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单词 RNA
释义  Related topics: Microbes, genetics, biochemRNA /ˌɑːr en ˈeɪ/ noun [uncountable]  HBMan important chemical that exists in all living cells 核糖核酸 → DNAExamples from the CorpusRNA• Dasgupta and his team then cloned RNA from the yeast and inserted it into human cells in a lab.• In summary, we have identified two ORFs which encode RNA polymerase subunits with considerable similarity to their cellular counterparts.• All these could be alternatives to the explanation that the changes in RNA and protein synthesis were due to learning.• Longer film exposure failed to reveal the presence of these fragments in RNA from aorta and vena cava samples.• The building blocks haven't come together to form a self-replicating chain like RNA.• Further studies on the hybridisation of the organisms ribosomal RNA with probes from Campylobacter organisms confirmed this classification.• Ribotyping is a means by which bacterial strains are classified according to the gene encoding their ribosomal RNA.• Similar RNA analysis showed that the visceral isoform was not expressed in 20 day fetal rabbit smooth muscle tissues.RNA nounChinese  chemical in exists cells living an all that important Corpus




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