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单词 Common sense
(1) Common sense is not common.
(2) A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. 
(3) A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning. 
(4) She hasn't an ounce of common sense.
(5) Are you totally devoid of common sense?
(6) He has a lot of common sense.
(7) We hope that common sense would prevail.
(8) That child has had no common sense!
(9) It's refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense.
(10) He lacks common sense.
(11) They showed a lack of common sense that beggars belief.
(12) I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end.
(13) Not all of us possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do.
(14) It seems contrary to common sense.
(15) It's common sense to keep medicines away from children.
(16) Use your common sense for once!
(17) I hope that common sense will prevail.
(18) For goodness' sake, just use your common sense!
(19) He considered lying, but then common sense prevailed.
(20) Common sense triumphed in the end.
(21) Knowledge without common sense counts for little.
(22) This view is irreconcilable with common sense.
(23) Use a bit of common sense!
(24) He always follows the dictates of common sense.
(25) Common sense must prevail in the end.
(26) Common sense tells me I should get more sleep.
(27) At last, common sense had reasserted itself.
(28) He hasn't an ounce of common sense.
(29) Fortunately, common sense prevailed.
(30) Windsurfing is perfectly safe as long as you have/use some common sense.
(1) Are you totally devoid of common sense?
(2) He has a lot of common sense.
(3) We hope that common sense would prevail.
(4) That child has had no common sense!
(5) It's refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense.
(6) He lacks common sense.
(7) They showed a lack of common sense that beggars belief.
(8) I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end.
(9) Windsurfing is perfectly safe as long as you have/use some common sense.
(31) Use your common sense!
(32) Common sense and creativity are some of the intangibles we're looking for in an employee.
(33) Anyone with a modicum of common sense could have seen that the plan wouldn't work.
(34) Such a proposal is flying in the face of common sense.
(35) Anyone with a grain of common sense would have known what to do.
(36) At least he had the common sense to turn the water off before he left.
(37) The verdict of the court was a victory for common sense.
(38) The trouble with common sense, as Voltaire famously observed, is that it is not very common.
(39) My sister had come in with her calm common sense and straightened them out.
(40) What he did has warped from the path of the common sense.
(41) His parents still clung to the misguided belief that his common sense would keep him out of serious trouble.
(42) Common sense won the day, and the plans were dropped.
(43) You don't need any special skills for this job, just plain common sense.
(44) He lacked any of the practical common sense essential in management.
(45) There is no doubt that the court's decision is a victory for common sense.
(46) The claims were based on reason, pragmatism and common sense.
(47) He thought about giving up his job, but then common sense reasserted itself.
(48) This is an argument that seems to fly in the face of common sense.
(49) Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.
(50) Her appeal to common sense was what finally carried the day .
(51) Common sense should tell you that people will find out sooner or later.
(52) Eric didn't even have the common sense to send for a doctor.
(53) There is not a grain of common sense in what he has said.
(54) If he's got an ounce of common sense,(http://) he'll realise that this project is bound to fail.
(55) And we are also drawing upon elementary common sense.
(56) Common sense is not so common. Voltaire 
(57) In doing so he diverges from common sense.
(58) Those kids don't have a lick of common sense.
(59) Prudence, common sense and wisdom make a better life. Dr T.P.Chia 
(60) Common sense tried to argue against them.
(61) Fortunately, in this case, common sense has prevailed.
(62) Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it's common sense. Ronald Reagan 
(63) There is a basic assumption in international law - and in common sense - that a state will protect its citizens.
(64) Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have. Rene Descartes 
(65) The rules ought to be laid down based on common sense, not like one-way systems, things like that.
(66) Few can help but be enthused by his confidence, common sense, and bonhomie.
(67) Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it. Rene Descartes 
(68) Common sense, reason, tell her to wash this away down the wash bowl, but thrift forbids.
(69) That said, the regulatory outrages against common sense continue unabated, and the pressing need for reform remains unsatisfied.
(70) Genius after all ain't anything more then elegant common sense. Josh Billings 
(71) The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. Henry Ward Beecher 
(72) Sometimes I think he's a little short on common sense.
(73) Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. William James 
(74) The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick- to- itiveness; third, common sense. Thomas A. Edison 
(75) Use your common sense when deciding when children should go to bed.
(76) For Fred, solidarity between people is a matter of plain common sense rather than ideological preference.
(77) It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
(78) Until an effective principle of inertia had been formulated, the earth's motion was contradicted by common sense.
(79) Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense. Helen Rowland 
(80) We trust common sense will prevail and that the Authorities will heed the massive number of bonafide objectors to the application.
(81) Common sense income is better than temporary income.
(82) Common sense will win the day.
(83) They are destitute of common sense.
(84) Fowler liked simplicity,(/common sense.html) straightforwardness and common sense.
(85) Economic political things overshadow even common sense occasionally.
(86) Your silly letter a reflection on your common sense.
(87) Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd.
(88) This sophism goes against common sense.
(89) He never warped from the path of common sense.
(90) It is congenial with reason and common sense.
(91) He seems to be lacking in common sense.
(92) Common sense calls upon us to act in concert.
(93) "But where, " asked Tom Paine in his famoustract, Common Sense, " the king of America?
(94) Common sense dictates that the longer the timing for reversing the zero interest policy is postponed, the closer the economic cycle will be to peaking.
(95) The laws of nature governing domains beyond the range of human perception violate common sense.
(96) The only religion contrary to nature, to common sense, and to our pleasure, is that alone which has always existed.
(97) The discussion in this chapter serves to underline our belief that management ability and common sense must be involved in the forecasting process.
(98) Japan's acts have violated the law of nations and basic international common sense,'she said. "
(99) Common sense tells us, this kind of sound may have break biasedding is fallacious even.
(100) He's written'she's suspicious of overwrought sentiments or overblown claims content with common sense. "
(101) He's got about as much common sense as anybody else who belongs in coral betting uk nut house .
(102) The term ontology is sometimes used to refer to a body of knowledge describing some domain (see below), typically a common sense knowledge domain, using a representational vocabulary.
(103) His common sense is a bridle to his quick temper.
(104) Not entirely surprisingly, education secretary Michael Gove casts all this as a matter of copper-bottomed common sense.
(105) Common sense says, "Residual income is better than temporary income".
(106) Scientific neologism is itself just linguistic evolution gone self - conscious, as science is self - conscious common sense.
(107) Our common sense enables us to anticipate part of its analysis.
(108) It seems common sense that previous audit experience has some impact on the current audit decision.
(109) Researchers inclined to regard that the visitor was a "Saint King" or "Manchu dominator", but in the context of the "Yangming school"(), the one he was waiting for would be "us" in the common sense.
(110) Dog: Have some common sense , do you think my fart is also a chemical weapon?
(111) This is in nature a common sense of the time, something that was sent out by the downfallen feudal class at the edge of its death. By using the structure of the novel soaked with this ...
(112) Common sense thinks colorific 3 element are hue intensity of illumination and chroma.
(113) It isn't snobbery; it's just a matter of hospital discipline and common sense.
(114) Gratefulness boosts your sense of belonging; your sense of belonging in turn boosts your Common Sense.
(115) As for animal foods, it's only common sense to me now that I wouldn't run up to a cow and try to take a bite out of its hide; nor would I bend down, shove its calf aside,(http://) and try to suckle its teats.
(116) His speech is full of common sense logic , yet it will fall on deaf ears.
(117) With the constant development of the socialism market economy in our country, the city management as a bran-new idea of city father and development is becoming a common sense.
(118) Those people without common sense on chemics should not remark on the experiment randomly.
(119) It all 'makes common sense, ' says Mr. Tuilaepa in an interview in his office overlooking the Pacific Ocean in the capital city of Apia.
(120) I don't profess to be profound; but I lay claim to common sense.
(121) The communist politics must have the support of the communist economy, which is the common sense in social development.
(122) I have emphasized the importance of individual difference so wordily. So I will change my army to the battlefield of the common sense on management.
(123) For the average person, common sense says that there is a real world of perceivable objects.
(124) People knows a common sense, it is good that the audition that is the blind often compares Everyman, is this why?Acting countervail calls action on medicine.
(125) From the angle of studio design and lighting requirement of vidicon, some common sense about illumination intensity in studio performing area lighting was introduced.
(126) Common sense and moral propriety , which ignored the Romanticists, again the predominant preoccupation in literary work.
(127) If the characteristics of the Chinese race we have discussed above — common sense, toleration, contentment and old roguery — are true, then humor is inevitable in China.
(128) Genii Capital is a private investment firm that places common sense and business sense at the heart of the investment decision-making process while targeting solid performance.
(129) Rest assured, he probably has rather more common sense than you realize.
(130) On the face of it, the coercive model for interrogation seems like common sense: there is information that the interrogator wants to know and the subject holds but doesn't want to give up.
(131) The thought became ingrained as an adult, almost like common sense.
(132) Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(133) According to the book Common Sense on Mutual Funds by John Bogle, long-term studies have shown that most mutual funds don't maintain their ranking year after year.
(134) Synchronically, schematization of experiences, typification of everyday communication, and enhancing non-everyday thinking as common sense, are three practical generative ways of everyday thinking.
(135) Possess good business acumen and common sense of training management.
(136) Lewis Carroll, in his Alice in Wonderland , laughed at the foolish prejudices of his contemporaries through a child's innocent common sense.
(137) "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense .
(138) Thought from the relationship between civil liability and obligation and its characteristics, the guaranty liability, in the common sense, is only a special general debt.
(139) It is Adeimantus again who volunteers the criticism of common sense on the Socratic method of argument, and who refuses to let Socrates pass lightly over the question of women and children.
(140) Common sense tells you that any dark or saturated colour will show dirt, dust and ordinary wear and tear more readily than lights colours and textures.
(141) Zhou En will have special sense already with the relation of Comintern, have common sense again.
(142) Instructor told us that some of the playing paintball and the essentials of common sense, let us begin preparation edge.
(143) B battery that can be replaced is just common sense, given that batteries rapidly lose their ability to hold a charge after a few hundred charges.
(143) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(144) The resource discovering method based on common sense illation has been proposed according to the manufacturing resource modeling of domain knowledge.
(145) With our income sharply reduced , it is common sense to draw rein on our expenditures.
(146) Common sense won through and so did the Labor Party.
(147) Give out a few branch by alar palate ganglion, distributing the mucous membrane in lachrymal, palate and nosepiece, control the exudation of the common sense of mucous membrane and gland body.
(148) The commoner qualities are the most useful – such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance.
(149) This only confirms what common sense and elementary Keynesian theory would lead one to expect.
(150) "Common sense would say that he had to see something," Lehr says.
(151) Provided some common sense is paid to health checkups, drug choice, dosage and off-time , how can we say for certain that the user is worse off for doing so?
(152) Establish line of business first, epigenesis home is their common sense, but when after having extraordinary cause, they dare not marry however.
(153) In other words, operations research might be called quantitative common sense.
(154) There are a thousand of brilliant campaigning organizations -- I'd recommend Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Womankind Worldwide, and Common Sense for Drug Policy, just for starters.
(155) If you want to play the timpani well, you must know the basic common sense about the timpani .
(156) The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next.
(157) The special biochemistry and the industrialize principle knowledge should be involved ( except common sense ).
(158) The year after she met my father at the Beachcomber, a career-placement test noted her "superior" judgment, an abundance of "common sense, foresight,[sentencedict .com] and the ability to reach sound decisions."
(159) CLOTHING: Remember when cutting jeans into shorts, patching them and then making them into quilts once they were unwearable was common sense?
(160) Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo.
(161) Much of the useful common sense knowledge needed for life is prescientific and has there- fore not been analyzed in detail.
(162) Sit on the history a big uncle the body of the big Niang according to the common sense of freedom of speech, romantic once, which afraid act boorishly , as well all can!
(163) Majorana had greater gifts than anyone else in the world; unfortunately he lacked one quality which other men generally have: plain common sense (Enrico Fermi from Cocconi memories).
(164) Although it takes specialist knowledge in biological science and medicine to specifically refute his fallacies the ridiculousness of these statements should not escape anyone with some common sense.
(165) Do in Rome as Rome does means that we should respect local culture, and we must know the respect of intrinsic culture is common sense.
(166) The citizen of Oceania is not allowed to know anything of the tenets of the other two philosophies , but he is taught to execrate them as barbarous outrages upon morality and common sense.
(167) Call it a victory for common sense, international co-operation, market discipline or what you will.
(168) Not all of us have to possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do.
(169) That's because I've been following the Common Sense system, which calls for selling after large gains like the one we just experienced.
(170) It may seem like common sense, but before this requirement, many CEOs grasped at the excuse that they just didn't understand all that accounting mumbo jumbo.
(171) Common sense and normal practice in safeguarding personal and transaction data are of equal importance.
(172) AI 21 century logic common sense inference inductive logic intentional logic logic of natural language.
(173) After a while, one of us quits running; however this has nothing to do with autonomics (perhaps common sense, but not autonomic computing).
(174) Trust property, in common sense, should undertake independent and limited liability for all its business activities.
(175) In this essay I compare G. E. Moore, Malcolm, and Wittgenstein in their way against scepticism, and show that in what sense common sense can offer a foundation to avoid scepticism.
(176) The article also excoriated US "debt addiction" and said it was "time for Washington to revisit the time-tested common sense that one should live within one's means".
(177) All these situations require an all-around mechanical common sense that is as important to the blue-collar worker as the ability to navigate Microsoft Office is to the white-collar one.




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