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单词 Feldspar
1. They contain large amounts of the feldspar mineral.
2. Ankerite, haematite, mica and feldspar have also been identified in smaller quantities.
3. If feldspar is present, it is in minor volumes or traces.
4. Petrological observations show excess feldspar in many basaltic lavas which is most easily explained by crystal settling.
5. Quartz, feldspar, and the clay minerals make up the bulk of that contribution.
6. This sandstone consists of quartz primarily and feldspar secondly.
7. Feldspar; leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar.
8. Underground rich porcelain clay, iron, sodium feldspar resources is allowed to fame.
9. The outlook for feldspar and nepheline syenite depends to a large extent on the strength of the glass container industry.
10. Rock-forming mineral, olivine, pyroxene, hornblende, orthoclase, feldspar, plagioclase, mica, quartz, biotite, calcite and other common metal and nonmetal minerals.
11. Several methods of producing potash fertilizer using potassium feldspar were introduced in brief.
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12. Secondary feldspar was related to the albitization process of feldspar, the albitization of plagioclase began at the early stage of diagenesis, and the albi.
13. A rare plagioclase feldspar with high calcium oxide content occurring in igneous rocks.
14. The mechanism of oxygen isotope exchange between alkali feldspar and fluid is mainly dissolution reprecipitation.
15. Latites contain plagioclase feldspar ( andesine or oligoclase) as large, single crystals (phenocrysts) in a fine-grained matrix of orthoclase feldspar and augite.
16. Industry: petroleum, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, uranium, gold.
17. Finally, a temperature is reached when a third mineral, feldspar, joins in.
18. Electron microprobe element maps show the distribution and quantity of alkali feldspar in the fine-grained groundmass of the altered basalts.
19. The result shows that the sintering temperature of ceramic body is reduced, but the toughness is improved obviously on substitution of nepheline for feldspar.
20. The nodule minerals consist of quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, K ? feldspar , goethite, lepidocrocite, δ MnO ? 2 , illite, and muscovite etc.
21. In agreement with published literature, amphibole and pyroxene appeared to dissolve ahead of feldspar.
22. The notes describe the common minerals such as quartz and its polymorphs, coesite, tridymite and cristobalite, feldspar, plagioclase, feldspathoids, pyroxenes, amphiboles, etc.
23. Shaking flask and pot experiment were carried out to study the dissolution of feldspar and growth promoting of the plants by the strain NBT of silicate bacterium.
24. The Penshan granitic body is a calc-alkaline pluton composed of muscovite alkali granite, two-mica alkali feldspar granite and biotite adamellite.
25. Therefore, the albitization of plagioclase is shown in the early stage of diagenesis and albitization of potash feldspar appears only in the late stage of diagenesis.
26. The ore - hunting indicator is of calcite - potassium feldspar veins containing pyritohedron pyrite.
27. The effects of propanedioic acid, succinic acid, hexanedioic acid, sebacic acid and oxalic acid on floatation performance of feldspar and quartz in dodecyl amine system were investigated.
28. A porcelain - fused -- metal material was prepared using the domestic high - purity feldspar powders.
29. The main mineral resources have a crystal, iron, tungsten, tin, manganese, potassium feldspar, quartz sand quality.
30. The forming minerals of the granite mass rock are composed of quartz, albite, potassium feldspar and phlogopite in Pingwu.
31. There are obvious differences in feldspar content between the north and south sides of the catchment area.
32. Feldspar and Nepheline Syenite - A Global Strategic Business Repor...
33. The second pore growth degree is mainly influenced by cementation, quartz, feldspar and diffluence.
34. A group of rock-forming, hydrous aluminum silicate minerals that are platy in structure and can form by the alteration of silicate minerals like feldspar and amphibole.
35. Wolfram tailing glass - ceramic proportion of wolfram tailing and other ingredients such as feldspar , limestone, and flux.
36. Analcime is distributed in sparry calcite cement, while natrolite is in quartz and feldspar clastic particles.
37. The mouth bar contacts with the frontal sand bar and acidic water can easily flow into mouth bar. The feldspar in sand bodies of mouth bar is dissolved and generates secondary pores.
38. Early Yanshanian intrusions are mainly adamellite, biotite K feldspar granite with small amount of granodiorite.
39. The type of the reservoir rock was from gray-brown to gray debris-feldspar sandstone and feldspar sandstone.
40. Potassium - feldspar is a main resource of potash fertilizer.
41. Potash feldspar porphyroblasts occur in large quantity in the granite closely related to the gold ore deposits in the Zhaoyuan-Yexian area, especially in the Guojialing porphyritic granite.
41. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
42. A coarse-grained, plutonic or intrusive igneous rock of felsic composition having large crystals of quartz, feldspar and mica.
43. Furthermore, the lunar orbiters confirmed that the highlands of the moon are dominated by anorthosite, an igneous rock composed primarily of the mineral feldspar and rich in calcium and aluminum.
44. The effect of K release from feldspar by the strain NBT is similar to both in non sterilized soil and in sterilized soil.
45. Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups.
46. The main metal minerals include limonite, hematite and jarosite, and the gangue minerals are dominated by quartz, feldspar, sericite and clay minerals.
47. The light - colored minerals of K -rich volcanic rocks in this area are alkaline feldspar, leucite and nepheline.
48. Using nepheline syenite as a substitute for feldspar, the batch mixtures were prepared from a composition of green float glass and were melted into glasses.
49. Namely temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and calcium are favorable forming feldspar.
50. The authors discovered directional arrangement of feldspar and mica microcrystals and elongated spherulite in the hight-p experimental products.
51. The sherdscontain quartz, feldspar , calcspar and sericite as well as some charcoal.
52. Exploration guides for gold deposits in altered rocks, quartz veins and potassic feldspar alteration zones are suggested.
53. In the Q-F-L graph, the plotted points of quartz, feldspar and lithoclast contents of Cretaceous sandstone-mudstone cored from wells are mainly located in foreland basin area.
54. This is a Natural basalt stone with a homogeneous structure and some vacuolar porosity with a high feldspar content(around 75%).
55. Using nepheline syenite as a substitute for feldspar, the batch mixtures were prepared on a composition of float glass and are melted into glasses.
56. The results of composition analyses show that Ningcun china stone is mainly composed of quartz, sericite and feldspar; iron is contained in silicate, sulphide, oxide and hydroxide minerals.
57. The results indicate that the jade mainly consists of illite and a small quantity of feldspar, quartz, hematite, siderite and rutile, which is argillaceous sedimentary rock.
58. Ceramic body for fan wei feldspar, quartz, gaol in, etc.
59. Many common minerals, such as feldspar, develop microscopic pits during weathering.
60. The crystallization temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and snow calcium silicon stone synthetic reactions.
61. The minerals of kaolin ores consist mainly of kaolinite as well as halloysite, hydromuscovite, quartz associated with Small amounts of feldspar.
62. The fine structure of natural alkali feldspar selected from the basalt in the Hannuoba district, China was investigated by means of high resolution electron microscopy(HREM).
63. The deposit is an alkali - feldspar granite type Ta deposit.
64. The development of ceramics industry of Anhui promotes the utilization of potassium feldspar resources.
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65. Oil shales are of mostly schistic grey-black and mainly composed of hard clay minerals with a little quartz, a few feldspar scraps and bituminous flecks.
66. Under P-stress, mobilization and utilization of structural K in gneiss and feldspar by maize (Zea mays L.
67. Their primary rocks were mainly graywacke, debris sandstone and few feldspar sandstone, ext.
68. Potash feldspar quartz crenulate often appears on the top of rock masses which are related to the molybdenum deposits.
69. The active strong-to-weak sequence of organic dibasic acid on feldspar is oxalic acid, propanedioic acid, succinic acid, hexanedioic acid and sebacic acid.
70. The ore mineral assemblage of Dayishan wollastonite deposit is complex being composed of wollastonite, diopside, idocrase, K—feldspar, albite, calcite and quartz.
71. Feldspar commonly used are: granite a long stone set fire to rocks.




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