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单词 aggrieved
释义  Related topics: Lawag·grieved /əˈɡriːvd/ adjective  1  ANGRYangry and sad because you think you have been unfairly treated 愤愤不平的;感到委屈的;愤恨的 an aggrieved tone of voice 委屈的口吻2  SCL law having suffered as a result of the illegal actions of someone else 受到损害的,受到侵害的 the aggrieved party (=the person who has suffered) 受害方Examples from the Corpusaggrieved• Sometimes aggrieved and frustrated citizens take matters into their own hands.• Members of those groups which had been left out of broadcasting altogether felt aggrieved and often campaigned vigorously for recognition.• There has been much muttering among the aggrieved franchisees about the possibility of legal action.• In malicious falsehood the aggrieved, in this case Miss Joyce, must show the Today's comments are false.• The detainee can make a formal complaint after release, but this offers little solace to the aggrieved individual.• the aggrieved parties• Prosecutions by private individuals are much rarer, being brought mainly by aggrieved parties.Origin aggrieved (1200-1300) Old French agrever, from Latin aggravare; → AGGRAVATEag·grieved adjectiveChineseSyllable  sad you because unfairly Corpus think been you treated angry and have




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