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单词 creation
释义 Word family  noun creation creativity creator creativeness adjective creative ≠ uncreative verb create recreate adverb creatively  Related topics: Naturecre·a·tion /kriˈeɪʃən/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun  1  [uncountable]MAKE the act of creating something 创造;创建creation of the creation of 2,000 new jobs 创造2,000个新的就业机会 the creation of a single European currency 欧洲单一货币的建立 a job creation scheme 创造就业机会的计划2  [countable]INVENT something that has been created 创造物;作品;产物 The dress is a stunning creation in green, gold, and white. 这件礼服以绿色、金色和白色搭配,是绝妙的设计。 Most countries have systems of government that are relatively modern creations. 大多数国家的政体都是比较现代的产物。3. the Creation RRCthe act by God, according to the Bible, of making the universe, including the world and everything in it 〔《圣经》所载的〕上帝创世4. [uncountable] literaryDN the whole universe and all living things 宇宙万物,天地万物Examples from the Corpuscreation• Agatha Christie's greatest fictional creation was the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.• Are we the only thinking species in creation?• The trend has hurt the pace of factory job creation nationwide, economists said.• In addition to job creation, the plan envisioned improving the quality of the labor force through education and training programs.• Chef Michael Almay's creations will make you want to come back again and again.• Another of Marc's creations is a skirt with hand-painted flowers.• To avoid the creation of extra synonyms, the file has to be loaded in two passes.• We will support the creation by the police of new Racial attacks Squads to monitor and coordinate action against racially-motivated attacks.job creation• In future, job creation will inevitably become one of the main indicators of success.• In job creation terms its return on the £170 million so far invested has been small.• There was some sort of job creation scheme going on at the overstaffed scoreboard.• That is already improving our competitiveness and we shall see its effects on job creation before much longer.• The latter is specifically for revenue expenditure for activities such as training; the emphasis is on job creation.• People in West Belfast are very cynical about the claims made on job creation in the area.• Competitiveness is the key to job creation and the key to competitiveness is the control of inflation.nthe CreationCreation, the  n(in the Christian religion) God's act of creating the Universe, the Earth, and all living things on Earth. The story of the Creation is told in the book of Genesis in the Bible.cre·a·tion nounCreation, theLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  act something the of Corpus creating




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