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单词 Difference
1. There is great difference between word and deed. 
2. One false step will make a great difference
3. There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book, and the tired man who wants a book to read. 
4. What's the difference between A and B?A.
5. The age difference was a complication to the rela-tionship.
6. The difference between the two is readily discernible.
7. The difference between the two estimates is marginal.
8. The difference is, you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.
9. There's no difference in the results.
10. I can make a difference in this world.
11. There is a tremendous difference between them.
12. They were able to concert their difference.
13. Can you tell the difference between apes and monkeys?
14. The main difference between the groups was age.
15. There is a striking difference between Jane and Mary.
16. It makes a tremendous difference to me.
17. A little extra care makes a big difference.
18. The difference between internet and reality is so incredible.
19. The difference between the two products is negligible.
20. That is the fundamental difference between the two societies.
21. It doesn't make any difference.
22. Did you notice a difference ?
23. It's amazing the difference a few polite words make.
24. I can't tell the difference.
25. There's no essential difference between a metropolitan and a peasant.
26. She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit.
27. The difference between successful persons and others is that they really act.
28. 'Do you think that made much of a difference to the family?'--'I think so.'.
29. When the synthetic fabric is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.
30. A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference.
1. What's the difference between A and B?A.
2. The age difference was a complication to the rela-tionship.
3. The difference between the two is readily discernible.
4. The difference between the two estimates is marginal.
5. The difference is, you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.
6. Few people understand the difference.
7. There's no difference in the results.
8. Can you tell the difference between apes and monkeys?
9. The main difference between the groups was age.
10. The difference between the two products is negligible.
11. That is the fundamental difference between the two societies.
12. What difference does it make?
13. It doesn't make any difference.
14. It's amazing the difference a few polite words make.
15. I can't tell the difference.
16. There's no essential difference between a metropolitan and a peasant.
17. When the synthetic fabric is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.
18. She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit.
19. 'Do you think that made much of a difference to the family?'--'I think so.'.
20. There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.
21. You can ask him again if you like, but it won't make any difference - he'll still say no.
22. There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.
23. These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.
24. Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
25. The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.
26. There isn't a very sensible difference between a dog and a wolf.
27. Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.
28. Exercise can make a big difference to your state of health.
29. There is a strongly marked difference between the two creatures.
30. What a difference! You look great with your hair like that.
31. There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.
32. Life doesn't always give us the joys we want.We don't always get our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way.But don't give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time.Look for the beauty around you--in nature, in others, in yourself--and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind.
33. You can ask him again if you like, but it won't make any difference - he'll still say no.
34. There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.
35. These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.
36. Colder weather in the fall is a marked difference from the heat of summer.
37. When the synthetic is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.
38. Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.
39. Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
40. The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.
41. You can't compare them — there is a fundamental difference in kind.
42. The dream is not a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very worth pondering the distance.
43. It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.
44. There isn't a very sensible difference between a dog and a wolf.
45. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
46. The difference in winning and losing is most often not quitting. Walt Disney 
47. Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.
48. Exercise can make a big difference to your state of health.
49. There is a strongly marked difference between the two creatures.
50. What a difference! You look great with your hair like that.
51. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
52. She found it difficult to get on with her[Sentencedict], possibly because of the difference in their ages.
53. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill 
54. The contrasting approaches to Europe signified a sharp difference between the major parties.
55. Whether he comes or not makes no difference to me.
56. The difference is scarcely perceptible to the average reader.
57. It makes not one jot of difference.
58. He said it was only a quantitative difference.
59. Do children know the difference between right and wrong?
60. The rain didn't make much difference to the game.
31. She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages.
32. The contrasting approaches to Europe signified a sharp difference between the major parties.
33. Whether he comes or not makes no difference to me.
34. He said it was only a quantitative difference.
35. I can't perceive any difference between these coins.
36. The difference between your wages and mine is negligible.
37. He lives in a farmhouse with a difference.
38. The difference in regional house prices acts as an obstacle to mobility of labour.
39. There is a negligible difference in meaning between these two words.
40. In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in price is negligible.
61. What's the difference between an ape and a monkey?
62. She can see the difference between good and bad.
63. She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong.
64. Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?
65. I can't spot the difference between them.
66. He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong.
67. There's a world of difference between us.
68. Each and every difference contains contradiction.
69. 'What difference does it make?' she stormed.
70. The difference is found by subtraction.
71. We measured the difference in temperature.
72. The fire makes a world of difference.
73. I can't see much difference in them.
74. The language difference proved an insurmountable barrier .
75. Your average punter won't notice the difference.
76. What's the time difference between London and Tokyo?
77. I can't perceive any difference between these coins.
78. There's an age difference of six years between them.
79. Changing schools made a big difference to my life.
80. Okay, there is a slight difference.
81. The difference in price is not very significant.
82. What earthly difference is my opinion going to make?
83. It's the difference between a pass and a fail.
84. There is often no discernible difference between rival brands.
85. Shall we split the difference and say $7,500?
86. It makes no difference to my feelings for you.
87. Did you remark the difference between the twin sisters?
88. The difference between your wages and mine is negligible.
89. It won't make an iota of difference.
90. I noticed a real difference in his attitude.
91. There's only a small difference between them.
92. There's not much difference in price.
93. Whatever she did, it made no difference.
94. There is a palpable difference in their ages.
95. He lives in a farmhouse with a difference.
96. Your help made a vast difference.
97. The difference in quality was immediately apparent .
98. The new system has made a huge difference.
99. The difference between the two results was insignificant.
100. Both teams had tied on points and goal difference.
101. The disagreement arose over a difference use of terminology.
102. It won't make a scrap of difference.
103. There's only a marginal difference between the two estimates.
104. After using the cream for a month, I could see no visible difference.
105. There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.
106. There is a negligible difference in meaning between these two words.
107. How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?
108. A few kind words at the right time make all the difference.
109. It is debatable whether or not antibiotics would make any difference.
110. The difference in the treatment they receive is hard to explain away.
111. It could make the difference between missing your train and getting to work on time.
112. These figures clearly show the difference in world living standards .
113. 'Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?' 'It makes no difference .'
114. Is there any significant difference in quality between these two items?
115. Less than half of the money that students receive is in the form of grants[/difference.html], and loans have made up the difference.
116. It's difficult to level down the notable difference between the two.
117. When you juxtapose the two, you can see the difference.
118. The extra money will make a lot of difference to us.
119. The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their community.
120. There's a big difference between understanding something and being able to explain it to others.
121. The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant.
122. Once upon a time people knew the difference between right and wrong, but nowadays nobody seems to care.
123. You can use cocoa powder to make the cake rather than chocolate - it's a bit of a cheat, but nobody notices the difference.
124. I'd happily offer to help him if I thought it would make any difference.
125. There is very little difference between the parties on green issues.
126. On the issue of education, the difference between the two parties is muddy.
127. There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.
128. He sold the car for more than he'd paid and pocketed the difference.
129. See if you can spot the difference between these two pictures.
130. The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money.
131. I wanted to leave early and Ian wanted to leave late, so we split the difference and left at noon.
132. Try and talk to her if you want. But I don't think it'll make a blind bit of difference.
133. She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference".
134. The new central heating has made an enormous difference to the house.
135. He regularly charges passengers more than the normal fare and pockets the difference.
136. Fortunately it won't make an awful lot of difference if I don't pass the test.
137. The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that ours are bigger.
138. There's a big difference between reading about skiing and doing it yourself.
139. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn.
140. No one ever taught him the difference between right and wrong.
141. You can shout as much as you like but it won't make a ha'porth of difference - you're not going.
142. What difference does it make if he doesn't have a car?
143. There's a world of difference in the performance of the two cars.
144. Some voters felt there was little real difference between the two party leaders - a case of choosing between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
145. Only an expert would know the difference between the male and the female.
146. My body rhythms had not yet adapted to the ten-hour time difference.
147. It's 500 miles from here[http://], or as near as makes no difference.
148. Your conscience should tell you the difference between right and wrong.
149. Whether that would have made any difference is open to debate.
150. In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in price is negligible.
151. One tiny mistake when you're climbing could mean the difference between life and death.
152. There was a difference of opinion as to the desirability of the project.
153. There's not much difference in price between the two computers.
154. The recent wage increases point up still further the difference between this government and the last.
155. Can you tell the difference between sparkling wine and champagne?
156. He hadn't got quite enough money, but his aunt agreed to make up the difference.
157. He was very aware of his difference from the other children.
158. The only difference between us is the colour of our skins.
159. She doesn't seem to understand the difference between truth and falsehood.
160. These figures clearly highlight the difference in world living standards.
161. The difference between gross negligence and recklessness is a legal grey area.
162. OK, let's split the difference, and I'll give you £20.
163. It is both important and necessary to note this difference.
164. You could make a real difference to someone's life by leaving them a generous legacy.
165. One more person wouldn't make any difference to the arrangements.
166. Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother?
167. Some kids don't seem to know the difference between right and wrong .
168. Having a good teacher has made all the difference for Alex .
169. What is the essential difference between these two economic systems?
170. There is an aspectual difference between'He crossed the road'and'He was crossing the road'.
171. His retirement won't make any difference to the way we conduct our affairs.
172. His urgent pleas of innocence made no difference to the judge's decision.
172. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
173. You're old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.
174. There's all the difference in the world between choosing to do something and being forced to do it.
175. I forget the exact age difference between Mark and his brother - they're two or three years apart.
176. It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.
177. If you want a holiday with a difference, come to Iceland.
178. An expert with a trained eye will spot the difference immediately.
179. Try new Cremetti - the ice cream with a difference.
180. Another thousand dollars would make a whale of a difference.
181. There's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.
182. Well, you could try apologizing to her - for all the difference it will make.
183. It makes no difference where you put the aerial, the TV picture's still lousy.
184. I can't really tell the difference between their policies and ours.
185. Where you live can make such a difference to the way you feel.
186. Can you tell the the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties?
187. I'll lend you £400 and you'll have to find the difference .
188. The difference with this information service is that it's free.
189. Putting up some new wallpaper has made all the difference to the place.
190. It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions.
191. There was a marked difference in his behavior toward me.
192. Children have to learn the difference between right and wrong.
193. The difference between the two approaches is hard to pin down precisely.
194. You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.
195. It makes no difference what you say: I'm not going.
196. There's an age difference of six years between the boys .
197. This coffee is about half the price of that one and yet you really can't tell the difference.
198. A little sympathy makes a world of difference to someone who's been badly treated.
199. The difference lies in the way the fruit is prepared.
200. There's a world of difference between the service in the two hotels.
201. One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information.
202. Your age shouldn't make any difference to whether you get the job or not.
203. There is no difference between the two in quantitative terms.
204. What difference will it make if he knows or not?
205. I have £20 000 and I need £25 000 but my parents have promised to make up the difference.
206. A few marks either way can make the difference between a pass and a fail.
207. Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?
208. For a beach resort with a difference,[sentence dictionary] try Key West.
209. Johnson didn't seem to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong.
210. After a month's practice, you should see a difference in your playing.
211. There was a difference of opinion over who had won.
212. She pays 2 for them, sells them for 4 and pockets the difference.
213. Any halfway decent teacher should be able to explain the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs.




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