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单词 Murderous
1. I have no idea who this murderous fiend may be.
2. This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.
3. There was a murderous light in his eyes.
4. The traffic was murderous today.
5. I couldn't withstand the murderous heat.
6. He was a murderous gangster.
7. Summers in Washington bring murderous heat and humidity.
8. She gave him a murderous look .
9. She gave me a look of murderous hatred.
10. He made a murderous attack on his wife that evening.
11. Miranda kicked her dressing table, feeling murderous.
12. So jealous, so catty, so, well, murderous, when scorned?
13. A fierce, murderous jealousy lanced through Meredith.
14. It was a crazy, sexy, murderous relationship Weary entered into with people he eventually beat up.
15. She had stopped giving me murderous looks and seemed quite bright-eyed as we got ourselves ready to leave the ship.
16. He unleashed another murderous war in the 1980s, eliminating more than 800 mobsters until the Corleone clan was dominant.
17. She cast a murderous look over his hard male profile.
18. We thought the murderous hordes were beaten and whimpering out in the jungles, licking their wounds.
19. Great Groups work murderous hours, often with deadlines that cause stress levels to soar.
20. Her murderous dreams had then seemed to her the hallucinations of a soul mad with grief.
21. It is the suffering of ambivalence: the murderous alternation between bitter resentment and raw-edged nerves and blissful gratification and tenderness.
22. The film follows the relationship between sexy femme fatale Suzy and young lawyer Jim, which eventually leads to a murderous crime of passion.
23. I thought the Danakil an attractive-looking people, and despite their murderous reputation they appeared to manifest a genuine friendliness.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Isabel couldn't see his face, but she could feel the murderous ferocity emanating from him.
25. In convulsed countries around the world, too much food donated by well-meaning people feeds murderous gunmen instead of needy families.
26. The same shoe that for these long months had left me in peace had now acquired a murderous power.
27. She had hit him at lunchtime - her feelings now were even more murderous.
28. All over the world, life has been swept away, as if by some murderous pestilence.
29. If the sun came out now it would be murderous.
30. Cheating made him squirm; it made him nervous and murderous.
1. I have no idea who this murderous fiend may be.
2. This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.
3. Summers in Washington bring murderous heat and humidity.
4. The film follows the relationship between sexy femme fatale Suzy and young lawyer Jim, which eventually leads to a murderous crime of passion.
31. Then there's the murderous Miyazaki, but he had communication problems of a different sort.
32. Then the country, including Angkor, was overrun by the murderous, savage Khmer Rouge.
33. There she found an old woman, who warned her that her bridegroom was really a murderous monster.
34. In the story several people were fleeing in a car from several cars full of murderous enemies following them.
35. They will lurk inside cupboards in murderous kitchens, spewing across the lino if you open the door.
36. The slim man had seized the whip, and after two more murderous kicks, commenced to thrash the defenceless coachman.
37. Richard finds himself being assigned by Sal for a murderous control mission to maintain order.
38. The many hours on the road give cyclists the opportunity to employ tactics varying from the subtle to the murderous.
39. Although this wins easily, 29 e3! is considerably more murderous.
40. That scoundrel harbored a murderous heart.
41. The guy steered him into murderous desires.
42. This made me colder and more murderous than ever.
43. He would open the door and immediately affect a good-naturedly murderous expression, holding out a handshake that, when gripped, felt like it could squeeze carbon into diamonds.
44. In Anders Behring Breivik's ideological self-justification as well as in reactions to his murderous act there are things that should make us think.
45. Hitler had another outburst of murderous range against the conspirators.
46. Even someone as wicked as this murderous bandit can change his ways.
47. The ICC's effort to try Joseph Kony and other bosses of Uganda's murderous Lord's Resistance Army has stalled.
48. She surprised the secret of his murderous past through a stolen letter.
49. London Mayor Ken Livingstone thinks Iraq is driving "disaffected young Muslims" to murderous self-immolation, in apparent ignorance or disregard that three of the suspects are medical doctors.
50. But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other -- we operate on alien wave lengths.
51. Many conflicts are fought between rival bands of shambolic, murderous guerrillas, as in the Balkans and Libya.
52. The five-book arc will tell the story of the first American vampire, the murderous, bank-robbing 1880s cowboy Skinner Sweet.
53. No one knew at what moment, or in what place and murderous enemy might unmask himself.
53. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
54. The uprising was initiated with murderous pogrom-like attacks by Tibetan gangs on non-Tibetan members of the population, including the Muslim Chinese minority.
55. But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other ...
56. Prosecutors say a beautiful stripper obsessed with the film followed the script to its murderous end.
57. England and Wales are not unusually murderous ( see chart ).
58. The researchers, publishing their finding in the 'Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society', said: "We may be surrounded by many more murderous plants than we think.
59. Haggis also gave her the role of a murderous drug addict in "The Next Three Days.
60. The murderous rages of the Fontaines had made County history long before this chapter had opened.
61. Who built the White Sea canal [ Stalin's single most murderous slave - labour project ]?
62. The Kuomintang looting of Formosan food went to criminal and even murderous lengths.
63. Do we want to see the murderous face of nitrogen mustard gases which were used in World War 1 during the first large-scale waging of chemical warfare?
64. I can pick and choose my clients and I don't need any from murderous regimes.
65. By any sensible measure, this 100 - year struggle has been illiberal, murderous and pointless.
66. Setting the murderous criminal free is an outrage against justice.
67. He is a murderous devil - I never could - I - I'm afraid of him!
68. With only a giant turtle called Fifi and a murderous terrier for company, Mac slowly starves.
69. When the Joker enters one fray with a murderous flourish and that sawed-off smile, his morbid grin a mirror of the Black Dahlia's ear-to-ear grimace, your nervous laughter will die in your throat.
70. Many a man has controlled a murderous rage when he thought of the hot seat.
71. The leading companies recoiled from the murderous crossfire from the pillboxes.
72. They are then likely to return to their simmeringly murderous tribal ways.
73. He would open the door and immediately 1)affect a 2)good-naturedly murderous expression, holding out a handshake that, when gripped(), felt like it could squeeze carbon into diamonds.
74. If the foremost duty of a president, as US commander-in-chief, is to protect the American people from murderous attack by foreign enemies, then Bush clearly failed momentously on 11 September 2001.
75. He is known as a hard, bitter man who trained his U-boat crews to be utterly murderous.
76. By fabricating stories and manipulating Roxie's meek husband Amos (Kevin Chamberlain), as well as the press, Flynn turns the murderous adulterer in to a local, yet short-lived celebrity criminal.
76. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
77. The little semis...defending their privacy...with rows of murderous iron spikes.
78. Amid the usual parade of familiar superheroes, cowboys and aliens this year, one character is anything but a retread: Robert, the murderous star of Rubber.
79. Apologists point to Stalinism and Nazism as murderous ideologies, as if their existence made Torquemada and the Taliban somehow acceptable.
80. In his dying moments, Laertes is reconciled with Hamlet and reveals Claudius's murderous plot.
81. Fearless and unworried at all times, whether dealing with religious debate, a patricidal prince, or a murderous outlaw.
82. The juxtaposition of pure and untarnished souls versus those souls ripped apart by murderous acts has been clearly set up with Harry's undamaged soul vs.
83. We detest with horror the duplicity and villainy of the murderous hyenas of Bukharinite wreckers.
84. Some people say such indictments prolonged the tyranny of Charles Taylor in Liberia and are now obstructing chances of peace with the murderous Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda.
85. Setting the risible Green Street to one side, he's been creepy in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and downright terrifying as Sin City's murderous Kevin.




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