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单词 challenged
释义 Word family  noun challenge challenger adjective challenging challenged ≠ unchallenged unchallengeable verb challenge adverb challengingly  chal·lenged /ˈtʃæləndʒd/ adjective  visually/physically/mentally etc challenged American EnglishMI used as a polite expression for describing someone who has difficulty doing things because they are blind etc 盲人/残疾人士/智障者等〔委婉说法〕Examples from the Corpuschallenged• Established elements of parliamentary democracy in Britain are challenged.• In the work in both the Preston and Oxford shows, that perceptual centring is constantly challenged.• The adversary politics thesis developed by the reformers has also been variously challenged.• Her beliefs and principles were accepted by the company and never challenged but Mrs Taylor had failed to recognise this.• She must therefore establish with the client whether those later accounts contain similar items to those challenged for previous years.• It was in this period too that a club's control over a player was first challenged in the law courts.• In the fall of 1995, another researcher published a study, that challenged obesity researchers to rethink many of their conclusions.• Although challenged, this remains the most convincing explanation.chal·lenged adjectiveChineseSyllable   for a polite expression as describing Corpus used




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