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单词 disadvantage
释义 Word family  noun advantage ≠ disadvantage the disadvantaged adjective advantageous ≠ disadvantageous advantaged ≠ disadvantaged verb disadvantage adverb advantageously ≠ disadvantageously  dis·ad·van·tage1 /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ $ -ˈvæn-/ ●●● W2 noun [countable, uncountable]  DISADVANTAGEsomething that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective 不利条件,缺点,劣势 OPP advantagedisadvantage of The disadvantage of the material is that it fades in strong sunlight. 这种材料的缺点是在强烈的阳光下会褪色。disadvantage to There are some big disadvantages to marriage – you do lose a lot of your freedom. 结婚有一些大的不利方面——你的确会失去许多自由。 Criminal behaviour can be linked to economic disadvantage. 犯罪行为可能会与经济困难有关。 COLLOCATIONSadjectivesthe main disadvantage 主要缺点The main disadvantage of iron as a material is its weight. 铁这种材料的主要缺点是太重。a big/great/major disadvantage 大的缺点This method has one major disadvantage: its cost. 这种方法有一个很大的缺点: 成本太高。a serious/severe disadvantage 严重的缺陷Public transport is very bad here, which is a serious disadvantage. 这里的公共交通很糟糕,这是一个严重的弊端。a slight/minor disadvantage 小缺点nChildren who are young in their school year sometimes have a slight disadvantage.a further/additional/added disadvantage 另外的小缺点nIt’s a very small garden and it has the further disadvantage of facing disadvantage 社会/经济/教育方面的劣势nUnemployment often leads to social disadvantage.verbshave a disadvantage 存在弊端Cheap air travel has considerable environmental disadvantages. 廉价航空对于环境有诸多不利。suffer (from) a disadvantage formal 受不利条件的影响Working-class boys suffer disadvantages in the educational system. 出身工人阶级的男孩子在教育体系中处于不利地位。overcome a disadvantage (=succeed in spite of a disadvantage) 克服不利条件nShe was able to overcome the disadvantages of race and poverty.phrasessomebody is at a disadvantage (=someone has a disadvantage) 某人处于不利地位The company was at a disadvantage compared with its competitors. 与竞争对手相比,这家公司处于不利地位。put/place somebody at a disadvantage (=make someone less likely to be successful than others) 使某人处于不利地位Not speaking English might put you at a disadvantage. 不会说英语可能会让你吃亏。be/work to the disadvantage of somebody (=make someone unlikely to be successful) 对某人不利This system works to the disadvantage of women. 这种制度对女性不利。advantages and disadvantages (=the good and bad features of something) 利弊nDiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of working from home.the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (=there are more advantages than disadvantages) 利大于弊nThe advantages of building the new road would outweigh the disadvantages. THESAURUSdisadvantage noun [countable] a bad feature that something has, which makes it less good or less useful than other things 不利条件,缺点What do you think are the disadvantages of nuclear energy? 你认为核能有哪些缺点?nThis car uses a lot of fuel, which is a major disadvantage.drawback noun [countable] a bad feature that something has, although it has advantages that are usually more important 不足之处,缺陷One of the main drawbacks is the price. 主要的劣势之一是价格。bad point noun [countable] especially spoken a bad feature that something has 缺点All of these designs have both their good points and bad points. 所有这些设计都有各自的优点和缺点。the downside noun [singular] the disadvantage of a situation that in most other ways seems good or enjoyable 不利的一面It’s a great job. The only downside is that I don’t get much free time. 这份工作很棒,唯一的缺点是我没有多少自由时间。Examples from the Corpusdisadvantage• A review of on-site fire protection equipment available for fighting fires in high-bay warehouses stating its advantages and disadvantages.• Like many other black families, his family had to struggle to overcome social and economic disadvantage.• The main disadvantages, apart from cost, is their considerable weight and the fact that they can chip.• The main disadvantage of being a nurse is working irregular hours.• Your main disadvantage is your lack of job experience.• The proposal has some major disadvantages.• Our goal is to try to provide financial help people in our community with a lot of disadvantages.• The intertidal zones circumvent the two outstanding disadvantages of marine living.• While the yield to maturity is the single most commonly used measure of yield, it nevertheless has several disadvantages.• The Association is on record for many years high-lighting the disadvantages of this type of pay scheme.• She says the advantages for children going on line far outweigh the disadvantages, particularly as on line applies to schoolwork.• Soviet space science suffers the disadvantage of poor technology, particularly in electronics, which is years behind that of the West.• When this is done, there is a tendency for other artists to be compared with the leader to their disadvantage.disadvantage to• One disadvantage to this plan is that you can't choose your own doctor.disadvantage2 verb [transitive]  to make someone less likely to be successful or to put them in a worse situation than others 使处于不利地位→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisadvantage• Asked if he thought an over-emphasis on sport could disadvantage black kids in academic subjects, he answered: No.• She did best in the interview, the part of the application process which was said to disadvantage comprehensive school students.• Geographical accident must not be allowed to disadvantage individuals in their ability to gain access to good local care.• In particular, there are complex rules which disadvantage married women.• And the selective system does not seem to disadvantage those at the bottom of the class.• There are two forms of inequality related to occupational pensions which also serve to disadvantage very elderly women, especially widows.• The use of discriminatory language can and does disadvantage women and members of ethnic minority groups.• However, contemporary interpretations of customary law largely disadvantage women.dis·ad·van·tage1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1disadvantage2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that makes Corpus something problems, someone something or causes that or




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