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单词 contrary
释义  con·tra·ry1 /ˈkɒntrəri $ ˈkɑːntreri/ ●●○ AWL noun  1  on the contrary/quite the contrary DISAGREEused to add to a negative statement, to disagree with a negative statement by someone else, or to answer no to a question 正相反/恰恰相反 It wasn’t a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake. 那不是好事,恰恰相反,是个巨大的错误。 ‘I suppose your wife doesn’t understand you.’ ‘On the contrary, she understands me very well.’ “我估计你妻子不会理解你的。”“正好相反,她十分理解我。” ‘Are they happy?’ ‘No, no, quite the contrary.’ “他们幸福吗?”“不,不,正好相反。”2  evidence/statements etc to the contrary OPPOSITE/REVERSEsomething showing or saying the opposite 相反的证据/陈述等 Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we ought to believe them. 除非有相反的证据,否则我们就应该相信他们。 He continued to drink despite advice to the contrary. 他不听戒酒建议,继续喝酒。3. the contrary formalOPPOSITE/REVERSE the opposite of what has been said or suggested 相反;反面;对立面Examples from the Corpuscontrary• On the contrary, it liberated us.• On the contrary, they were getting better all the time.• He may also have kept the stewardship of Tottington and Rochdale, in spite of Edward's orders to the contrary.Related topics: Meteorologycontrary2 AWL adjective  1  OPPOSITE/REVERSEcontrary ideas, opinions, or actions are completely different and opposed to each other 相反的,相对的 SYN opposing Two contrary views emerged. 出现了两种相反的观点。 The men shouted contrary orders. 这些人大声喊叫的命令互相矛盾。contrary to The government’s actions are contrary to the public interest. 该政府的行为是和大众的利益相悖的。2  contrary to popular belief/opinion OPPOSITE/REVERSEused to say that something is true even though people believe the opposite 与普遍的看法/观点相反〔用于说出事物的真实情况〕 Contrary to popular belief, a desert can be very cold. 和普遍的看法相反的是,沙漠上会非常寒冷。3. formalHEM a contrary wind is not blowing in the direction you want to sail 〔风〕逆向的Examples from the Corpuscontrary• None the less, the auctioneer does not, in the absence of a contrary agreement, warrant the vendor's title.• The evaluation it is based on is that human lives are torn by contrary desires and strong aversions.• Unemployment, however, has brought about a simultaneous and contrary downward social movement.• Before 1099 he had made no difficulty about acting in a contrary sense.• "Driving Miss Daisy" is the story of a contrary Southern lady and her wise chauffeur.• This, he thought, was contrary to republican principles.• Some Congressmen are bound to express a contrary view.• Contrary weather prevented the climb.contrary to• Thompson acted contrary to his client's best interests.• Contrary to his testimony, Pierce was personally involved in the fraud.con·tra·ry3 /kənˈtreəri $ ˈkɑːntreri, kənˈtreri/ adjective  someone who is contrary deliberately does different things from other people 乖戾的,逆反的,好与人作对的 Evans was his usual contrary self. 埃文斯还是那副叛逆的老样子。 —contrariness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuscontrary• This, he thought, was contrary to republican principles.con·tra·ry1 nouncontrary2 adjectivecon·tra·ry3 adjectiveChineseSyllable  disagree negative to used to add Corpus statement, a to




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