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单词 agile
释义  a·gile /ˈædʒaɪl $ ˈædʒəl/ ●○○ adjective  1  MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONable to move quickly and easily 〔动作〕敏捷的,灵活的 Dogs are surprisingly agile. 狗出奇地敏捷。2  INTELLIGENTsomeone who has an agile mind is able to think very quickly and intelligently 〔思维〕机敏的 He was physically strong and mentally agile. 他身体健壮、思维敏捷。 —agility /əˈdʒɪləti/ noun [uncountable] With surprising agility, Karl darted across the road. 卡尔冲过马路,动作出奇地敏捷。Examples from the Corpusagile• The best organizations use the team approach to stay agile and adaptable.• Harvey is very agile and quick for a big man.• You are a bit trimmer, more agile, better looking.• As unlikely as it sounds, this combination of the spontaneous and the studied blends beautifully into an agile, exotic hybrid.• But Clinton has an agile mind and he learns quickly.• He reaches the ball a step ahead of an agile sprite named Molly, whose ponytail flows behind her baseball cap.• The mouth is more agile than the eye, he wrote, the hand is more agile than the brain.• It is, if possible, even more agile than the flute.Origin agile (1500-1600) French Latin agilis, from agere; → AGENTa·gile adjectiveChineseSyllable  and able move quickly to Corpus easily




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