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单词 Pure
1. His heart cannot be pure whose tongue is not clear. 
2. Death is the only pure, beautiful conclusion of a great passion. 
3. Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy. 
4. Most of what they told us was pure fantasy.
5. So much of what's on TV is pure dross.
6. The shooting was in pure self-defense.
7. Her dancing is pure poetry.
8. Our beef patties are 100% pure .
9. The horse was almost pure white in colour.
10. His version of events is pure supposition .
11. The benefits from pure research are often indirect.
12. These adventure films are pure escapism.
13. His version of the events is pure supposition.
14. He was wearing a suit made from pure silk.
15. Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.
16. This is a romantic ballad that is pure corn.
17. The room was painted pure white.
18. His attack on the government was pure vitriol.
19. They have isolated the bacterium in its pure form.
20. I warrant that this cloth is pure wool.
21. These shirts are 100% pure cotton.
22. He did it out of pure kindness.
23. The water in mountain rivers is usually pure.
24. The mountain air was wonderfully pure.
25. What she said was pure conjecture .
26. We must not condemn her on pure supposition.
27. She has pure gypsy blood in her veins.
28. This is pure drinking water.
29. This jar of pure honey weighs 350 grams net.
30. Water can be made pure by distilling it.
1. Most of what they told us was pure fantasy.
2. So much of what's on TV is pure dross.
3. The shooting was in pure self-defense.
4. Her dancing is pure poetry.
5. Our beef patties are 100% pure .
6. The horse was almost pure white in colour.
7. His version of events is pure supposition .
8. The benefits from pure research are often indirect.
9. These adventure films are pure escapism.
10. His version of the events is pure supposition.
11. He was wearing a suit made from pure silk.
12. Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.
13. This is a romantic ballad that is pure corn.
14. They have isolated the bacterium in its pure form.
15. I warrant that this cloth is pure wool.
16. These shirts are 100% pure cotton.
17. He did it out of pure kindness.
18. The water in mountain rivers is usually pure.
19. The mountain air was wonderfully pure.
20. What she said was pure conjecture .
21. She has pure gypsy blood in her veins.
22. This is pure drinking water.
23. This jar of pure honey weighs 350 grams net.
24. Water can be made pure by distilling it.
25. She shot him look of pure hatred.
26. My feelings for Lauren were pure lust.
27. A look of pure hatred flashed across her face.
28. This is not pure gold; there is some alloy in it.
29. He felt a surge of pure adrenalin as he won the race.
30. In a flash of pure genius, she realized the answer to the problem.
31. This so-called translation is pure nonsense.
32. She shot him look of pure hatred.
33. My feelings for Lauren were pure lust.
34. A look of pure hatred flashed across her face.
35. This is not pure gold; there is some alloy in it.
36. Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.
36. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
37. Want to pick pure heart, still believe and you hear my anniversary of faith.
38. He felt a surge of pure adrenalin as he won the race.
39. How can I believe that there is still pure love in this world?
40. In a flash of pure genius, she realized the answer to the problem.
41. Pure strong chocolate, just like the taste of love to be the first tastes good.
42. Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love.
43. One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment.
44. He listened to the music with an expression of pure rapture on his face.
45. If I can be pure all the way to the end.
46. Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
47. Whether the business will survive another ten years is pure conjecture.
48. In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
49. Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.
50. Wheat color skin to a healthy sense of vitality, wearing Nike a complete set of pure white pink edge sportswear, the tiny curly brown hair tied in a relaxed and lively braids, always the confidence of cute expressions.
51. It was pure coincidence that they were both in Paris on the same day.
52. Affection is like water, so that all become pure filtered; it makes the flat family, by burning the more edges; the family is poetry, so boring after modified reached a kind of artistic conception. The family, life eternal power.
53. That look of pure grief would be imprinted on her mind forever.
54. She and I both arrived at the same time by pure coincidence.
55. Soaps like "Neighbours" are pure entertainment and there is nothing wrong with that.
56. Have clean and pure mind, noble sentiment; in each patient with a occupation smile; do not expect anything in return just offer in their heart.
57. Is it possible for cars to run on pure alcohol?
58. She didn't know the facts; what she said was pure conjecture.
59. The minister dismissed the newspaper reports as pure speculation.
60. His face wore a look of pure contentment.
31. One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment.
32. He listened to the music with an expression of pure rapture on his face.
33. Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
34. Whether the business will survive another ten years is pure conjecture.
35. In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
36. It was pure coincidence that they were both in Paris on the same day.
36. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
37. That look of pure grief would be imprinted on her mind forever.
38. She and I both arrived at the same time by pure coincidence.
39. Soaps like "Neighbours" are pure entertainment and there is nothing wrong with that.
40. Is it possible for cars to run on pure alcohol?
41. She didn't know the facts; what she said was pure conjecture.
42. It's laziness, pure and simple.
43. The story is a pure myth.
44. Her posh accent is pure affectation.
45. He felt a surge of pure adrenaline as he won the race.
61. She gave him a look of pure hate.
62. Politicians are not necessarily motivated by pure altruism.
63. Her performance was pure perfection.
64. Her singing voice has a pure, crystalline quality.
65. He gave way to pure sensation.
66. By pure chance,[http:///pure.html] I met Sir Malcolm that morning.
67. This material is warranted pure silk.
68. It's laziness, pure and simple.
69. He is motivated by greed, pure and simple.
70. He did it out of pure benevolence.
71. The air is so pure in these mountains.
72. The story is a pure myth.
73. She is a pure young girl.
74. 'Aromatherapy oils' are not pure essential oils but dilutions.
75. Pure gold is 24 carats.
76. The whole story is a pure invention.
77. Your theory is pure conjecture.
78. His music is pure New York.
79. It was pure chance that I was there.
80. The article is pure surmise and innuendo.
81. I'm trying to think only pure thoughts.
82. Diamonds are crystals of pure carbon.
83. The evening dress is made out of pure silk.
84. This is pure surmise on my part.
85. Most of what he says is pure invention!
86. His answer was pure hogwash.
87. That new lamp they've bought is pure kitsch.
88. My mother's life was pure hell.
89. Her dress was pure silk.
90. Her second album was pure schmaltz.
91. She killed her neighbour's cow out of pure spite.
92. Is this plate pure gold?
93. Her pains are mostly pure imagination.
94. Don't believe what he's saying it's pure bunkum.
95. He gazed at her with pure adoration.
96. He refused to help out of sheer/pure cussedness.
97. This last month has been pure hell.
98. He is a pure Red Indian.
99. The show is three hours of pure magic.
100. Sorry I hit you; it was a pure reflex.
101. Her face had a look of pure delight.
102. Her story was a pure fiction.
103. As Morison remarks, the story is pure moonshine.
104. The error was due to carelessness pure and simple.
105. The designs were pure, austere and coldly beautiful.
106. We had trouble finding a pure water supply.
107. It was pure chance that we were both there.
108. Our year in Italy was pure / sheer magic.
109. We ensured it to be pure.
110. Don't believe what she says?it's pure fiction!
111. It was pure coincidence/chance that we met.
112. Just breathe that pure sea air!
113. She laughed with pure joy.
114. She sings in an exceptionally pure soprano.
115. They met by pure accident.
116. A rush of pure affection swept over him.
117. Her performance was pure camp.
118. You think that, do you? Pure illusion!
119. The sheets are 100% pure cotton.
120. Her tears were pure theatre.
121. We can guarantee it pure.
122. These reports are pure speculation .
123. The dress is lambswool - pure luxury.
124. It was a pure accident.
125. He wanted revenge, pure and simple.
126. She dismissed the newspaper reports as pure speculation.
127. She is pure in heart.
128. He jumped into the lake,[] out of pure exhibitionism.
129. He cried out, out of pure terror.
130. The air was sweet and pure.
131. They met by pure chance.
132. Their affair was driven by pure lust.
133. That article was based on pure supposition.
134. I lost your file by pure mischance.
135. Her posh accent is pure affectation.
136. They subsequently admitted that the story was pure invention.
137. Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7.
138. A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly'srugged face.
139. She's knitting a jumper in pure wool.
140. That girl is a pure Red Indian.
141. The chairman dismissed the report as pure speculation.
142. It was pure guesswork on our part.
143. Tap water is never chemically pure.
144. Their price estimates are based on pure guesswork.
145. Their motive was greed, pure and simple .
146. I wanted so much to believe he was pure and noble.
147. Physics isn't just about pure science with no immediate applications.
148. It was pure chance that they ended up working in the same office in the same town.
149. It's entirely pure research.
150. God is pure spirit.
151. I put the loss of the money down to pure bad luck.
152. Memories can sometimes be pure fantasy, rather than actual recollections.
153. Nicholson never swerved from his aim of making pure and simple art.
154. The note of pure panic in his voice was almost comical.
155. It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached.
156. By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little second - hand bookshop.
157. The fire burns away the dross leaving the pure metal.
158. Rumours that they are about to marry have been dismissed as pure speculation.
159. Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.
160. I don't think you're really in a position to criticize her. You're hardly as pure as the driven snow yourself!
161. The violinist had good intonation,[http://] and a wonderful pure tone.
162. This is a very pure silver that plates out well.
163. Kandinsky's first pure abstracts are marked by their wild colour.
164. By pure accident he had come across the very man who could solve the mystery.
165. His genius lies in his ability to convey pure terror in his work.
166. The question, pure and simple, is whether you will support me.
167. Anybody interested in pop culture at all should buy "Pure Cult".
168. Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive, dirty cream one, most people can be forgiven for choosing the former.
169. Her voice, clear and pure, soared up to the roof.
170. Now nobody can be sure any longer that the air in the countryside is pure and healthy.
171. The reason for the change is lack of money, pure and simple.
172. Research opportunities exist in a wide range of pure and applied areas of entomology.
173. There is something magical about the pure exchange of love between parent and child.
174. Water should be regularly chlorinated in public swimming baths to keep it pure.
175. She's tall, blonde, twenty-three and as pure as the driven snow.
176. Pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets.
177. The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride.
178. I had another helping of ice cream out of pure greed.
179. Convincing myself that I had gained in some way from my loss was just pure sophistry.
180. My husband is pure Japanese and traces his family back 800 years.
181. The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise.
182. Somehow she'd always been a child in his mind, pure and virginal.
183. The story was certainly a favourite one, but it was undoubtedly pure invention.
184. They're too pure and innocent to know what's really going on.
185. The projected sales figures are pure guesswork on our part.
186. With strength born of pure panic,[/pure.html] she threw her attacker to the ground.
187. How dare he criticize me for having an affair? He's not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.
188. He invited me up to his flat for coffee, but I didn't think that his motives were entirely pure.
189. Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb.
190. He felt a surge of pure adrenaline as he won the race.
191. Pure water is neutral and has a pH of 7.
192. A silkworm spins a cocoon that can yield 800 metres of pure silk.
193. With a gasp of pure horror, Lewis jumped up and ran.
194. His motives were pure.
195. Halfway through the film reality evaporates and we enter a world of pure fantasy.
196. Leave the door open, we need some pure air in the room.
197. This is a pedigree poodle - her bloodline is pure.
198. Diamonds are pure carbon.
199. It was pure, unadulterated hell.
200. Neither of them had pure academic interests.
201. The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde 
202. The pure hell of making a speech is only equalled by the agony of the audience.
203. She was one of Britain's best-loved painters, whose art moved over six decades from semi-cubism towards pure abstraction.
204. Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. George Orwell 
205. Her hair is pure white, her face covered with spidery lines, but her eyes are absolutely clear, sparkling.
206. For the epinephrine plus pure alcohol group, all achieved initial haemostasis.
207. Most hatred is based on fear, one way or another. Yeah. I wrapped myself in anger, with a dash of hate, and at the bottom of it all was an icy center of pure terror. Laurell K. Hamilton 
208. Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate. Sigmund Freud 
209. Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit. Alexandre Dumas 
210. For real racists it's about white rule pure and simple.
211. Here is a place of pure abstraction and perfection, free of earthly contamination.
212. However, in case of need, cars can run on pure alcohol after adjustments.
213. Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art. Maya Angelou 
214. This is pure surmise.
215. The rebleeding rate was high, however, and this could be decreased with pure alcohol injection after the epinephrine injection.
216. The lithographic stone is made of a slab of almost pure limestone,[] which easily absorbs grease.
217. Their voices rose, pure and distinct in the clear air as they laughed and shouted to each other.
218. The lady prioress, a pure wool cloak wrapped around her, came down to bid us adieu.
219. My strength is as the strength of ten,Because my heart is pure. Alfred Tennyson 
220. For patients with spurting peptic ulcers, we suggest pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection instead of epinephrine injection alone.
221. Among the various solutions, epinephrine and pure alcohol are proved to be effective in the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage.
222. Generally, pure risks are insurable; speculative risks are not.
223. The resulting flue gas is almost pure carbon dioxide.
224. The pure office of poetry is ever to idealize.
225. There are pure people and impure people.
226. The problem, pure and simple, is finding a babysitter.
227. Do you want pure gold or karat?
228. Where does Bai Cheng City produce pure white herbaceous plant? Pure white.
229. Dectecting little carbon in super pure indium at Chinese and international is still a blank.
230. Pure Internet companies and different, there is still a lot of fence line activities.
231. A theatrical scene requires an obstacle unless it is a pure connective or expository situation.
232. Nowadays, pure titanium has been widely used as an implant material.
233. Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jeweled rims — just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair.
234. A new equivalent characterization of pure projective left R - modules is given by applying homological methods.
235. There was the trouble. The silver iodide he had used was not pure.
236. Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, myrrh, angelica, gingko extract, vitamin A, arbutin, liquorice etc.
237. Of all the reasons for using the new technology, pure ego raises the most hackles.
238. They were rare , and the pure - strain wild turkeys had begun to interbreed with farmers domestic stock.
239. A Girl Scout is pure in thought in word and in deed.
240. The deluded mind twists on a fishhook. The pure mind is the bright full moon.
241. Imitation of high quality pottery figurine, pure hand - made ceramic crafts, collectibles.
242. The foamed pure Al was prepared by way of melt foaming process.
243. It delivers a pure digital connection to external displays - even large 30 - inch displays - quickly and without a glitch.
244. The freezing point of pure water is 0? ? C.
245. In a world where grandmothers send email, computer users aren't seen as pure geek any more.
246. Big pure clear eyes MM be an auto heterodyne be apt most!
246. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
247. A gardenia stands for pure, noble, moreover, for strong, optimistic.
248. The external manifestations of pure and impure emotions may be the same.
249. Ingredients: pure olive oil, vitamin E, ginseng, liquorice, gingko, snow lotus, natural moisturizing factor etc.
250. No finesse, no gimmicks. Just raw speed and pure acceleration.
251. Where does Bai Cheng City produce pure white herbaceous plant?
252. Holy words & pure & goodly deeds ascend unto the heaven of celestial glory.
253. And still remember the moment he met, in fact, was purely fortuitous, a pure accident.
254. I am Pure Knowledge and Bliss : I am ? iva ! I am? iva!
255. Industries, mainly the fire industry, foundry industry, and pure water production.
256. These supra - consciousness pictures exhibit the immediacy of pure energy presence.
257. Determine if parental samples P 1 and P 2 are pure - breeding lines ( homozygous at each gene locus ).
258. When he examined it, he too saw that it was pure gold under the grime.
259. There are also some estimates of the efficiency of litter decomposition by Basidiomycetes in pure culture.
260. Methods 50 patients received standard pure - tone and extended high frequency audiometry for hearing measurement.
261. Our assurance that twice two are four is a matter of pure intellection.
262. Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, gingko essence, liquorice essence , codonopsis pilosula , peony, allantoin, tree oil etc.
263. But Sun Yue is only one pure the gold digger, on body not any pressure.
264. Soil loss of the pure contour hedgerow plot was pure crop plot.
265. I could keep my passion pure by concealing it in the inmost recesses of my heart.
266. So we believe she once was invigorated by this one pure place, went at a dash.
267. The present study measured CNV on 17 volunteerswith 2000,4000 Hz pure tone.
268. An allele does not care if it is in a half - blooded ( heterozygous ) or pure - blooded ( homozygous ) individual.
269. L - Glutamic acid ( Glu ) racemization research is of great importance for the preparation of optical pure D - Glu.
270. Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, misaiya purete, wild yam extract, horsetail grass extract etc.
271. Electrorefining of hot galvanizing slag to produce pure zinc is a completely new technology.
272. The popular view is that technology is the handmaiden of science - less pure, more commercial.
273. Finally he bought a pint of pure glycerine and a glass rod a foot long.
274. Jack's mouse was pure black and he named it Inky.
275. Objective To know the germicidal ( bacteriostatic ) efficacy and stability of a pure Chinese medicine lotion.
275. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
276. Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, gingko essence, misaiya purete, vitamin E, protease, moisturizing factor etc.
277. The method of fermentation: naturally fermenting , fermenting with pure species.
278. She felt a gush of pure affection for her mother.
279. Through modification of operating condition, there are three classes of pure auriferous pyrite headmill.
280. This is fluky psychology, also be pure belong to accidental.
281. Optically pure D - glutamine was prepared by biotransformations of DL - glutamine manufactured by chemical synthesis.




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