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单词 aghast
释义  a·ghast /əˈɡɑːst $ əˈɡæst/ adjective [not before noun] written  SHOCKfeeling or looking shocked by something you have seen or just found out 惊骇的,吓呆的aghast at Everyone was aghast at the verdict. 所有人都对这个判决感到震惊。 Hank looked at her aghast. 汉克惊恐地望着她。► see thesaurus at shockedExamples from the Corpusaghast• ""Ten thousand pounds!'' she said, aghast.• Some of the Republican policies have left feminists dismayed and aghast.• She followed the child into the room, but there she stood aghast.• They stood around her in the stuffy room, aghast.• Threats, violence, kidnapping; enough to leave Prunella aghast and anxious.• She stared, aghast, at the fine-honed beauty of that chest.• Mr Sullivan seemed aghast at the prospect of losing his only daughter to this arrogant young man.• Little wonder that, as one newspaper put it, Ministers were aghast at the verdict.• There was to be no stunned silence, no aghast staring and, it seemed, no dramatic response from Greg.• Tom was aghast when he saw the bagpipes.• Roirbak was aghast when he saw what had happened to Mellissa.aghast at• I was aghast at the violence I was witnessing.Origin aghast (1200-1300) From the past participle of aghast “to frighten” ((13-16 centuries)), from gast “to frighten” ((11-17 centuries)), from Old English gæstana·ghast adjectiveChineseSyllable  you feeling by or shocked Corpus looking something




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