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单词 Analytical
1. She has a clear analytical mind.
2. She's got an analytical mind.
3. He has a very analytical mind.
4. I have an analytical approach to every survey.
5. During the course, students will develop their analytical skills.
6. He lacked profundity and analytical precision.
7. Some students have a more analytical approach to learning.
8. All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance.
9. All raw materials are subjected to our latest analytical techniques.
10. But his coldly analytical mind dismissed the idea.
11. There are many practical applications for analytical geochemistry.
12. This analytical technique was time-consuming and destructive.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. A more analytical approach was needed.
14. His excellent analytical skills were clearly apparent.
15. He was the old-fashioned type, intelligent and analytical.
16. Analytical reading requires good levels of concentration, however.
17. The next chapter will explore some of the analytical techniques that are commonly employed in working capital management.
18. The enumeration in such schemes reflects an analytical approach to knowledge, with subjects subdivided into their component subfields.
19. Since spectrometry forms the basis of most analytical techniques to be described it must first be defined.
20. The analytical glint was there now, oddly mixed with her distress.
21. He did not want to be too analytical about it either.
22. Some felt that the old analytical approach to science had been played out, that a new approach was called for.
23. Again differences in analytical techniques, patient selection, and other variables makes the interpretation of some of these studies difficult.
24. Instead of developing careful analytical thinking, the staff could be instructed to introduce closed didactic procedures that are heavily information-driven.
25. Ability to apply sound analytical skills to a creative process.
26. Few adherents to the new classical macroeconomics trouble even to question it, let alone provide an analytical basis to justify it.
27. However, it falls short of the mark of providing the needed discussion of analytical biochemical problems.
28. We saw that this theory has serious weaknesses in terms of lacking supporting evidence and analytical strength.
29. There is certainly a need for a comprehensive guide to materials characterization techniques for industrial scientists who are not analytical chemists.
30. They offer contrasts both in the dynamical basis of rhythmicity and in the analytical methods that have been used to examine them.
1. She has a clear analytical mind.
2. She's got an analytical mind.
3. He has a very analytical mind.
4. I have an analytical approach to every survey.
31. Her superb analytical skills will find a less adversarial niche.
32. The education in analytical chemistry and environmental sciences will certainly profit from this book, too.
33. For analytical purposes, the 12 categories of land cover recognized during the classification stage were compressed into five representing: 1.
34. Core support services such as Analytical, Technical Information Services and a small engineering technology function will continue to be maintained.
35. Gas compositions are normalised to exclude hydrogen sulphide because of poor analytical reproducibility for this gas.
36. There is insufficient attention paid to the analytical problems to be addressed in biochemistry.
37. The pressure of commercial competition for analytical business has led to the use of cheaper, less experienced staff.
38. Analytical reading of history texts should never permit a passive acceptance of other people's interpretations of the past.
39. The key-in moment contains analytical reduction from weariness or slight illness.
40. The work naturally becomes more analytical and mathematically challenging at this stage.
41. These papers demonstrate also the necessity of international cooperation between analytical laboratories.
42. It also makes an ideal text to support an undergraduate degree course in analytical chemistry.
43. Alan Townshend, professor of analytical chemistry at Hull,[http:///analytical.html] agrees that phasing out carbon tetrachloride is a minor worry.
44. The emphasis is on the development of critical and analytical skills.
45. The problem is by no means limited to analytical instruments.
46. But one thing it represents far me is this: the eternal conflict between the analytical and creative aspects of human consciousness.
47. Openend funds have forged ahead to a total of 8, 667, according to Lipper Analytical Services Inc.
48. Quevauviller is very successful in systematically altering analytical chemists to effective means for achieving quality in analytical speciation.
49. Historians, too, must determine how to classify their data for analytical purposes.
50. It is one of the most useful texts for communicating to the reader an understanding of an analytical method and its potential.
51. Chemometrics and analytical data extraction are the main topics covered in the computer corner.
52. A thorough knowledge of analytical chemistry and experience in chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques is therefore essential.
53. Applicants should have a degree or equivalent qualification in chemistry and relevant post-graduate experience or training in analytical chemistry.
54. Some firms prefer candidates with business backgrounds because business courses emphasize quantitative analytical skills.
55. Both theories are exercises in analytical moral philosophy which aspire to provide rational principles to support particular conceptions of just social arrangements.
56. Analytical ability Does the candidate reason his or her way through the question or simply muddle along its surface?
57. Dealing with capital account problems requires analytical and organisational skills which are very different from policing an overdraft.
58. Because of their quantitative and analytical skills, the demand for economics graduates is buoyant.
59. The chapters on the various analytical techniques used in the detection and study of drugs of abuse are of more general interest.
60. Developing a budget involves manipulating numbers and requires strong analytical skills.
61. Medeva does however have a development laboratory capable of formulation, stability and analytical work, which is being expanded.
62. Over the past 10 years Philips Analytical has grown and diversified away from its core technologies of X-ray analysis and electron microscopy.
63. Instead you should investigate the reasons why progress has faltered by taking an analytical look through your diary.
64. The use of an analytical inventory to provide a focus for review sessions.
65. The whole work is well presented and is recommended as an invaluable source of reference in the analytical laboratory.
66. At the back of the book there are twenty-two short descriptions of analytical experiments that can be carried out.
67. All metals are monitored during alloying and before despatch, using the most modern analytical equipment in their own laboratory.
68. All analytical methods should be validated in respect of accuracy, precision, linearity and specificity.
69. The written examinations would provide the opportunity for assessing whether the student had acquired a sufficiently analytical approach to the subject.
70. Specific aspects of laboratory practice and particular areas of accreditation which may cause problems for analytical laboratories are also discussed.
71. Between the first moment of analytical attenuation and a regain of analytical power is the engram.
72. Bottles will disappear from stockroom shelves and many published analytical and synthetic methods will have to be changed.
73. At a more analytical level,[] these micro-observations are being placed in a series of broader contexts.
74. Still, the book is of great value, especially for analytical chemists in industrial labs.
75. The mix of skills should also be very different with an emphasis on analytical and contracting expertise.
76. This will then provide an analytical background against which to review a school-focused case study.
77. She had achieved a balance between her vulnerable, nurturing, feeling side and the rational, assertive, analytical side.
78. Overton describes three different types of information obtained from automated systems - statistical, operational and analytical.
79. In this climate, it is likely that people may look at the Office of Innovation model through analytical eyes.
80. She is the associative restimulator something his analytical mind, told to scent danger, picks up as the cause.
81. These professional advisers will need statistical and analytical skills as well as expertise in drug therapy.
82. Other supporting evidence for the use of different sand sources can be found in the analytical data.
83. In this way modern analytical techniques are providing the basis for greater appreciation of some of the world's greatest painters.
84. It was refreshing to see how much importance is now being given to producing both valid and acceptable analytical results.
85. Grossman's analysis offers a more analytical treatment of why rational economic behaviour would require higher participation by higher income groups.
86. To what extent are these factors likely to be present in modern analytical laboratories?
87. Finally, users of reference materials described will enjoy learning about the reference material's analytical history.
88. The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
89. This basically strategic revision was subsequently given analytical support through the theoretical work of more recent members of the neo-Marxist school.
90. Recent linguistic work on characterisation has used the principles and analytical techniques of pragmatics and discourse analysis to considerable effect.
91. Analytical work carried out as part of environmental research often falls into this category.
92. The laboratories have extensive tissue culture facilities and there is a flow cytometric unit equipped with both analytical and cell sorting instruments.
93. This concerns the analytical deficiencies in the treatment of the relationship between stocks and flows in Keynesian macroeconomics.
94. Part 1 is concerned with analytical techniques, including some aspects of data quality control.
95. After all, flawed basic concepts should not form the starting point for rigorous analytical investigation.
96. This type of analytical framework posits a range of views from strong versions of racism to weak versions of ethnocentrism.
97. The analytical techniques available to the bureaucracies of modern states are increasingly sophisticated.
98. Sayre first published the results of his analytical investigations of ancient glass with R.W.
99. They went into partnership as analytical chemists at Lincoln's Inn in 1885.
100. There is also a chapter on special sample introduction techniques together with an introductory chapter providing an overview of analytical atomic spectrometry.
101. Apart from this, its description of linguistic structures is not as exact and analytical as modern style studies tend to be.
102. Its contents goes well beyond what is actually relevant for analytical chemistry.
103. The Special Branch, on the other hand,[http:///analytical.html] was under G-2 and was principally an analytical organization with no operational control.
104. Hughes established that 36% of the single thesis which she studied was unpublished because it consisted of raw analytical data.
105. On analytical grounds the answer is probably in the affirmative.
106. Negative assurance may be expressed as a result of review work, on the basis of inquiry and analytical procedures.
107. A reconsideration of these moves us on to a more analytical plane, and points the way forward to discussion in subsequent chapters.
108. An early investigation of Roman lead-rich glazes using this analytical technique was carried out by the late E.M.
109. This is a very well written chapter and covers material not normally found in other analytical chemistry texts.
110. Contamination and poor analytical techniques presumably explain why previous values for trace metals in gastric juice were so high.
111. These are distinct for analytical purposes though in practice they overlap.
112. McNeill Alexander adopted a different analytical technique, and came up with a much slower dinosaur than Bakker's.
113. His question-answering demonstrated an analytical ability, and respect for the questioner and for his audience.
114. These chapters are excellent for the conscientious analytical chemist, and can truly be used as a manual / handbook.
115. There will also be an Internet resource centre for analytical scientists.
116. David Anderson was a selfless public servant with an incisive analytical mind.
117. This issue comprises an extensive effort to apply economic modelling techniques and other analytical approaches to policy issues in a specific sector.
118. In another analytical method, neutron activation, an atomic reactor is used to bombard the mineral with fast-moving neutrons.
119. The new inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry laboratory is a leading exponent of the application of this powerful analytical technique to geological materials.
120. Analytical studies have repeatedly shown high correlations between mothers' education levels and the achievements of their children.
121. It is possible to identify three main types of historical writing - descriptive, narrative and analytical.
122. The study of petrographic fabrics forms the basis for later analytical research, both chemically and isotopically.
123. The trouble comes when the analytical mind is shut down by restimulation and the auditor is seeking the ally computation.
124. User access to our bibliographic data is currently by means of a card catalogue, with some analytical indexes.
125. Even if we accept this, it is questionable how useful an analytical framework is which has an untenable base.
126. Tests to confirm that the analytical methods used in stability testing are in fact stability-indicating should be conducted.
127. The contributors have wide and varied scientific backgrounds therefore giving a balanced coverage of the different analytical detection methods in food irradiation.
128. A fundamentally different analytical method is to use the concept of bibliographical coupling to construct clusters of co-citing journals.
129. Chapters 9 and 10 deal with issues directly linked to scaling laws in chemistry and analytical devices.
130. It is towards experiences, then, that we shall have to direct our analytical gaze.
131. Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry and neutron activation analysis may be required for quantitative determination at such low levels.
132. This is a crucial part of your analytical reading and a fundamental way of increasing your historical understanding.
133. The emphasis on analytical methods in these final chapters is also out of date.
134. This time consuming analytical procedure has the advantage of simplicity and requires little specialist equipment.
135. For negative assurance,[sentencedict .com] enquiry and analytical procedures will be required.
136. There are many more good illustrations coming in to the Library than there are analytical entries or other index terms.
137. What makes Austen's work interesting is that it can never be reduced entirely to simple analytical frameworks.
138. In this year students apply higher-level business, analytical and technological techniques to management within the hotel operations and tourism ventures.
139. There are important analytical problems to be addressed concerning the siting of such monitoring equipment and these are elaborated on later.
140. Nevertheless, not withstanding the adoption of an analytical method, the dominant tradition is both anti-rationalist and anti-formalist in conception.
141. These topics are important, but instrumental analytical chemistry plays an essential role in analysis these days and needs better coverage.
142. People with analytical minds have a great tendency to be negative.
143. But the original premise that all statements are either empirical or analytical is itself in neither of these categories.
144. Thus, one may develop various analytical measures to portray meaningful relationships and extract information from raw financial data.
145. A number of analytical problems are raised by the rather stark polarization between these opposing views.
146. It provides an analytical framework for macroeconomics.
147. Analytical skills and marketing research capabilities.
148. Analytical quality control is essential in geochemistry.
149. This paper studied a four-layer Kerr-type nonlinear slab-guided optical mode(TE mode) and obtained the analytical solution.
150. Whether analytical or romantic, it is committed to existence, not to essence.
151. We should similarly record potential analytical review techniques which we consider would improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the audit work.
152. Socrates was the greatest practitioner of this analytical search for fundamental assumptions.
153. A sensitive analytical method of bromophenol - like marine flavors has been established using capillary gas chromatography - mass spectrometry.
154. The procedure described above for obtaining the gain defies simple analytical approaches.
155. Mathematical model of steering wheel shimmy for motor vehicle with independent front sue ion has been established by mea of analytical mechanics with the Peugeot 505SL car as research object.
156. In addition, the nonlinear iteration semi - analytical nodal method was extended to solve the time - dependent kinetic equations.
157. Its clarity in algebraic and analytical operations far outweighs any drawbacks.
158. Mayyun provide mte PHP and JS file parser for the build their own analytical platform webmaster.
159. Analytical mechanics is not only viewed as a self-sufficient mathematical discipline, but as a subject of mechanics preparing for theories of physics and engineering too.
160. An analytical solution to the instantaneous state probability was found, and the average unavailability during the evaluation period was derived to replace the steady-state value.
161. As a result, analytical data obtained by analysts were often in disagreement.
162. Hobbes is a precursor of modern positivism and analytical jurisprudence.
163. By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis[Sentence dictionary], the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation.
164. The proof of grafting was established by IR spectra, ninhydrin test, nitrogen estimation and other analytical methods.
165. It is difficult to determine the mixtures of phenol, m-cresol and thymol directly by routine analytical method since their fluorescent spectra are overlapped closely.
166. For most analytical applications, 100 to 200 mesh beads are sufficient.
167. Finally, some practical analytical theory and numerical technique of reliability assessment and prediction of the fatigue life for deepwater risers are presented.
168. Liquid propellant combustion processes are quite complicated and defy precise analytical description.
169. In a series of analytical papers, scientists noted other curiosities.
170. Analytical method in frequency domain for a long - span roof structures are based on random vibration theory.
171. Then comparing between every two factors have done and get the sort order by weightiness of all factors by using Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP).
172. To solve the sphere ranging problem of fixed monocular vision, the analytical formulation of ellipse center offset is deduced, and the calibration method using this formulation is proposed.
173. Analytical solutions for three dimensional elasticity problems are quite difficult to obtain.
174. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analytical method for three anorectics drugs, fenfluramine, diethylpropion and mazindol, illegally adulterated in slimming foods has been developed.
175. However, an economic model is not an accurate blueprint but an analytical simile.
176. Logical positivism is rooted in two philosophic traditions : analytical tradition and internalism tradition.
177. Reports help you to analyze historical values of numeric business measures that belong to a cube, which is a multidimensional representation of data needed for online analytical processing.
178. The desirability of there being analytical services is immediately accessible.
179. The above achievement has raised the level of application of penstock ( spiral case ) with elastic layer from engineering experience to a theory with a uniform analytical calculation.
180. An analytical function for describing hardness distribution in round section of quenched steel, known as U-curve, has been established.
181. The repeatability and accuracy of the analytical method were studied. The effect of different sample introducing amounts and correction factor on flat peak of acetonitrile were discussed.
182. A new graphical method based on the tangential obliquity criterion is proposed by using fundamentals of analytical geometry for distinguishing the stability of mechatronic transmission system.
183. An analytical description of the low-pass optical filtering performed by defocused imaging is established.
184. These are men of great sensibility as well as analytical ability.




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