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单词 devilish
释义  dev·il·ish /ˈdevəlɪʃ/ adjective  1  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS literary very bad, difficult, or unpleasant 极坏的,恶毒的 devilish schemes to cheat people 骗人的阴谋诡计2  seeming likely to cause trouble, but in a way that is amusing or attractive 淘气的,恶作剧的〔以好笑或吸引人的方式〕 Dalton looked at her with a devilish grin. 多尔顿一脸坏笑地看着她。Examples from the Corpusdevilish• That lack of balance too is devilish.• Charlton Heston plays Perry, complete with devilish beard, and he does everything but cackle with delight over his evilness.• Costner, with his easy grin, incipient beer belly, thinning hair and bright devilish eyes, plays broken-down convincingly.• A sound enough plan in theory, but in practice it turned out to be a devilish job.• We were cast into impenetrable blackness, with the rain still cascading down and that devilish thing on the loose!• The girl was alone and devilish thoughts were playing on his mind.• devilish torture techniquesdev·il·ish adjectiveChineseSyllable  very unpleasant bad, difficult, Corpus or




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