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单词 Warming
1. Voters are bored with politicians warming over old policies.
2. The soup is warming up on the stove.
3. Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.
4. The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
5. A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect.
6. Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging.
7. Have a nice warming bowl of soup.
8. The general secretary opened the congress on global warming.
9. The milk is warming on the stove.
10. Global warming will affect all of us.
11. Global warming is a real problem.
12. Global warming has become a very hot issue.
13. The runners began warming up.
14. The water is warming on the stove.
15. You can soften the butter by warming it gently.
16. Don't just launch into exercise without warming up first.
17. The speaker was now warming to her theme.
18. Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.
19. Your supper's just warming through in the oven.
20. The players are warming up before the game.
21. The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.
22. Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
23. He described global warming as "an environmental time bomb ticking away".
24. The warming of the Earth and the con-sequent climatic changes affect us all.
25. Bill has been warming the bench for three football seasons, he hopes that the coach will let him play this year.
26. " Our work ", he continued, warming to his theme, " will be a milestone in scientific history. ”.
27. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn'treally happening.
29. Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are attributable to global warming?
30. Unfortunately, I had to leave just as the speaker was warming to his theme.
1. Voters are bored with politicians warming over old policies.
2. The soup is warming up on the stove.
3. Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.
4. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.
5. The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
6. A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect.
7. The water is warming on the stove.
8. Bill has been warming the bench for three football seasons, he hopes that the coach will let him play this year.
9. " Our work ", he continued, warming to his theme, " will be a milestone in scientific history. ”.
10. He's just warming over ideas he's heard from other people.
11. She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming.
31. He's just warming over ideas he's heard from other people.
32. In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event.
33. In an otherwise excellent issue about global warming, I found Jeremy Creed's article very unconvincing.
34. She is a sceptic about the dangers of global warming.
35. We are all beginning to experience global warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.
36. Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.
37. Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases?
38. Environmentalists fear that this is a short-sighted approach to the problem of global warming.
39. She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming.
40. The programme was intended to focus attention on global warming.
41. It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome of global warming will be.
42. Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.
43. The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.
44. Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
45. Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming.
46. The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence.
47. What amazing train of thought led you from Napoleon to global warming?
48. Global warming could be accelerated due to the thinning of the ozone layer.
49. What is lacking is the political will to get anything done about global warming.
50. Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.
51. They used a computer to model the possible effects of global warming.
52. The report includes a discussion of global warming.
53. Energy companies have pooh-poohed the seriousness of global warming.
54. A plot to bury global warming?
55. Could more clouds damp down global warming?
56. Gray finds a correlation between global warming and industrialisation.
57. Cutting down the old forests may aggravate global warming.
57. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
58. With warming temperatures, the life cycle speeds up.
59. Reduce global warming by wearing a woolly hat.
60. Global warming is otherwise known as the greenhouse effect.
61. It is the spirit that underlay the Bush administration's brusque dismissal of the Kyoto protocol on global warming.
62. Claire sits in the open window of John's kitchen, a cup of jasmine tea warming her hands.
63. Much of the discussion in the 19705 was preoccupied with global cooling, not warming.
64. Voters are animated by new fears about global warming, genetically modified crops and globalisation.
65. Laughter rattled the horse brasses and echoed in the warming pans.
66. But, like global warming, ozone depletion was based on theory.
67. Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus supporting the existence of global warming, the media often portray it as a controversial scientific debate.
68. Administration scientists continue to insist that there is no proven link between C02 emissions and global warming.
69. The consensus among scientists is that global warming is irreversible.
70. The report suggests that the upper range of warming over the next century could be far higher than estimated in 1995.
71. They did plenty of warming up in the boat, they argued, but Jurgen Grobler insisted on it.
72. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and some other gases, such as methane and nitrogen oxides, accumulate in the atmosphere.
73. Maybe Panamarenko has anticipated a greater rise in the sea level than global warming suggests.
74. The net result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.
75. Warming up Before you begin, take time to do the leg stretches overleaf which will help prevent any muscle strain.
76. Tony measures the temperature and tells me it is warming up.
77. Scientists at an international conference have been discussing global warming and its possible effects.
78. Likewise, during the frigid eras of ice sheet advances, numerous brief episodes of extreme warming occurred.
79. Did you hear about the plastic surgeon warming himself by the fire?
80. He could almost feel hot, fetid breath warming his skin.
81. The warming phase was interrupted by a cold snap in which the first flip from warm to cool took only three years.
82. Carbon dioxide is the main cause of global warming - the Greenhouse Effect.
83. Carbon Dioxide An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide is responsible for about half the total warming.
84. Some refer to this change in the climate as global warming, others as the greenhouse effect.
85. Perfect puds Use rhubarb for a warming winter pudding with either a crumble topping or pastry.
86. Acid rain and marine pollution hurt neighbouring countries; ozone depletion and global warming threaten the entire planet.
87. She came to Oregon but was sure she would spend the next four years warming a spot on the bench./warming.html
88. After all, your editorial on fossil fuels, fearlessly and correctly reported global warming data in degrees Celsius.
89. The prospective reduction in global warming - and thus the benefit to Britain's climate - would be correspondingly small.
90. Most people now accept that global warming could result in an environmental catastrophe.
91. It would feed into, and further exacerbate, global warming by releasing vast amounts of carbon.
92. Many scientists blame the warming on industrial pollutants that trap infrared heat in the atmosphere rather than letting it escape into space.
93. They suggest that forecasts of warming may have to revised downwards.
94. Try warming up when you must write particularly difficult projects-it will open the word-use channels.
95. The impact of industrial development in such countries on global warming is rising steeply.
96. While the oven and the dough are warming up, the yeast may revive and give forth one final push.
97. Thanks to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream, the climate is also mild, temperatures rarely dropping much below freezing.
98. Having sunk, it would then be insulated from the Sun's warming rays by the liquid water above it.
99. Global warming will deeply affect poor countries, leading to huge numbers of refugees, crop failures, and extreme weather.
100. Global warming requires an ethical framework that classifies hitherto innocent actions as deadly.
101. Warming up will alleviate the tension and ground your thoughts.
102. The current wild weather through the West and Midwest again has raised the question: Is global warming finally asserting itself?
103. Clements was an influential writer who developed a philosophy of ecology that differed fundamentally from the reductionism of Warming and Cowles.
104. It needs to convince us that cars are causing global warming and that it's morally right to bleed motorists dry.
105. Existing models of global warming have not taken this into account, according to Cox.
106. Global warming and youth crime are the key issues in the election campaign.
107. Earlier this week, they published their first report containing 35 action recommendations, principally on global warming and recycling.
108. These will all reduce emissions from fossil fuels and so help combat global warming and acid deposition.
109. Global warming will cause the seas to rise, engulfing islands and flooding coastal areas.
110. Meanwhile, stretching and toning reduce the risk of injury by warming up the muscles while improving flexibility.
111. Last night I didn’t sleep for a solid eight hours. No, it melted a little. Damn global warming. Jarod Kintz 
112. Shaking a little at first but gradually warming to his theme, the sacked Chancellor dealt John Major a devastating blow.
113. The current warming of the Pacific Ocean is unequaled in amplitude.
114. The rainforest is also held to be useful to us because it will help to mitigate the worst impacts of global warming.
115. Geothermal energy does not involve the burning of fossil fuels and therefore makes a negligible contribution to global warming.
116. Whether the continued global warming and associated changes in atmospheric circulation will occur steadily is unknown.
117. Just as I was warming to the subject, I noticed that this handsome, intelligent man was finishing my sentences.
118. She went over to the fire and squatted down beside the twins, warming her hands and bare feet.
119. The Third World faces an energy crisis even without the problems posed by global warming.
120. The seminar is intended to educate them on climatic change and global warming.
121. We have been warned about global warming, but even more urgent is the threat to public health.
122. Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
123. Long before dawn, I was propped on an elbow, with a warming mug of tea and a few verses of Romans.
124. Global warming is not just the greatest environmental challenge facing our planet — it is one of our greatest challenges of any kind. Barack Obama 
125. The real danger to the mountain vegetation comes not from cycle wheels but from acid rain and global warming.
126. The sea temperature gives us clues to the changing climate and the possible effects of global warming.
127. Environmentalists stressed the importance of energy efficiency as offering the best prospect of limiting global warming.
128. How will the new millennium children reconcile conflicting demands on scarce resources against the background of global warming?
129. Some scientists have pointed to a recent brightening of the sun as an important contributory factor to global warming.
130. There will be displays on acid rain, the ozone layer and global warming.
131. Retreating ice shelves could be expected as a result of global warming, but are not in themselves evidence of it.
132. But the crucial challenge is to translate that spontaneous impulse of generosity into a long-term political commitment to prevent more global warming.
133. What you do not do is rush it by warming it up; just let it grow at its own slow pace.
134. But it might contribute to global warming because methane is a powerful greenhouse gas.
135. They claim that their report is the first to outline the impact of global warming on snow and ice-covered regions.
136. The flares were thrown on to the pitch as the players were warming up.
137. The report, Policy Implications of Global Warming, calls for increased emphasis on energy efficiency and conservation.
138. Mostly it was hot chocolate she made, warming the milk in a saucepan on the stove before mixing it.
139. The combined cooling effect is estimated as being only about one-fifth as powerful as the overall warming caused by greenhouse gases.
140. But at game time, when they were warming up, they had white players on their team.
141. It's not yet known how seriously global warming will affect the world's weather patterns.
142. But scientists increasingly believe that it is one of the chief pollutants responsible for the greenhouse effect warming the planet.
143. The Kyoto protocol on global warming, the abandonment of which has brought Mr Bush so much reproach, was indeed flawed.
144. The Good Food Fast recipes on page 143 provide warming ideas to please vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.
145. My purpose in writing this book was to draw attention to the problem of global warming.
146. This raises the possibility that global warming may be a contributing factor.
147. They frequently shifted and broke apart under the warming sun, sounding like thunder, booming cannonades and shotgun blasts.
147. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
148. The major theme is a consideration of the interrelationships between various patterns of energy use and possible global warming.
149. The Quattro offers excellent braking and acceleration after warming up.
150. Pat McMillen, show secretary in 1967 and now executive producer, has been warming up the audience for 29 years.
151. Leetmaa suggested they may reflect a fundamentally hotter climate caused by global warming.
152. However, it has not yet been established that global warming is due to excessive combustion of fossil fuels.
153. Washington continues to challenge the scientific claim that global warming is in part caused by emissions of carbon dioxide.
154. It covers ozone depletion, ground level ozone and global warming.
155. One of the most important issues facing all countries is the threat of global warming.
156. His role has been rather like that of a stand-up comic warming up the audience for the main event.
157. It was growing dark when Seb reached the camp and the evening activities were just warming up.
158. This sets strict limits on emissions in an effort to reduce the country's contribution to global warming and acid rain.
159. No doubt, future historians will debate the extent to which this record catalysed international interest in global warming forecasts.
160. The proposals are the latest stage in the Government's battle against global warming.
161. Global warming is largely due to the loading of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.
162. Most climate scientists now agree that human activity is the main cause of global warming.
163. Absently, Douglas picked up the hot mug and rolled it slowly between his hands, warming them.
164. Workers in surgical masks are running a hydraulic compressor and tractor-trailer drivers are warming up their big rigs.
165. Of 13 computer models, eight anticipated moderate warming; two, weak warming; and three, no warming.
166. With mounting evidence of global warming the last thing this planet needs is cheaper petrol.
167. Now, with temperatures warming and demand easing, greater gas supply and pipeline space are becoming available.
168. The global warming and the accompanying changes in rainfall are likely to be highly variable, and unpredictable in detail.
169. This temporarily exceeds the warming impact of the greenhouse effect.
170. The evidence indicates that the polar regions are among the first to detect changes arising from greenhouse warming.
171. Pollution from cars is the main cause of global warming.
172. High-level grill models feature plate warming on the shelf below the grill pan and deep dish browning with the grill pan removed.
173. There were copper kettles and warming pans and horse brasses.
174. She felt her face warming under that searching male scrutiny.
175. He lost battles with the chief of staff, John Sununu, over global warming and wetland preservation.
176. Global warming is responsible for a rise of 7 degrees Celsius in just over 50 years.
177. Then she became conscious of a vast blood-red sun warming the pampas.
178. Warming occurs so slowly that the descending lithosphere retains its high density characteristics for a very long time.
179. That way we may avoid the con-sequences of too-hasty action: global warming, unforeseen pollution, imbalances of supply and demand.
180. So it is difficult to estimate thermal expansion as a result of surface warming.
181. Global warming may seem like an overwhelmingly complex problem to tackle.
182. Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up.
183. Global warming per se is not really the problem; the catastrophic climate changes which might be caused by it are.
184. Pollution leads to depletion of ozone layer, global warming and climate change.
185. Climate change campaigner Al Gore believes turning vegetarian could aid the battle against global warming.
186. Many scientist blame global warming for the decrease in penguin populations.
187. I found myself standing before a fireplace, warming my hands over a mound of glowing coals.




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