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单词 carillon
释义  Related topics: Musiccar·ill·on /kəˈrɪljən, ˈkærəljən, $ ˈkærəljɑːn, -lən/ noun [countable]  APMa set of bells in a tower that are controlled from a piano keyboard, or a tune played on these bells 组钟(乐曲),排钟(乐曲)Examples from the Corpuscarillon• The resulting effect is reminiscent of a carillon of wooden hells.• But a great carillon pealing, pealing.• There was an air of intentness about him, a concentrated purpose that set a whole carillon of alarm bells ringing.Origin carillon (1700-1800) French Old French quarregnon, from Late Latin quaternio “set of four”car·ill·on nounChineseSyllable  bells a a in set tower Corpus are that of




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