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单词 disagree
释义 Word family  noun agreement ≠ disagreement adjective agreeable ≠ disagreeable agreed verb agree ≠ disagree adverb agreeably ≠ disagreeably  dis·a·gree /ˌdɪsəˈɡriː/ ●●● S3 verb [intransitive]  1  DISAGREEto have or express a different opinion from someone else 不同意,反对,有分歧 OPP agreedisagree with He is tolerant of those who disagree with him. 他对与自己有分歧的人持宽容态度。disagree about/on/over Experts disagree on how much the program will cost. 专家们对该项目会花费多少意见不一。 Barr strongly disagreed with Kronfeld’s statement. 巴尔强烈反对克龙费尔德的说法。2  DIFFERENTif statements, numbers, or reports about the same event or situation disagree, they are different from each other 〔有关同一事件或形势的陈述、数字或报道〕不一致,不相符 OPP agree The statements of several witnesses disagree. 几名证人的证词不一致。3 disagree with somebody phrasal verb MIDON'T LIKEif something such as food or weather disagrees with you, it has a bad effect on you or makes you ill 〔食物或天气〕对〔某人〕有不良影响,使〔某人〕身体不适 Seafood always disagrees with me. 我吃海鲜总是感到不舒服。n GrammarReciprocal verbsDisagree is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people or groups do something that involves both or all of them: Kate and I often disagree. You can also say: Kate and I often disagree with each other.I often disagree with Kate.Patterns with disagreedisagree with• You disagree with someone: I totally disagree with you. ✗Don’t say: I totally disagree you. • You disagree with an idea, or something that someone says: I disagree with his views on the economy. ✗Don’t say: I disagree his views on the economy. disagree about/on/over• People disagree about/on/over a subject: Experts disagree about the answer to this question.Parents often disagree on the best way to bring up children.Scientists disagree over whether oil is unhealthy. I disagree• You say I disagree when you do not agree with what someone says: ‘Women are better drivers than men.’ ‘I disagree.’ ✗Don’t say: I disagree you.Using the progressiveDisagree is not used in the progressive. You say: I disagree with your analysis. ✗Don’t say: I am disagreeing with your analysis. THESAURUSdisagree/not agree to have a different opinion from someone else about something 不同意,有分歧Scholars disagree about the meaning of the poem. 学者们对于这首诗的含义存在不同意见。I don’t agree with a word of what she says. 她说的话我一个字也不同意。be divided/split if a group of people is divided or split on something, some of them have one opinion and others have a completely different opinion 〔群体成员间〕有不同看法The party is divided on this issue. 该党成员在这一问题上看法不一。differ if two or more people differ about something, they have different opinions from each other about it 意见相左The two men differed on how to handle the crisis. 这两个男人对于如何处理危机持不同意见。not see eye to eye used to say that two people have different opinions and ideas so that it is difficult for them to be friends or work together 〔双方〕看法不一致Some of the teachers don’t see eye to eye with the principal of the school. 部分教师与校长意见不合。be mistaken used to say that you disagree with someone’s opinion and that you think they are wrong 〔某人〕弄错People are mistaken if they think that this problem will go away on its own. 人们要是认为这个问题会自行消失,那就错了。take issue with somebody/something formal to express strong disagreement with an idea or with what someone has said or done 不同意某人/某事,对某人/某事提出异议A number of people took issue with the mayor’s decision. 一些民众对于市长的决定提出异议。dissent formal to say publicly that you disagree with an official opinion or one that most people accept 〔对官方意见或公认观点〕持异议Two members of the jury dissented from the majority verdict. 陪审团的两名成员对多数人的裁定持有异议。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisagree• A lot of people think that capitalism is the only system that works, but I disagree.• The court decision represents an issue on which the president and the Justice Department strongly disagree.• A judge ruled that life-support could be ended, but the Michigan Supreme Court disagreed.• Finally, they are said to have disagreed about technicalities in the baptismal service.• Throughout their marriage my parents disagreed about whether to stay in their hometown or not.• I totally disagree, Mike. It's not a problem at all.• The company's lawyers disagreed that the complaint was a criminal matter.• I showed my article to the editor. He disagreed with almost everything I'd written.• The issue is the only one of the ten points where Mr Dodds disagreed with the auditor's recommendations.• Your child may disagree with you.strongly disagreed• I strongly disagreed with both arguments.From Longman Business Dictionarydisagreedis‧a‧gree /ˌdɪsəˈgriː/ verb [intransitive]1to have or express a different opinion from someonedisagree on/about/overThey disagree on how much the project will costdisagree withSome of the team disagreed with him, but they were too afraid to say so.2if statements, numbers, or reports about the same event or situation disagree, they are different from each otherThe figures in column A and B disagree.→ See Verb tabledis·a·gree verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business or to Corpus express opinion different have a




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