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单词 Overwhelmingly
1. The response has been overwhelmingly favorable.
2. The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative.
3. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.Sentencedict
4. The inhabitants have voted overwhelmingly to restore the city's original name of Chemnitz.
5. Voters overwhelmingly rejected the far right in the May elections.
6. He was overwhelmingly re-elected as party leader.
7. Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill.
8. The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.
9. They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.
10. The people of this country overwhelmingly support their president.
11. The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
12. In the survey politicians came out overwhelmingly in favour of capital punishment.
13. The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.
14. The medical professional is in an overwhelmingly powerful position.
15. The discussions were overwhelmingly political in character.
16. It overwhelmingly favours people aged 25 to 35.
17. An overwhelmingly strong motive made the ship anchor there.
18. After all, leg ulcers are overwhelmingly a nursing problem.
19. Republican primary voters are overwhelmingly white.
20. Responses from audiences have been overwhelmingly favorable.
21. There was something overwhelmingly assured about this brief appearance.
22. Public response to the ads has been overwhelmingly positive.
23. On Dec. 7 delegates voted overwhelmingly to retain the party's name.
24. But AIDS research is overwhelmingly carried out in the industrialized world.
25. Nevertheless, the bachelor pattern is overwhelmingly marked by lack of sustained commitment and lack of orientation toward the future.
26. Voters gave their verdict on the government's economic record last night by voting overwhelmingly for the opposition.
27. At the end of the 17th century England was still overwhelmingly rural.
28. The neighboring kingdoms, in manpower and resources are still overwhelmingly powerful as compared to yourselves.
29. In baggy collarless cream shirt and hip-hugging chino trousers he looked so overwhelmingly attractive that she couldn't drag her eyes away.
30. Artistic control was paramount in terms of the production, the medium through which the play was overwhelmingly disseminated among contemporary audiences.
1. The response has been overwhelmingly favorable.
2. The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative.
3. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.
4. The inhabitants have voted overwhelmingly to restore the city's original name of Chemnitz.
5. Voters overwhelmingly rejected the far right in the May elections.
6. They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.
31. The members of the 26-strong congressional black caucus voted overwhelmingly on July 11 to oppose the nomination.
32. Overwhelmingly, improvements in roads and waterways happened in response to existing economic pressures and prospects.
33. The controversy is heating up just days after voters overwhelmingly turned down a ballot proposition to increase mountain lion hunting.
33. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
34. What time there was free was devoted overwhelmingly to home and family life, including such home-based leisure pursuits as watching television.
35. Nixon's advisers impressed upon him that such a controversial figure could not be confirmed by an overwhelmingly Democratic congress.
36. But it found white women equally favored Clinton and Dole, while white men overwhelmingly favored Dole.
37. I know that the House will vote overwhelmingly for the Bill, which I wholeheartedly recommend.
38. When the Conservation Department proposed the establishment of the sanctuary in its discussion document, the public response was overwhelmingly favourable.
39. They are mostly over age 50, middle class and overwhelmingly Protestant.
40. When the special Texas Convention was called on July 4, to consider the issue, it also voted overwhelmingly for annexation.
41. The key target audience for the reports was overwhelmingly stated as being the company's own employees.
42. Overwhelmingly they voted in favour, he said, though he could not quantify the demand.
43. The government remains overwhelmingly white Anglo-Saxon, as is the political culture.
44. Predictably, as Table 3.4 confirms, their liabilities are overwhelmingly in foreign currency and are heavily weighted towards time deposits.
45. The Oxford Diocese overwhelmingly endorsed women priests in a poll last year.
46. Yet despite these incipient industrial concentrations, the economy of Piedmont remained overwhelmingly agrarian and rural.
47. It is a doctrine eminently suitable for a nation overwhelmingly populated by sheep.
48. From a state of poise and self-confidence, she was suddenly overwhelmingly self-conscious.
49. While chat might have business potential in areas such as customer support, it's overwhelmingly more orientated to social banter.
50. After two hours of debate the synod voted overwhelmingly to receive the report and moved on to detailed discussion of the legislation.
51. A new Constitution was overwhelmingly approved in a referendum on Dec. 23, 1990.
52. In the centres, the general public as well as students are made to feel welcome, and the atmosphere is overwhelmingly adult.
53. In the end, the conference voted overwhelmingly to endorse the amendment.
54. Yet in intellectual and to some extent in practical terms her attitudes were overwhelmingly conservative.
55. Parents there voted overwhelmingly against opting out in the final ballot.
56. It is an overwhelmingly patriarchal society, where women still curtsy to men.
57. The measure was overwhelmingly passed by both Houses of Congress this week.
58. Besides, Californians overwhelmingly rejected a similar proposal four years ago.
59. Voters overwhelmingly approved a measure last month to exempt the ballpark from waterfront development restrictions.
60. Those attending the seminar were overwhelmingly from accountancy firms - excluding myself, 23 of the 26 participants.
61. Research overwhelmingly supports the proposition that age is a poor predictor of performance and ability.
62. Overwhelmingly, you do not see full-time salaried employment as your ultimate goal.
63. Californians overwhelmingly favor the educational reforms that the state has embraced over the last few years(Sentence dictionary), according to a new study.
64. He was also the first Protestant to become President of the overwhelmingly Catholic country.
65. The Democratic Party officials and machinery mobilized against him after his surprise primary victory and he lost overwhelmingly in the general election.
66. Consumer goods industries were the linchpin, and these were overwhelmingly located in the West Midlands and in and around Greater London.
67. When the matter was put to a vote, the staff voted overwhelmingly not to go on strike.
68. For the history of linguistic analysis in the West is overwhelmingly a prescriptive and overtly a political one.
69. Men, however, overwhelmingly favored Republican ideas on downsizing government, balancing the budget and welfare reform.
70. But overwhelmingly the state is still the main provider of welfare: Britain has a welfare state.
71. Women of all races, ethnicities and classes went overwhelmingly for Clinton on Election Day.
72. Looking down at the curve of her cheekbone, still wet with tears, he suddenly wanted her, quite overwhelmingly.
73. At issue is the telecom bill, passed by Congress overwhelmingly last week.
74. For generations, pianos were purchased overwhelmingly by parents, as a vehicle of betterment for their children.
75. Election votes in many states and localities overwhelmingly show it.
76. Voters also overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment which would limit state legislators to no more than 12 years in office.
77. As Fig. 4.4 shows, the assets of investment trusts are overwhelmingly company securities; there are very few government securities.
78. The House and Senate voted overwhelmingly last month to repeal the tax break only after it had become public.
79. Once we do have chips in everything, the limitations to today's software systems will be overwhelmingly apparent.
80. Again, the evidence is overwhelmingly to the contrary.
81. Public reaction was immediate and overwhelmingly favourable.
82. None of the other ideas seems overwhelmingly be convincing.
83. When you look at the "experts" using pop science and simplistic reductionist explanations to prove porn is evil, they are overwhelmingly Christian.
84. Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene "others" —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.
85. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition. I saw it firsthand as a child in Indonesia, where devout Christians worshiped freely in an overwhelmingly Muslim country.
86. The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Tuesday in favor of a resolution demanding Israel heed a world court ruling to tear down its controversial separation wall in the West Bank.
87. I am deeply grateful for my wife, Eva, and my kids (Chloe, Justin, Rain, Maia, Seth and Noelle) ...I love them all, overwhelmingly.
88. In 1997, the new Labor Party overwhelmingly won the general election.
89. Women of his own middle class found him overwhelmingly attractive.
90. The House overwhelmingly passed the bill that kept derivatives clear of C.F.T.C. oversight.
91. Investigators said evidence overwhelmingly proves North Korea fired a homing torpedo that caused a massive underwater blast that tore the Cheonan into two on March 26.
92. Although things are changing the medical establishment is still overwhelmingly male.
93. But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular as those know-nothing kids had expected!
93. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
94. Global warming may seem like an overwhelmingly complex problem to tackle.
95. The Assad regime is dominated by the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, but the country is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim.
96. By Jim Taylor Newsbeat reporter The people of the Falkland Islands have voted overwhelmingly to stay part of UK territory.
97. Making Microsoft sexy is certain to be Crispin's biggest challenge yet, as its creative types are surely aware-since they, in line with the rest of their industry, overwhelmingly own and use Macs.
98. They were overwhelmingly good, law-abiding citizens who quickly assimilated into the community.
99. The Iraqi Cabinet voted overwhelmingly to approve a new military pact with the United States, after weeks of bitter debate and fiery opposition from several influential shi'ite leaders.
100. Studies on homeless income find that the typical "career panhandler" who dedicates his time overwhelmingly to begging can make between $600 and $1, 500 a month.
101. But they all have growing nonwhite populations that overwhelmingly reject Republicans.
102. But overwhelmingly the signs of a calm and peaceful election are encouraging election observers, who say that this day could be a historic step forward for Nigeria's democracy.
103. Keynesian interventionism was still the overwhelmingly dominant paradigm in the mid-1970s, though it was already on the cusp of decline.
104. Machislav Hareb overwhelmingly defeated Michael Marrinage in a second round of balloting.
105. The Senate has overwhelmingly approved a hike in minimum wage.
106. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company (NYSE: WWY) announced today that its stockholders overwhelmingly approved the adoption of the merger agreement with Mars, Incorporated.
107. Also, in retrospect, the current standards and training methodology used in the CA ARNG were overwhelmingly validated.
108. At the centre of the controversy is the way white phosphorus air burst shells have been used in heavily built-up urban areas, with an overwhelmingly civilian population.
109. The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.
110. As a Gujarati born, raised and living in overwhelmingly Cantonese Hong Kong — both tribes are brash and materialistic — I have long been privy to what local Chinese and Indians think of the other.
111. Historically, the bank note is the overwhelmingly dominant form of warehouse receipt.
112. Had not the Peers too overwhelmingly expressed their preference for no change?
113. Mr Yushchenko's alliance with Georgia has caused further resentment among the Crimea's overwhelmingly Russian-speaking population.
114. The worst-hit industries were overwhelmingly male and deeply identified with macho: construction, manufacturing, high finance.
115. Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves.
116. Mason had been overwhelmingly elected to the judgeship which he had so craved.
117. On top of the years of grudges, there's a persistent strain of ethnic animosity between the Taliban's overwhelmingly Pashtun membership and its mostly Punjabi patrons from Pakistan's security forces.
118. The results overwhelmingly favored 1 operation over the other, that is, transaxillary rib resection over supraclavicular neuroplasty without rib resection.
119. Although the first part is theory-based, with references to such things as Turing machines and chaos theory, it is not overwhelmingly scientific or mathematical.
120. Throughout the world but especially in low-income countries, the poor are overwhelmingly net food consumers, while farmers are generally better-off net sellers.
121. It found that, overwhelmingly, all prefer the loveable fool over the incompetent jerk.
122. BAGHDAD — The Iraqi cabinet voted overwhelmingly Sunday to approve the security agreement that sets the conditions for the Americans' continued presence in Iraq from Jan. 1 until the end of 2011.
123. In 1997, the New Labor Party won the selection overwhelmingly.
124. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party.
125. Despite its role in national myth through that strange socialist monarchist Robin Hood, and with its medi street plan, Nottingham's built environment is overwhelmingly of the past two centuries.
126. Also we could overwhelmingly minimize undesired mechanical shock and impact during tool-transferring process.
127. Ordinary party members overwhelmingly backed him. His opponent Ozawa, a veteran power broker, captured the votes of nearly half of the DPJ's members of parliament.
128. Camera sources today are overwhelmingly based on either charge-coupled device ( CCD ) or CMOS technology.
129. Ten months after Marshall's speech, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly approved the European Recovery Program. On April 3, 1948, President Harry Truman signed the Economic Recovery Act of 1948.




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