterized by abandonment, joylessness and barrenness.
89. Abandonment refers to the network replacement of a connect signal with an on-hook signal (network) prior to receiving a CI (customer installation) answer signal.
90. Where notice of abandonment is properly given, the rights of the assured are not prejudiced by the fact that the insurer refuses to accept the abandonment.
91. The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit.
92. The mystic deliria , the madness amorous, the utter abandonment.
93. The causes and patterns of child abandonment in China are complicated.
94. White's theories of self injection and lorazepam pills happened during not in 2 minutes but during other times of abandonment.
95. There is a downside to the higher sales, however: increased abandonment.
96. Is emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment tested at each abandon ship drill?
97. Chinese laws prohibit discrimination, insult and injury against the handicapped or their ill-treatment and abandonment.
98. But for business-critical functions, abrupt abandonment for non-performance is untenable.
99. However, two consecutive years of non - use raise a presumption of abandonment.
100. With the abandonment of mercantilism and the grant of oversea state trading monopolies, paternalism gave way to private enterprise.
101. Moreover,(http:///abandonment.html) some unconscionable human activity destroyed entironment and accelerated the abandonment process of ancient ruins.
102. Abandonment appears in the ship insurance contract of marine insurance first.
103. In its most general sense, corruption means the perversion or abandonment.




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