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单词 cortege
释义  Related topics: Deathcor·tege /kɔːˈteɪʒ $ kɔːrˈteʒ/ noun [countable]  MXa line of people or cars that move along slowly in a funeral 送葬行列Examples from the Corpuscortege• There was no service at his funeral: no pallbearers, no priests, no official mourners, no creeping cortege.• On its way to the churchyard, the funeral cortege passed Gary Manning's favourite pub.• The funeral cortege must have been ten blocks long, cruising across the city at a measured pace.• He returned in a few minutes with a very wet and chastened Liam and the cortege was complete.• He took off his cap as the cortege passed.• As the cortege reached George Square in the heart of Glasgow, the crowd watched silently until some one broke into applause.• Sportsmen, journalists, newspaper photographers and local political figures were among the many walking in the cortege.• What struck me was the music in the funeral parade, the cortege, the boots backward in the stirrups.Origin cortege (1600-1700) French cortège, from Italian corteggio, from corteggiare “to attend the royal court”, from corte “court”; from the idea of a group of people following an important person around, as at courtcor·tege nounChineseSyllable  cars Corpus of that people or a move line




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