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单词 mollycoddle
释义  mol·ly·cod·dle /ˈmɒliˌkɒdl $ ˈmɑːliˌkɑːdl/ verb [transitive]  KINDto treat someone too kindly and to protect them too much from anything unpleasant 溺爱,宠爱,娇惯 He had been mollycoddled as a young boy. 他从小娇生惯养。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmollycoddle• I have never mollycoddled any of my artists.• I realised I'd been mollycoddled at school.• They must be presented, minded and mollycoddled if necessary so that they concentrate totally on their own performance.• You see, big sisters sometimes mollycoddle little brothers.• Stop mollycoddling those kids - they need to think for themselves.Origin mollycoddle (1800-1900) mollycoddle “someone treated too kindly” ((19-21 centuries)), from Molly a female name + coddlemol·ly·cod·dle verbChineseSyllable  protect treat too someone to to and kindly too Corpus them




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