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单词 Prostitute
(1) A prostitute was soliciting on the street.
(2) She became a prostitute in order to pay for her cocaine habit.
(3) He does not prostitute his talents.
(4) She didn't look like a prostitute. She wasn't even wearing any make-up.
(5) A prostitute lives off immoral earnings.
(6) Hooter: We should use new name -- prostitute person!
(7) Jack picks up a prostitute, Georgette, at a cafe.
(8) The term courtesan is rarely used of a prostitute.
(9) Ken: Well, you've picked up a very pretty prostitute.
(10) How shameful he is to prostitute his honour.
(11) Do not prostitute your daughter.
(12) Government-owned prostitute of Song Chao, from wide admit, not only become malefactor family member male prostitute, be grabbed even avowedly come, force fine is prostitute!
(13) That every feeble-minded woman is a potential prostitute would hardly be disputed by anyone.
(14) Key words: In Republic Period; Prostitute system of NanNing; Abnormal phenomenon.
(15) One Popayan prostitute told RCN TV that some soldiers spent four straight days in a brothel.
(16) SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A Chilean prostitute has auctioned 27 hours of sex to raise money for the country's largest charity during an annual fund-raising campaign.
(17) How can this university prostitute itself with this dictator here?
(18) The prostitute industry firstly started in the religious rite in ancient Greece.
(19) She was arrested and charged with being a common prostitute.
(20) When I asked him if he had ever been to a prostitute he said he wouldn't degrade himself like that.
(21) The spy was caught by a policewoman who posed as a prostitute.
(22) He admitted last week he paid for sex with a prostitute.
(23) The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the unscrupulous and guilty for profits. Dr T.P.Chia 
(24) Jacob is a deceiver; Joseph is an arrogant, spoiled brat; Judah reneges on his obligations to his daughter-in-law and goes off and sleeps with a prostitute.
(25) It was here that landlord John Bowyer, on November 9, 1888, knocked on a door to get the rent from a prostitute, Mary Kelly.
(26) It surely should go without saying that being a prostitute and being raped are two different activities.
(27) No Israelite man or woman is to become a shrine prostitute.
(28) The creation of red-light district, prostitution legal, the male prostitute who is bound to increase significantly.
(29) The whole book of Hosea makes a gigantic analogy between Hosea's marriage to a prostitute and Gd's marriage to the Israel.
(30) Unlike whisk, whore has a reputable etymology, going all the way to Indo-European (among its cognates are Latin carus and Old Irish cara "friend"); Goths called a prostitute hors.
(1) A prostitute was soliciting on the street.
(2) She was arrested and charged with being a common prostitute.
(3) When I asked him if he had ever been to a prostitute he said he wouldn't degrade himself like that.
(31) What is the similarity between a violist and a prostitute?
(32) Yin Caixia has died. She was a hooker, a prostitute.
(33) In the Middle Ages, Christianity emphasized on abstinency, but bore with prostitute, and treated prostitution as a necessary evil.
(34) George Fox was later found to be New York governor Eliot Spitzer and Dupre was a prostitute.
(35) I could not with any certainty recognize a prostitute in the streets.
(36) To solicit customers . Used of a pimp or prostitute.
(37) And one of the Vietnamese in the movie is about a man named "Hai", who's a cyclo driver (bicycle ricksha), a very, very poor man. But he's fallen in love with a prostitute named "Lan".
(38) The most favored prostitute in the brothel used the alias Yuan Yang.
(39) Let me ask you something, penny. Have you ever woken up in a fleabag motel Covered in your own vomit, Next to a transsexual prostitute?
(40) For psychologically defensive reasons the male has not yet come to see himself as a prostitute, day in and day out, both in and out of marriage relationship.
(41) Higher education is being forced to prostitute itself to market forces.
(42) A young teenaged girl a prostitute and, for obvious reasons a secret from her grandma.
(43) Popular tradition has long associated her with the repentant prostitute who anointed Christ's feet.
(44) The most famous prostitute in the brothel was already atoned.
(45) To make matters worse, Jesus has begun consorting with disreputable people like Mary Magdalene, a prostitute.
(46) Have you ever unlawfully distributed or sold a controlled substance (drug), or been a prostitute or procurer for prostitutes?
(47) It is the kind of prostitute material, but can also not with the disintoxicating.
(48) The spy was caught by policewoman who posed as a prostitute.
(49) A half-naked prostitute was strangled in a one-woman brothel in Cheung Sha Wan before the flat was torched yesterday.
(50) Slang To solicit customers. Used of a pimp or prostitute.
(51) Didn't you say that his wife first appeared to you as a prostitute?
(52) No prostitute is coming into this dorm if I have anything to say about it.
(53) The other quean seemed to just hang around with the commoners for years until people started using it as a word for a prostitute.
(54) I was living in a dirty, cheap little hotel in the Rue Sainte Eloise up in the Latin quarter. It was called the Hotel Suzanne May,() after some famous prostitute of the time of the Empire.
(55) Among the innumerable speculations, there were conjectures that she was the artist's mother, a noblewoman, a courtesan, a prostitute or even a man.
(56) The view undertakes the fidelity after abstinency , marriage is taught before marriage and ban prostitute absolutely.
(56) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(57) A prostitute has died. All the school children sadly attended her memorial event with tears, and the school lowered the national flag to half-staff to honor its teacher.
(58) Reformed prostitute will address the meeting . How I found the Lord.
(59) Couldn't she be a prostitute who's thinking of becoming a nun?
(60) She is a murderess and they describe her as a prostitute.
(61) In some ways, this is not new: in the 1933 film Polly Tix in Washington, four-year-old Shirley Temple played a pint-sized prostitute.
(62) Although sex buyers saw prostitution as consensual, other men acknowledged that more complex economic and emotional factors influence the "choice" to prostitute oneself.
(63) Unless all your clients are paralyzed, any prostitute caught charging someone for a hand job should be sued for extortion.
(64) If the son of a paramour or a prostitute desire his fathers house, and desert his adoptive father and adoptive mother, and goes to his fathers house, then shall his eye be put out.
(65) He faces charges of paying for sex with an under-age prostitute, and the proceedings have been adjourned immediately until the end of next month.
(66) Therefore , you prostitute, hear the word of the LORD!




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