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单词 punishment
释义 Word family  noun punishment adjective punishable punishing unpunished punitive verb punish  pun·ish·ment /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ ●●● W3 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]PUNISH something that is done in order to punish someone, or the act of punishing them 惩罚手段;处罚 → punitivepunishment for The punishment for treason is death. 叛国罪可叛处死刑。as a punishment I was sent to bed as a punishment. 作为惩罚,我被打发上床睡觉。2  [uncountable] informalDAMAGE rough physical treatment 粗暴对待;糟蹋 tough plants that can take any amount of punishment 不怕粗暴对待的坚韧植物 → capital punishment COLLOCATIONSadjectivesharsh/severe 严厉的The court decided the original punishment was too severe. 法庭认为原先的判罚太过严厉。light 轻的The punishment seemed very light. 这一处罚好像很轻。just/fitting (=appropriate and right) 公正的/合理的Death would be a just punishment. 死刑是公正的惩罚。physical punishment 体罚Children respond more to affection than to physical punishment. 儿童对爱的反应比对体罚更积极。corporal punishment (=when someone punishes a child by hitting them) 体罚nCorporal punishment is banned in state punishment (=death as a punishment for a crime) 极刑,死刑nThe are trying to abolish capital punishment except in cases of terrorism.the maximum punishment 最高惩罚nThe charge against him carries a maximum punishment of a year in jail.verbsgive somebody a punishment 给某人惩罚He deserved the punishment he was given. 他是罪有应得。nThe teacher may impose reasonable punishments.hand out punishments (=give people punishments) 给予惩罚The courts are handing out harsher punishments to reckless drivers. 法庭对鲁莽驾车者的处罚更趋严厉。nimpose/mete out a punishment formal (=give someone a punishment)Life imprisonment should be the maximum punishment meted out by the state.receive a punishment 受到处罚He received the maximum punishment. 他受到了最高的处罚。escape/avoid punishment 逃脱惩罚The thieves managed to escape punishment. 这些窃贼设法逃过了惩罚。carry a punishment (=used when saying what the punishment for something is) 应受处罚The offence carries a punishment of up to 10 years in prison. 这一罪行最高可判十年徒刑。inflict a punishment (on somebody) (=punish someone, especially physically) (对某人)施以惩罚〔尤指体罚〕nThe abbot could inflict corporal punishment for gross disobedience.phrasesthe punishment should fit the crime (=it should be appropriate) 罚与罪相当The public believe that the punishment should fit the crime. 公众认为量刑应与罪行相当。 THESAURUSpunishment something that is done in order to punish someone, or the act of punishing them 惩罚I don’t think they deserved such a severe punishment. 我认为他们不该受这么严厉的惩罚。The usual punishment is life in prison. 通常是判处无期徒刑。sentence a punishment given by a judge in a court 宣判,判决He was given a long prison sentence. 他被判长期监禁。They asked for the maximum sentence. 他们要求判处最高刑罚。fine an amount of money that you must pay as a punishment 罚款I got an £80 fine for speeding. 我因超速被罚款80英镑。There are heavy fines for drink-driving. 酒后驾车要受重罚。penalty a general word for a punishment given to someone who has broken a law, rule, or agreement 刑罚,惩罚〔统称〕What’s the penalty if you get caught? 你被发现的话会受什么处罚?He called for stiffer penalties for crimes involving guns. 他呼吁对涉枪犯罪施以更严厉的刑罚。the death penalty (also capital punishment) the system in which people are killed as a punishment for crimes 死刑If he is found guilty, he faces the death penalty. 他若被判有罪,将面临死刑。A number of states have abolished capital punishment. 一些州已废除死刑。community service unpaid work helping other people that someone does as punishment for a crime 社区服务He was given a choice between doing 200 hours of community service, or a big fine. 他可以选择200小时的社区服务或交付一大笔罚款。corporal punishment the punishment of children by hitting them 〔对儿童的〕体罚I don’t agree with corporal punishment. 我不赞成体罚。Corporal punishment was abolished in schools in 1987. 1987年体罚在学校里被废除。Examples from the Corpuspunishment• Punishments for bad behavior can range from time-outs to withdrawing privileges, such as television• He would silence noise by poking his head down the first step and yelling threats of appalling punishment.• Now we are overtaken by guilt, and the pain of fear and helplessness is interpreted as punishment for nameless sins.• Our eagerness for capital punishment echoes the mentality of the old slave code.• Some people are demanding the return of capital punishment for murder.• Corporal punishment was banned in Sweden in 1979.• But the overall effect was to help the guilty escape punishment.• But some are gluttons for punishment.• With five children in the house, the furniture has to take a lot of punishment.• In the meantime, the House ethics committee will be meeting on punishment for Gingrich.• Retributive punishment restores the balance by cancelling out this advantage with a commensurate disadvantage.• In cases of sheep-stealing, the usual punishment was hanging.• When punishment of children is necessary, it can be based on reciprocity rather than expiation.punishment for• Baylor was suspended for one game as punishment for violating team rules.• The maximum punishment for robbery is 40 years in prison.take ... punishment• If knocked over, you stood upright again, at attention, and took the punishment until the staff tired of it.• Young, who has the mentality of a linebacker, has taken punishment as a passer and a runner.• Rather than protest anymore, he took his punishment silently and disappeared into his room.• Instead of taking his punishment like a man, Wilson tried to hide behind his Fourth Amendment rights.• She took the punishments meted out to her without a murmur.• I wish they'd just learn to take discipline or punishment.• In a world which promotes automatic goodness, he will not learn to take the punishments associated with behaving badly.• The skilled players also have to be big and strong to take the postseason punishment.pun·ish·ment noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is someone, in that order something to Corpus done punish




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