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单词 Mathematical
1) NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.
2) She was absorbed with the mathematical problem.
3) He's some kind of mathematical genius.
4) He is unusually adept in mathematical calculations.
5) He bought a new mathematical textbook.
6) A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.
7) With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating.
8) Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to student.
9) This theory can only be expressed in mathematical language.
10) Computers have been used to prove mathematical theorems.
11) He has a mathematical mind.
12) She gave us 20 mathematical problems to solve.
13) She has a natural feeling for mathematical ideas.
14) The whole trip was planned with mathematical precision.
15) Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.
16) The test measures verbal and mathematical ability.
17) The solution can be expressed by a mathematical equation.
18) He has worked out a mathematical problem.
19) He towers above his fellow students in mathematical ability.
20) Einstein was a mathematical genius.
21) Mathematical astronomy was the great innovation by the Greeks of the 5th century BC.
22) The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.
23) He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.
24) I racked my brains trying to solve the mathematical problem.
25) After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems.
26) Analog computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
27) It took him twenty minutes to work the last mathematical problem.
28) Somehow he again made a mistake in solving the mathematical problem.
29) Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
30) His latest book examines the relationship between spatial awareness and mathematical ability.
1) NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.
2) She was absorbed with the mathematical problem.
3) He's some kind of mathematical genius.
4) He is unusually adept in mathematical calculations.
5) He bought a new mathematical textbook.
6) A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.
7) After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems.
8) This theory can only be expressed in mathematical language.
9) He has a mathematical mind.
10) The solution can be expressed by a mathematical equation.
11) He has worked out a mathematical problem.
12) He towers above his fellow students in mathematical ability.
13) Einstein was a mathematical genius.
14) Somehow he again made a mistake in solving the mathematical problem.
15) Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
31) He read in the paper about a mathematical prodigy who was attending university at the age of 12.
32) Mathematical truth is something that goes beyond mere formalism.
33) Von Neumann invented a mathematical theory of games.
34) I decide that he is a latent mathematical genius.
35) The mathematical analysis is somewhat complicated.
36) It has been simply expressed in a mathematical form.
37) A mathematical theory of statistical predictors and how to assess their accuracy has been developed by the principal investigator and others.
38) Consequently, this view is frequently referred to as mathematical Platonism.
39) Moreover, the specific Newtonian scheme has given rise to a remarkable body of mathematical ideas known as classical mechanics.
40) The mathematical models of the glycolytic pathway take the form of ordinary nonlinear differential equations.
41) Take the familiar mathematical example of the greatest cardinal number.
42) Although equations are a concise and accurate way of describing mathematical ideas, they frighten most people.
43) Apart from playing around with shaped blocks or mathematical functions, synthesis tries to achieve something.
44) He often walks through entire discussions performing mathematical equations without the aid of a calculator.
45) Luther met Predestination as revealed truth: Calvin treated it as a mathematical formula and deduced the results.
46) Second, there are physical objects, indulging in this activity, but constrained by precise mathematical laws.
47) As with index-linked rents, any mathematical formula should be carefully checked by calculator or computer.
48) Some of the mathematical ideas which can be experienced with the most general apparatus are suggested here.
49) This choice indicates the general direction of their interests, but it must be backed by the appropriate mathematical ability.
50) At the moment he is doing mathematical modelling with the aim of building an experimental model of a solar-powered desalination plant.
51) Combining these mathematical results with the biochemical evidence concerning calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase, it is possible to draw some provisional conclusions.
52) While written tests are primarily concerned with the content objectives, mathematical investigations submitted as coursework test the process objectives.
53) These deductions will no longer be as self-evident as in our previous examples and will involve mathematical as well as verbal arguments.
54) It describes the necessary ingredients of a rich mathematical activity: It must be accessible to everyone at the start.
55) All these strategies have the potential to involve all pupils in mathematical challenge, enabling them to engage in a broader curriculum.
56) This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra.
57) Census takers then turn the difference into a mathematical formula and apply it to the overall locality.
58) In 1755 he went to London to train as a mathematical instrument maker.
59) Solving all the necessary mathematical equations on paper is next to impossible.
60) The limited body of mathematical results describing chaotic control networks makes generalization difficult.
61) But on many occasions children gain mathematical experience without any intervention by an adult.
62) Now the rate of new infections drops dramatically along a mathematical curve almost the opposite of the one it initially rose upon.
63) Drawing software takes a mathematical approach to lines and shapes, and deals with objects rather than individual pixels.
64) One could accept the mathematical models of Copernican astronomy without even considering whether the earth really moves.
65) Many of the mathematical ideas connected with them are described in chapter 5 Water.
66) We need, therefore, to sally forth once more into the mathematical jungle of vector spaces.
67) There will be no advantage to us to consider any mathematical area more general than this here.
68) The mathematical calculations are not easy, but the concepts are relatively familiar.
69) After all, musical talent is often considered highly linked to mathematical ability, except when discussing black performers.
70) Cowan set up a mathematical equation that represented the neural activity, and built lateral inhibition into it.
71) However, it may give rise to the necessity for a fairly sophisticated mathematical calculation if a conversion table is not published.
72) Nor is it like a mathematical theorem: it can not be deduced from a set of axioms.
73) This is worth unravelling, even at the expense of a brief excursion into the mathematical realm of complex numbers.
74) Imaginary time may sound like something out of science fiction, but it is a well-defined mathematical concept.
75) A mathematical function grades how different these suggestions are from the misspelling, and the nearest few are suggested.
76) He was educated at local schools, including the Devonport Classical and Mathematical School, and became an apprentice to his father.
77) Contrary to mathematical expectation, the presence of Rupa and Dullah did not decrease the loading time by two thirds.
78) The book is read so easily because it is almost devoid of mathematical formulae, normally the very foundation of engineering work.
79) Mathematical and language skills unite in the understanding of logic and reasoning, an essential component of mature intelligence.
80) Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton, who put the study of human heredity on a mathematical footing.
81) Those who are not must forgive me my momentary lapse into modest mathematical sophistication.
82) The concept lay outside the normal mathematical ideas of the time.
83) Possible mathematical experiences are given for activities involving each item.
84) We shall need to take a glimpse at the mathematical structure of a Hilbert space.
85) Blake's mathematical models predict that dolphins, killer whales and even some penguins can porpoise.
86) We can possess a mathematical certainty that two and two make four, but this rarely matters to us.
87) He had been calculating the girl as a mathematical entry in the equation.
87) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
88) Our long-term aim is to change industry's perception of the mathematical sciences and to show the commercial benefits they can offer.
89) We plan to establish ourselves as the national point of contact for industry to reach mathematical skills in these areas.
90) Once again, the kind of play and the extent of mathematical experience which it includes will inevitably vary.
91) By stripping concrete objects of their less essential features, they become less involved and hence more amenable to mathematical treatment.
92) After leaving school he became a mathematical lecturer at Oxford in 1855 and he continued with this job until 1881.
93) These assumptions and the mathematical formula used to calculate the volume have been described and validated by Everson and colleagues.
94) However, several students educated at the Academy made important discoveries in mathematical science, both pure and applied.
95) But political arrangements can not correspond to some tidy mathematical formula.
96) The kinetic theory of gases is a mathematical model of an ideal gas.
97) Poverty is a mathematical proof of the fact that mankind is a big failure! Mehmet Murat ildan 
98) Girls are simply better at linguistic forms of learning, boys at mathematical and some spatial skills.
99) Mathematical skills will also be important here, although artistic skills are not particularly necessary.
100) I have briefly described the three main streams of present-day mathematical philosophy: formalism, Platonism, and intuitionism.
101) The theory always came first, put forward from the desire to have an elegant and consistent mathematical model.
102) Give Tom a mathematical puzzle and he'll just keep on trying till he cracks it.
103) It relies heavily on the mathematical implications of quantum theory.
104) Effective measurement requires detailed knowledge of the properties of phenomena which are to be reflected or mapped on to some mathematical system.
105) The ideal candidate will hold a good degree in theoretical physics or physical chemistry and have strong mathematical and computing skills.
106) Ideas leading towards mathematical concepts can be gained from all the toys and apparatus.
107) Smith, on the other hand, was isolated in a country just beginning to regain its mathematical confidence.
108) You can use this function to accept and evaluate an expression, such as a mathematical equation, whilst the program is running.
109) A mathematical proof about some property of a triangle does not, Gassendi thinks, give demonstrative understanding of its cause.
110) It is also mathematics, of course, but Euclidean geometry is by no means the only conceivable mathematical geometry.
111) In the absence of mathematical proofs of security, nothing builds confidence in a cryptosystem like sustained attempts to crack it.
112) In order to achieve all this, Newton had to develop many mathematical techniques-in addition to differential calculus.
113) Needing to do something, anything, he rapidly tapped the spoon against the saucer as though preoccupied with a mathematical calculation.
114) The provision of the equipment does not ensure the mathematical experience, but can create opportunity for it.
115) Like Galileo, he was committed to the Copernican system as a cosmology and not merely as a mathematical hypothesis.
116) In fact, however, it is astonishingly hard to credit them with much work that deserves to be called mathematical.
117) The mathematical singularity arises because the set of coordinates imposed everywhere is best suited to regions of small curvature.
117) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
118) Census takers then turn the difference into a mathematical formula and apply it to the city as a whole.
119) Arches of deep dark brows like some perfect mathematical line.
120) Music is the best vitamins for the brains, and the best teacher of the mind. It increases the power of the mind in learning, reading, attention, concentration and memory performance. It also improve literacy skills, mathematical abilities, intellectual and emotional intelligence. Dr T.P.Chia 
121) The notion of mathematical truth goes beyond the whole concept of formalism.
122) Appendix B contains more details on the mathematical properties of the Riemann tensor.
123) The mathematical experiences involved may be explored in talk with the teacher afterwards.
124) One the other hand abstract mathematical analysis and the experimental laboratory do not provide a direct channel to the subject studied.
125) Citing mathematical probabilities clearly does not establish the nonexistence of extraterrestrial being.
126) There are in fact only four pieces of mathematical work that we can safely attribute to the early Pythagoreans.
127) The formal challenge to Lewontin and Huxley must be based on mathematical argument but the general biological points are as follows.
128) The details of how Strominger and collaborators forged the link are highly mathematical arguments only a physicist could love.
129) Opportunity for mathematical experience and the development of mathematical thinking might seem unlikely to occur readily in the Home Corner.
130) Water waves are of course different in character from their more abstract mathematical cousins, yet there are striking parallels.
131) Mercator's career exemplifies the close links which existed between mathematical theorists, teachers, and instrument-makers at this time.
132) No amount of theologizing could be a substitute for mathematical analysis.
133) The mathematical principles of determining where the rate of change is maximal are, for mathematicians, very straight forward.
134) With clarity and with mathematical analysis, he showed how such networks could work and what they could do.
135) That world evolves in a clear and deterministic way, being governed by precisely formulated mathematical equations.
136) Though many may wonder about the destructive theory, it requires a moderate amount of mathematical training to develop the conservation laws.
137) Group survival through irrigation let to the development of higher mathematical functions and constructional techniques associated with the science of hydraulic engineering.
138) Digital computers were designed for exact solutions of mathematical equations.
139) The discussion which follows may involve comparison and the use of various mathematical ideas.
140) For my own part, I am very happy to accept the original mathematical form of the Church-Turing Thesis.
141) The point is, mathematical notation gives us complete liberty, unless it explicitly states otherwise.
142) To begin with, geometry has more value than simply as a means of acquiring a grasp of mathematical concepts.
143) Entrance requirement: First or Second Class Honours in mathematics, or another science with substantial mathematical content.
144) We know that children develop mathematical concepts through manipulating objects and talking about what they are doing.
145) Another use would be in a graph plotting program to accept the mathematical equation you wished to plot.
146) Einstein was probably the greatest mathematical genius of all time.
147) In fact, the mathematical details are usually secondary to the logic of scientific inquiry.
147) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148) We feed the figures into a mathematical formula and the formula then takes over and does the processing for us.
149) It assumes no previous technical knowledge of computer communications or specialist mathematical skills.
150) Although Mr Quine has no important theorem to his name he wrote on mathematical logic with ingenuity and wit.
151) The development of mathematical models to represent the uncertainty characteristics of digital map databases; 2.
152) Many of the individuals in these groups have dazzling individual skills mathematical genius is often one.
153) Assessing the extent to which certain important mathematical concepts are not understood by the adult population and devising corrective measures.
154) Chapter 6 provides a series of appendices covering some of the mathematical background and each chapter ends with a recommended reading list.
155) This is a mathematical model designed to determine the optimal amount of inventory that a firm should carry.
156) This experimental solution has since been confirmed by a purely mathematical analysis carried out by H. L. Cox.
157) There was, in particular, deep and widespread dissatisfaction with the mathematical attainments of children at school.
158) In arguing for pointillism, he quoted the scientific treatises consulted by Seurat and even printed mathematical equations.
159) The resulting quantum logic was initiated by the mathematicians John von Neumann and Garret Birkhoff, using mathematical constructs called lattices.
160) She was a plain girl, with straight hair and thin limbs and a mathematical turn of mind.
161) Without mathematical modelling, the problem would not have been discovered until the complete antenna subsystem had been built and tested.
162) Where quantitative analysis requires mathematical and computer skills, area studies require language training and extensive field research.
163) The Topic Criteria provide a comprehensive list of mathematical skills and processes.
164) This physical consequence is seen to follow from the mathematical fact that our operators are what is called non-commutative.
165) His mind reeling with the difficult mathematical equations, he suddenly heard a soft knocking at the door.
166) Econometrics Econometrics is the science of mathematical analysis of economic phenomena.
167) Rabin's method uses a stream of randomly generated characters that can be decoded with a mathematical formula.
168) They have greater verbal and lesser spatial and mathematical ability, and less self-confidence and competitiveness.
169) Fisher s intuition was fed into mathematical models and emerged intact.
170) Fractals, using simple mathematical algorithm to produce complex objects typical of those which occur naturally.
171) One to deal with its mathematical, one with its philosophical and psychoanalytic, one with its artistic implications.
172) Take, for example, the child who is able to deal with mathematical concepts at a very early age.
173) Stephen Wolfram, a mathematical genius who did pioneering work on the varieties of computer algorithms agrees.
174) These show how pupils' mathematical thinking may be inferred from what they do and say.
175) Computers are widely used because cost estimating may involve complex mathematical calculations and require advanced mathematical techniques.
176) His typewriter was adapted to provide keys for mathematical symbols.
177) Whichever mathematician or computer buff chooses to examine the set,(http:///mathematical.html) approximations to the same fundamental mathematical structure will be found.
178) The skills pupils need are the strategies of problem solving; interpreting mathematical forms and statements; representing situations mathematically.
179) What then is the import of the mathematical singularity with g, diverging to infinity as r goes to r?
180) By means of tapping his foot the horse could perform mathematical calculations, and solve problems of musical harmony.
181) Pupils can become fascinated by mathematical contradictions and absurdities and are motivated by mathematical activity itself.
182) The mathematical exercises which follow are mainly to do with shopkeepers and car dealers making profit or loss.
183) It is possible to attribute a useful mathematical meaning to U ( x, W ).
184) The analyst's judgement then must override mathematical and statistical significance.
185) The mathematical formulation of this hypothesis is a persuasive one.
186) The drastic reduction in the geometric dimension leads to great simplification in mathematical analysis.




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