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单词 classless
释义  class·less /ˈklɑːsləs $ ˈklæs-/ adjective [usually before noun]  CLASS IN SOCIETYa classless society is one in which people are not divided into different social classes 〔社会〕不分阶级的,无阶级的 Is Australia really a classless society? 澳大利亚真的是一个无阶级社会吗? —classlessness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusclassless• This is not to say that society was classless.• We were classless, building up a mutual affection with those who watched us.• And all this classless business he tries to put across.• In the classless society, everyone will work for the good of all, not to gain private value.• Now, in our classless society, it has been well and truly democratised.• Her school was going to be right with it, modem, classless, with no absurd delusions about exclusivity.class·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  in is people Corpus which are a one society classless




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