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单词 elusive
释义  e·lu·sive /ɪˈluːsɪv/ ●○○ adjective  1  FINDan elusive person or animal is difficult to find or not often seen 〔人或动物〕难找的,不常见到的 She managed to get an interview with that elusive man. 她设法采访到了那个行踪飘忽的人。2  DIFFICULTan elusive result is difficult to achieve 困难的,难实现的 She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive. 她在这个国家享有稳固的声誉,但却一直难以在国际上取得更大的成功。3  FINDan elusive idea or quality is difficult to describe or understand 难以表述的;难懂的 For me, the poem has an elusive quality. 对我来说,这首诗有点难以捉摸。 —elusively adverb —elusiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuselusive• A cure for the disease has proven to be elusive.• The nature of things was to be elusive.• Even a relatively modest addition to the liberal framework, universal health coverage, remains elusive.• I can find the Big Dipper, but the North Star can be elusive.• The fox is a sly elusive animal.• The gray fox is a very shy elusive creature.• Most students find that the first job does eventually come along, and even that elusive Equity card is attainable.• the elusive key to corporate success• We repeatedly tried to contact the manager, an elusive man who was never in his office.• The team came within one game of the elusive state championship.e·lu·sive adjectiveChineseSyllable  difficult person or is animal an elusive Corpus




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