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单词 delicacy
释义  Related topics: Fooddel·i·ca·cy /ˈdelɪkəsi/ noun (plural delicacies)  1  [countable]DFFOOD something good to eat that is expensive or rare 珍馐,佳肴 Snails are considered a delicacy in France. 在法国,蜗牛被认为是一种珍贵的美食。► see thesaurus at food2  [uncountable]POLITE a careful and sensitive way of speaking or behaving so that you do not upset anyone 〔说话、做事的〕谨慎,圆熟,老练 SYN tact He carried out his duties with great delicacy and understanding. 他以极其持重练达的作风完成了任务。3. [uncountable]BREAK the quality of being easy to harm or damage 脆弱,敏感Examples from the Corpusdelicacy• I had gone believing that I would find plenty of eggs and fish from Lake Balaton - apparently a delicacy.• Abalone are considered a delicacy in many fish restaurants.• Squid is a delicacy in this part of Italy.• Mellissa kept on hand supplies of all delicacies necessary to human well-being.• She told herself that she was showing commendable delicacy in not probing.• Hasan plied us with drinks and an array of Egyptian delicacies which he brought from the kitchen.• The issue is being handled with extreme delicacy.• A cornettist equally capable of filigree delicacy and challenging power, Barnard's contribution to jazz is considerable.• That was how he made his living - selling paintings of great delicacy and serenity and beauty.• a sculpture of great delicacy and subtlety• He used to buy in a lot of delicacies to pretend to his family that Gina could cook.del·i·ca·cy nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or something expensive rare is eat good to that




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