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单词 cooperative
释义 Word family  noun cooperation cooperative adjective cooperative ≠ uncooperative verb cooperate adverb cooperatively ≠ uncooperatively noun operation cooperation operative cooperative operator adjective operational operative cooperative ≠ uncooperative verb operate cooperate adverb operationally cooperatively  Related topics: Companiesco·op·e·ra·tive1 (also co-operative British English) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv $ koʊˈɑːp-/ ●○○ AWL adjective  1  HELPwilling to cooperate 合作的 SYN helpful OPP uncooperative He was doing his best to be cooperative. 他在尽全力配合。 a cooperative witness 肯配合的目击者2  TOGETHERmade, done, or operated by people working together 合作进行的 a co-operative venture between the City Council and the police 市议会和警方的一个合作项目3  a cooperative store, bank etc is operated by people working together as a cooperative 〔商店、银行等〕合作的,协作的 a co-operative store in a provincial town 地方小镇上的一家合作商店 —cooperatively adverbExamples from the Corpuscooperative• The nature of the task requires cooperative activity of a high order at various levels and between a wide range of people.• Some of the students are highly cooperative and attentive, but unfortunately, most aren't.• The Board had considered McFarlane to be a cooperative and credible witness.• Grice suggests that the maxims are in fact not arbitrary conventions, but rather describe rational means for conducting cooperative exchanges.• Needless to say, the band was run on cooperative lines with no one in particular leading.• The Queretaro cooperative project, I believe, was no exception.• Many heritage establishments will be cooperative provided the matter is discussed in advance.• Braitman and Ehrenzweig like having it where they live, and feel its cooperative, relaxed ambience is very San Francisco.• Directors also strive to foster a cooperative spirit and friendly attitude among employees and a compassionate demeanor toward the families.• Car companies have started several cooperative ventures.• A cooperative waiter helped us to order from the huge menu.• The suspect has been cooperative with investigators, but he shows little remorse.Related topics: Companiescooperative2 (also co-operative British English) noun [countable]  BBCa business or organization owned equally by all the people working there 合作性组织,合作企业,合作商店 SYN co-op a women-only housing co-operative 只限女性成员的住房合作社 a workers’ co-operative 工人合作企业Examples from the Corpuscooperative• As a cooperative we were very poor.• I also visited a cooperative of peasant farmers who grow sesame seed.• His buying cooperative dropped Shaw after the company announced it would get into the retail market.• a potato farm cooperative in Pennsylvania• The agro-industry maquila cooperative project was one attempt to provide rural industrial work for women.• A pilot cooperative is working on fulfilling the preconditions for certification, such as the development of a management plan.• But it reopened after a state judge ruled this month that the cooperative could do business under the tenets of Proposition·op·e·ra·tive1 adjectivecooperative2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus willing to cooperate




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