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单词 Loading
1. He backed up to the loading platform.
2. Have you finished loading up yet?
3. They corralled the cattle before loading them onto the truck.
4. The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck.
5. Have you finished loading up?
6. Lorries may only park here when loading or unloading.
7. The dockers were loading the cargo onto the ship.
8. The freighter is loading for Japan.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. The car reversed into the loading bay.
10. The ship was still loading.
11. We finished loading and set off.
12. I supervised the workers loading the lorry.
13. Men were loading up a truck with timber.
14. The boat is still loading.
15. The regular bus is loading.
16. Waitress are good at loading checks.
17. Loading and unloading ships is dirty and fatiguing work.
18. Meantime he was loading the pistols.
19. The loading bay seemed dazzlingly bright.
20. People were loading up on bottled water.
21. Trevor talked me through loading the software.
22. This freight must be carefully handled when loading.
23. He is loading the goods into the back of the car.
24. A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film.
25. They waited until the coast was clear before loading the stolen goods into the van.
26. The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.
27. I've been having problems loading this software onto my computer.
28. The workers are loading.
29. Can you give me a hand with loading the van?
30. Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent twisting or kinking the film.
1. He backed up to the loading platform.
2. Have you finished loading up yet?
3. They corralled the cattle before loading them onto the truck.
4. The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck.
5. Meantime he was loading the pistols.
6. He is loading the goods into the back of the car.
31. Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.
32. Loading the van was hard work.
33. After loading up he will return to Save.
34. That is, if the loading and unloading actually occurred.
35. I started loading the boxes into the truck.
36. A woman was loading groceries into her car.
37. Cons: Only one coaster so loading is slow.
38. Higher loading causes overloading and streaking.
39. Finally the day arrived when they were ready to begin loading the asteroid for the trip.
40. The trestles and loading poles are removed and the entire weight then rests on the tripods and wires.
41. The old-fashioned three-bay barn - the centre bay with doors each end for loading - has much in its favour.
42. There were fifteen of them in the compartment,[] crammed and squashed for three hours since their loading from the Transit gaol.
43. A 47-year-old man died after an accident involving a 17-ton loading shovel at the Redland Aggregates site at Barham.
44. Another group was loading kit into a phalanx of jeeps.
45. He used Pareto analysis to identify the principal cause as a loose loading arm.
46. The glassy rear hatch opens wide and the boot has low loading lip.
47. The $ 3 million Mitsubishi scoreboard lay crated in a loading area.
48. There the loading was still under way and the women were still hanging about.
49. The documentation on disk with this program comes with full instructions and details of installing and loading.
50. The 40-strong group started loading bags of cockles, which can fetch up to £12 a time, on to a lorry.
51. We run hydraulics, electricals, environmental systems, in addition to the loading and the weight and balance duties.
52. Hodson favours the Master because of its high roof and low loading height, which makes it easier for the infirm.
53. One family was loading kitchen cabinets, a sink, a refrigerator, a sofa and a radiator on to a large truck.
54. Quickly loading the Very pistol with the red cartridge, Larsen aimed it at the open skylight and pulled the trigger.
55. It will exclude the loading, collection, and transportation of animals to the slaughterhouse and all slaughterhouse operations subsequent to death.
56. The loading door formerly incorporated in the east elevation of the extension was replaced by a large fixed window of plate glass.
57. Up behind the engine, two baggage handlers were loading a small pile of boxes.
58. The back of the truck was flung open, a ramp was let down, and the loading began.
59. They were standing in the kitchen loading the dishwasher and putting the salads in the fridge when a picture caught her eye.
60. She saw his sister and nephew next morning as she was loading her car with her carvings to take to the hospital.
61. Two girls are loading the donkeys with water containers and sacks.
62. Children, boys and girls, were loading small carts to be dragged along by old horses.
63. Water came in overland through large below-surface loading dock doors on the northwest corner of the building.
64. Contrary to mathematical expectation, the presence of Rupa and Dullah did not decrease the loading time by two thirds.
65. During the next four weeks we steamed from one port to another, unloading and loading a variety of cargoes.
66. A deuce-and-a-half backed up to the door ramp, and men began loading chest protectors on to the truck.
67. Taking the boats out of the water and loading them on the cars is a chore.
68. So many people worked loading the ships that the owners had decided it would be a good policy.
69. This pattern of irregular loading subjects the vessel to quite different stress from that exerted by an evenly distributed load of coal.
70. They were arrested after chaining themselves to cranes which were loading logs on to barges in the port of Kuala Baram.
71. Warehouses yawning out over the barren yards and loading docks; rusted cranes fused to their platforms, punching at the air.
72. It might have been a loading bay, or a landing pad for one-person fliers.
73. The advantages of double barrel over the old single barrel breech loading books is numerous.
74. At this time the men of Brooke Parker's would be loading their wagons with the globular bottles that Buddie called carboys.
75. Recovery was slow but by 1938 the Forth could boast over 30 Coal loading plants and 10 steam coal cranes.
76. Naturally, if a small aircraft is overbooked consistently, it might rate early loading.
77. She was in the cargo hold, standing on the ribbed floor of the shuttle next to the loading hatch.
78. The original proposal featured centre loading islands, but this idea was abandoned.
79. The assistant returned to see the respondent carrying the goods towards the main exit and loading them into a van.
80. Whenever a malt ship is being loaded comes down to inspect the site and oversee the loading.
81. I heard him shout back as he retired, loading his gun.
82. Pan Am baggage containers were not secured against tampering while awaiting loading.
83. His family were shown outside, loading a donkey and preparing with sad looks for their journey into exile.
84. Well, we heartily recommend against loading your assault rifle and heading for the mall.
85. Around them women and men and children worked in the hayfield, gathering and loading, raking and stacking.
86. By the early 1950s he had his own firm, loading ships.
87. Previously, access was restricted to loading bikes inside buses on designated routes during the summer.
88. The berths were practically dry at low water and vessels lay aground on the mud bottom whilst loading and discharging their cargoes.
89. He handed over his delivery order to an official who thereupon gave instructions for loading to commence.
90. Dispute about the safety of the operation led to dockers being asked to volunteer for the work of loading the ship.
91. As I watched, a Transit van reversed into Fastfit's loading area.
92. Long before other airlines adopted electronic ticketing, Southwest Airlines was using it to reduce costs and loading times.
93. An example is the soaking of equipment in an attempt to reduce bacterial loading.
94. But at the other extreme some manufacturers impose what seems an incredible loading against diesel versions.
95. The city crews started downtown, clearing the streets and salting them and loading snow into dump trucks.
96. At length, the handsome cowboy surprised the ugly one loading his weapon.
97. Why are you loading this van when some one lives here?
98. Loading and storing the data Manchester Computing Centre has a crucial role to play in the care of the datasets.
98. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
99. She ran the bath, loading it with bubble-bath, and sank down into the water.
100. Two men were loading up a truck with boxes of melons.
101. Experience with 761 had shown that loading and unloading at the same door was too slow on the Promenade.
102. Thus, containerized loading commences, in many instances, not at dockside or on board the vessel but at inland points.
103. Loading bays and car parking facilities may also be necessary.
104. Big dumps frequently bury lift-control shacks and loading ramps for days on end.
105. After the van had been loaded it drove to another loading bay and backed up against a second wagon.
106. Having spent some time loading and editing complicated vector graphics files in CorelDRAW I can vouch for the accuracy of this claim.
107. Thus printing would be controlled by a print server; a file server would control loading and saving files.
108. With its twin staircases and end steps, a Dreadnought was capable of loading and unloading simultaneously at a terminus.
109. Global warming is largely due to the loading of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.
110. This sediment thickening indicates the role of sediment loading in sustaining basin subsidence but it does not explain how basins originate.
111. Human contact is limited to loading the wafers on to racks and moving the racks between machines.
112. They then set the price of oil at its loading port and found outlets for it in world markets.
113. This nanny worked in the big brewery down Manchester Road, capping the bottles and loading them into wooden crates.
114. The truck sank with a loud gurgle to mid-window, then settled into the mud directly in front of the loading ramp.
115. However, their use is limited because they are brittle and perform poorly in tensile loading situations.
116. Similarly, branches may be short-staffed thereby increasing loading and unloading times.
117. To reboot the systems, just switch them back on again and keep hitting returns when asked about loading VAPs etc.
118. Crews are compressing, baling and then loading the tires on to trucks for a six-hour drive to an Arizona recycler.
119. Loading the tray with avocado mousse she decided she really should make an effort to get herself some skills.
120. Passengers like the informal atmosphere, the excellent visibility and the rapid loading and unloading through the aircraft's five doors.
121. No, Huangpu is fine as the loading port.
122. A high impedance coupling device will limit loading.
123. The page currently loading has requested an external cache.
124. Deliver 2 undamaged cargoes to the same loading dock.
125. The ship is loading for Qingdao.
126. The only way to get data from the server in that case is through dynamically loading tags.
127. According to the results from indoor subsidence tests of Hubei paddy-field soil under partial loading, the Theological properties of soil and factors which affect the.
128. It trains carrying 11 steel containers, loading 123 tons of nuclear waste, nuclear power companies from France 5, Areva, a nuclear fuel recycling plant under the departure.
128. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
129. The ship's shell plating was broken during loading in bad weather due to the collision with the large steel barges , laden with logs, staying alongside the port side of the ship.
130. The accuracy of the measuring bridge for loading detecting instruments on the lake basin in lake sedimentation simulation lab is analyzed.
131. Study Design . uniaxial tensile loading study of 13 lumbar porcine ligaments under frying environmental temperature conditions.
132. The company has the loading and unloading troop which the modernized large-scale warehouse and fine prepares, the company innate goods traffic vehicles 80 remainders, the staff 700 people.
133. The ginsenoside Rg1 loading nanoparticles can be controlled release property to 3 days in intestinal juice situation.
134. The loading density of the hollow filaments in the film device can reach 20-60 percent, thereby improving mass transferring efficiency and handling capacity.
135. It is made by adding a large quantity of mineral loading such as china clay, to the pulp in the beater and made very smooth by calendering.
136. The designer can select small port diameters and thereby achieve better loading fractions.
137. In describing a non-reversible system with this model, the process is fully decided by the status parameters, intrinsic variables , loading time and cumulative plastic strain.
138. A computer method was developed for the non-linear full-range analysis of reinforced concrete columns from the start of loading to the collapse of column.
139. In this article, the effects of arista on the loading capacity and adhering ability were analyzed based on the soil mechanics and other vehicle theories when a track layer's runing on desert areas.
140. In this paper, new wagon wheel grain configuration has been suggested in order to improve rocket's concentration and propellent loading density.
141. The characteristics have been further improved through features like partial collection loading, model usage analysis and adaptive prefetching," Stepper said.
142. Against or longer –woven products mark the automatic loading , blanking systems users can greatly facilitate the use , a substantial increase in production efficiency.
143. The code was employed to optimize the cycle length, the peak power factor and the discharge burnup of the first cycle loading for the Daya Bay Nuclear Plant.
144. Does a W. P . A . policy include a deck loading stipulation?
145. An anti-plane punch-through shear test and an anti-plane compression-shear box test are applied to the study of fracture mechanism of brittle rock under the anti-plane shear(mode III)loading.
146. This paper proposes a load-modifying method for the finite element analysis of the single-deck floating roof under rainwater loading.
147. Another practice that can greatly increase initial download size is lazy loading the content portion of the page and caching it once it is downloaded.
148. The major portion of the loading on an open frame structure consists of the drag loading.
149. GUDEL Double Column Workpiece Loading Device, Model LP 25/25, standing above the machine, with double gripper for finished parts and blank parts, and workpiece delivery belt.
150. Changing meridional shape and blade angle can have large effects on the blade loading distribution.
151. And values of cohesion under stepped loading are larger than those under stepped loading with shear zone, but the two methods have little influence on values of friction angle.
152. When dealing with large amounts of data, the initial loading of the data into the table can present some performance challenges.
153. Aimed at the low efficiency of truck loading, the loading plan was made to utilize the volume and carrying capacity by using optimization methods.
154. The model includes loading at constant temperature and elevating temperature at constant load.
155. Strain-gauge rosettes were attached to external surface of each implant and proximal femora. The loading condition simulated single-limb stance.
156. The liquid tank semi-trailer was a complex load system. It stood all kinds of loads from the road and the loading liquids.
157. Recover devices of samples treated under super-pressure loading by quasi-spherical converging shock wave using nitromethane liquid explosive were studied.
158. It is found that the irreversible shear strain and irreversible volumetric strain are dependent on stress history and stress path. And significant loading rate effect is observed in the tests.
159. However, in the case of ODBC_Insert mode,[http:///loading.html] loading processes run longer and result in a noticeable time saving.
160. But when the electrode thickness increase continuously, the center frequency decrease, besides, shape of filter response will be damped because of mass loading.
161. Usage: special equipment for auto starting motor armature round coil automatic wire loading, automatic wire feeding, automatic alignment, automatic cutting off and automatic shape making.
162. Under continued loading the sliding surface is smoothed due to wear and compaction, which will result in a further decrease of the bond stress, similar to the case of plain bars.
163. Supervise unloading at disport and loading to the railcar to final plant.
164. Objective. To investigate the effect and sustainability of "on the job training" on the reaction to sudden back loading among employees at a geriatric ward.
165. According to the characteristic of antenna structure, the probability description of multi loading cases is presented.
166. Usage: special equipment for auto starting motor armature flat wire coil automatic wire loading, automatic wire feeding, automatic alignment, automatic cutting off and automatic shape making.
167. Structure and Loading. Hand in hand with the functional requirement goes the development of the structural form to be used.
168. The test bench has under voltage, over pressure, super heating and over loading protection function.
169. Simple introduction about the piping systems of bulk carrier loading dangerous goods and com- pare the projects of the related.
170. The boy returned to the draw-well at the edge of the greensward, where he had left his buckets when he went to help his patron and teacher in the loading.
171. Instance of static loading test of 30m T beam, actual stress and deflection of structure tested is analyzed and capacity of bearing load for structure tested is evaluated.
172. The maximum explosion pressure and the maximum pressure rise speed along with the dust loading increases, but the linearity increases.
173. Article 22 When vessels are loading dangerous toxic bulk liquids at the harbor, the various stipulations prescribed in Article 17 of these Regulations may be referred to for implementation.
174. After distraction was removed, immediate compressive force was measured. The specimen was then placed in a loading frame to simulate head weight.
175. Sedimentary loading with consequent thermal blanketing will become major factors.
176. Some sliding bearings of the heavy loading equipment will be wore seriously, and affect the normal progress of the production assignment.
177. Hydraulic lift integrates bulldozing, rotary excavation, agitation, conveying, loading together.
178. From many tests it is concluded that the joint loading, unloading and reloading follow hyperbolic responses, and result in irrecoverable closure deformation with hardening of the joints.
179. The utility model relates to a lifting arm type hanging equipment loading truck which is provided with a unique three-wheel running device, and can adjust the tread of the three wheels.
180. The study on polygonal or chordal action, the associated impact between rollers and sprockets and dynamic loading in the system is carried out with different motion laws.
181. This equipment adopts a thyristor excitation DC generator-motor set with a field weakening regulation device working in step with loading.
182. The dynamic loading resulting from blast, gusts of wind, or seismic forces is generally not harmonic.
183. It is of loading inductive or capacitive load. It is designed specially according consumers' need.
184. This occurs at one angle of attack for the same wing loading of a paraglider.
185. Under ultrasonic continuous loading with water cooling, it mainly occurred at an internal inclusion in the high stress amplitude level.
186. The traditional second startup of electrolytic cell needs re - furnace loading and expense materials.
187. It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.
188. The stress distribution of the reserved root with different prosthodontic design after hemisection therapy under the vertical loading and obliquely loading was observed.
189. A kind of algorithm for saving and loading of ordered tree is offered.
190. While doing an UNLOAD,[] you can also generate corresponding LOAD control statement and use it for loading data to the same or a similar table in any DB2 subsystem.
191. Pulse shaping technique is used to realize stress equilibrium and deformation homogeneous in the specimen under dynamic loading at constant strain-rate during the tests.
192. Objective To compare parameters between the new pressure threshold loading device and the traditional resistant breathing device.
193. Such packing must endure handling, loading and discharging operations as well as long overseas voyage and inland transport.
194. In fact, the loading on a typical installation can be many times higher than the disge capacity of a typical varistor type arrester.
195. Minishing surplus force is the crux of the loading system.
196. This paper also gives a way to reduce the effects of loading change and external disturbing force by pressure feedback compensation.
197. By means of wind tunnel simulation, characteristics of wind loading on membrane cantilever structures of concave and convex shape are studied corresponding to Zhaoyuan and Dazhou Stadium in China.
198. The possibility of reducing phosphorus loading by using of natural zeolite , Calcium lime and Aluminium salt, Ferris salt additions to lake water-sediment system is proposed in the paper.
199. System from state control circuit, data loading circuit, timing circuit, the decoder control module.
200. Notice shall be given at the first port or place of loading only.
201. But what if you're loading a lot of modules into a single address space?
202. At the same time, for avoiding the downslide strength caused by the wind and the slope of the railway, to ensure the safety of loading and unloading cargo.
203. Loading dock. Stair , ladder, and dock leveler can be shown or hidden.
204. The shear-lag coefficient arid deformation of T-shaped short-leg shear wall are solved based on variation principle, various parameters and loading forms which may impact the shear-lag are discussed.
205. Fused breaker was used as short circuit protection, and heat relay protects over loading.
206. The bank guard kept an eye on the parking lot while they were loading the armored truck with money.
207. You are insisting that Dalian be the loading port, right?
208. I think containerization is one of the best loading methods at present.
209. A hand-driven machine gun, the Gatling gun was the first firearm to solve the problems of loading, reliability, and the firing of sustained bursts.
210. The concepts of load, unit load and loading factor are introduced.
211. Is the loading dock restricted to only loading dock personnel?
212. When the biaxial nominal stresses are equal to each other, the mathematical relationship between loading strength and porosity can be also gained for the foamed metals under biaxial equal loads.
213. The development, structure performance and new technology application of such large scale open pit loading equipment as electric shovel, hydraulic excavator and wheel loader were described.
214. He worked in a brewery, loading the bottles into wooden crates.
215. Moreover, a consolidation curve is obtained through a case of uniform loading on one load level. Some useful conclusions are obtained based on the computer results, the relevant behavior of l...
216. The mechanism of magnetic memory effect on ferromagnetic material under loading was studied.
217. You can't sneeze in Luminaire without both our side and theirs locking and loading.
218. CONCLUSION The magnetic pro-drug prepared by chemical method showed high stability and good redispersion and also owned high drifting coefficient and loading capability.
219. Stress-strain curve at slow loading-rate obtained in alternating loading rate test is shifted along the unloading curves[/loading.html], and then it overlapped on stress-strain curve at a fast loading rate.
220. On the basis of the above work, the corresponding loading structure is designed. The micro-controller is used as the central control unit and the hardware and the software are designed.
221. Patients were randomly assigned to receive an oral loading dose of trimetazidine 60 mg, or no such treatment, before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
222. The matrix CCD vidicon is fixed on the wrist of the manipulator of the loading vehicle.
223. The examples of the planar GPa pressure explosive loading devices and its applications are given.
224. Experimental Study on Basic Behaviour of Brick Masonry under Reversed Loading.
225. Loading was achieved through a battery of hydraulic jacks acting on a rigid metallic distribution plate.
226. Loading to 40 watts per square inch, this Element could provide 3000 watts.
227. Expounded the design of the record circuit, the judge basis of overloading and the structure of the data. Flow chart of the judge of over - loading was made .
228. One example is class loading that invalidates monomorphic call transformations.
229. The equations of loading and bounding surfaces are described in strain-energy release rate.
230. Precise preform loading system in order to minimize failure rate.
231. For sensing air temperature under heavy loading (High electric current) appliances such as fan heater, hot air tunnel ...etc...
232. It also investigates the effect of secondary torque, the characteristics of moment redistribution subjected to reversed cyclic loading, and the role of spandrel beams in the overall response.
233. Calculation results show that the counterfort columns can not only rationalize the loading of, but also improve the anti-slide stability safety coefficient of the crane beam.
234. Using a protected reserved word as an identifier causes a compilation error when loading your script.
235. Loading the packed goods on the forwarder truck without accident.
236. The evolution of deformation dislocation structure during the tensile loading was examined by transmission electron microscopy in the tempered martensite of low and middle carbon alloy steels.
237. Chief Mate: No, not in this case, I'm afraid. It must be rusty before loading.
238. The logistic curve model can well simulate the settlement-time curve of foundation under uni-level loading with its own virtues, which has been validated by others.
239. In this paper a new type of loading ram-cylinder system (LRCS) by using hydrostatic lubrication technique in large force standard machine is described.
240. The results show that the equivalent stiffness and the equivalent viscous damping ratio of lead-core rubber damper vary little with loading frequency.
241. Must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading?
242. The stowage planner is compiling the loading plan. Please wait a moment.
243. Carbo loading is used by endurance athletes just before competing.
244. The diameter of a fixed-bed adiabatic reactor[http:///loading.html], height of catalyst bed and catalyst loading were calculated by using Runge-Kutta numerical solution method.
245. Inspection the structure and loading test of the lifeboat ( Rescue boat ) davit.
246. The recovery and reuse of waste solvent from the loading process of metallocene catalyst were studied.
247. In the designing calculation of huge heavy loading manipulating equipments the frictional force should not be neglected.
248. The top tool can provide a useful way to monitor a live system and the active processes, loading, and memory statistics.
249. Sonic loading is a high frequency, broadband random process. Basic cycle counting methods, which are prevalently used in time domain(), are difficult to be applied.
250. Since it founded, company has manufactured and sold various types of loading machine, glass cutting machine, as well as open-chip machine sets of a total of more than 200.
251. A flat car was loading ballast outside the Shi-Fen Station.
252. A novel idea to solve FMS part batching and machine loading problems is introduced.
253. However, it should be noted that the performance of doing the loading of data from an external table into the base table on secondary might be less compared to doing it directly on the primary.
254. It was indicated that there was compatibility between fabric anisotropy and force anisotropy and no cumulative loss of co-ordination number during cyclic loading.
255. Through numerical comparison, it reveals that the paraboloidal shell of second degree i. e. the shallow spherical shell is a most favorable design among all under this particular loading.
256. Ensure good management of the waste pit, storage area , loading area , dumping area.
257. This smart client caches reusable data, asynchronously prefetches data that will be needed, defers initialization until an object is needed (also called "lazy loading"), and so forth.
258. With secondary regulation, a novel hydraulic transmission technology, the secondary regulated loading system described here is oriented to rotational speed experiment of reduction gear or material.
259. The geometric nonlinear problem of whip antenna structure underthe action of nonconservative loads is analyzed by means of the loading incremental method which has the balanceiteration format.
260. The deformation properties of core gravelly soil of the Nuozhadu high rockfill dam are studied by using medium-scale triaxial tests and the field loading tests.
261. The paper introduces a test loading system with hydraulic dynamometer for cutting gearhead, analyzes the basis for determining main parameters of system. The design has been verified by practice.
262. The original balance and the loading balance of the lever were achieved by the servo motor and the position examining system.
263. Numerical simulation of multi point bending process of strip under different loading paths is dealt with the finite element polycrystal model.
264. The ample working area gives optimal access for sample loading, cleanup and trimming.




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