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单词 dramatize
释义 Word family  noun drama dramatist adjective dramatic verb dramatize  Related topics: Mediadram·a·tize (also dramatise British English) /ˈdræmətaɪz/ AWL verb [transitive]  1  AMTCBto make a book or event into a play or film 把〔文学作品、事件〕改编为戏剧[电影] a novel dramatized for television 被改编成电视剧的小说2  EXCITEDto make a situation seem more exciting, terrible etc than it really is 使戏剧化,戏剧性地表现,夸张 Why do you have to dramatize everything? 你为什么事事都要夸张呢?3  to make something more noticeable 使…更为引人注目 SYN highlight This incident dramatized the difficulties involved in the project. 这一事件使得项目中的种种困难更为引人注目了。 —dramatization /ˌdræmətaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -tə-/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdramatize• Yet its simplicity dramatizes a grim reality.• I really wanted to get across an idea that I thought should be dramatized and have Mary star in it.• Twigg's search for her daughter was dramatized in a TV movie.• Some newspapers tend to dramatize reports of property crimes.• It dramatized the challenge of trying to pose as a progressive leader while maintaining a profiteering, corrupt political organization.• It dramatized the superiority of ironclad warships over wooden ones.• I can dramatize this by discussing the one time when I did try to aim for a distant target.dram·a·tize verbChineseSyllable  play into to Corpus a a event or book make




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