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单词 suddenly
释义 Word family  noun suddenness adjective sudden adverb suddenly  sud·den·ly /ˈsʌdnli/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  SUDDENLYquickly and unexpectedly 突然,迅速而意外地,突如其来地 I suddenly realized that there was someone following me. 我突然意识到有人跟着我。 George died very suddenly. 乔治死得非常突然。[sentence adverb] Suddenly, the eagle opened its wings. 突然,鹰展开翅膀。 THESAURUSsuddenly used when something happens very quickly and unexpectedly 突然,迅速而意外地Suddenly, there was a loud bang. 突然间嘭的一声巨响。I suddenly realized what had happened. 我突然意识到出了什么事。Her husband died suddenly at the age of 64. 她丈夫 64 岁时突然去世。all of a sudden suddenly – used especially in stories or descriptions of past events 突然〔尤用于讲述故事或描写过去的事情〕All of a sudden, he takes a gun out of his pocket and shoots. 突然,他从口袋里掏出一把枪射击。He just all of a sudden decided to leave. 他突然就决定要走。without warning suddenly and with no signs that it was going to happen – used about bad or dangerous things 突然,没有警告〔用于坏事或危险情况〕One day, he collapsed without warning. 一天,他毫无征兆就倒下了。Then, without warning, her husband left her. 然后,她丈夫没有任何预兆地就离开了她。out of the blue suddenly and unexpectedly – used especially when you hear from someone you have not seen for a long time or when someone tells you something that surprises you 出乎意料地,突如其来地She turned up on my doorstep, out of the blue. 她出人意料地出现在我家门口。The offer had come completely out of the blue. 机会来得完全出乎意料。at short notice British English, on short notice American English suddenly, so that there is not much time to prepare or change arrangements 在短时间内He came into the side at short notice, when another player was injured. 另一个球员受伤,他立刻被招进球队。Occasionally, tours may have to be cancelled at short notice. 旅行偶尔会被临时取消。on the spur of the moment used when talking about things you decide to do suddenly, without planning them beforehand 一时冲动We all buy things on the spur of the moment. 我们都会心血来潮地买东西。On the spur of the moment, I decided to go and talk to her about it. 我一时兴起决定去和她谈这件事。Examples from the Corpussuddenly• Carl, as it happened, left our school almost as suddenly as he had come there.• Several years ago her husband died suddenly at the age of 64.• It tore past me, and I suddenly knew: the Wild Huntsman had commanded it to carry away a human soul.• Having hundreds of millions of people watching on television suddenly made sense, for a moment.• Jane suddenly realized she was falling in love with him.• I suddenly realized that there was someone following me.• As suddenly, she rejected the idea.• Suddenly there was a knock on the door.• Suddenly there was a loud bang and all the lights went out.• As the train slid slowly into Asansol station, Brother Mariadas, suddenly wide awake, shook me out of my reverie.• You bring the glass up to your lips, but suddenly you think: What am I doing?suddenly realized• She suddenly realized he really was interested in the ship.• He only wished again for help and then suddenly realized he was wishing for Cynthia.• I tried to sound composed, not to show courage but because I suddenly realized it was simply the only alternative.• Glover suddenly realized that he linked both this boy and Lois with the end of his privacy.• Arriving, I suddenly realized that I didn't have a job to do.• At that point she suddenly realized that she had the most perfect, most gorgeous, most responsive baby in the world.• I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved.• As Zen turned away he glanced at the calendar hanging beside the phone, and suddenly realized what day it was.sud·den·ly adverb →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable  quickly and unexpectedly Corpus




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