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单词 Apologized
1) The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.
2) The day after, he apologized.
3) It's all sewn up, since you apologized.
4) He knew he had been wrong, and duly apologized.
5) I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.
6) He apologized to his teammates for his mistake.
7) Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.
8) He apologized for butting in on our conversation.
9) The offender apologized when he sobered up.
10) He apologized for bursting in on our meeting.
11) Mrs. Moss apologized for her husband.
12) They ought to have apologized .
13) I apologized for being late.
14) He apologized profusely for the damage he had caused.
15) We were finally reconciled when he apologized.
16) He apologized for the inconvenience he had caused.
17) She apologized for accusing him falsely.
18) She immediately apologized, but the damage was done.
19) They apologized for the lateness of the train.
20) He has apologized for his injudicious remarks.
21) He felt suitably chastened and apologized.
22) He apologized to the people who had been affected.
23) The company apologized for slipping up so badly.
24) He later publicly apologized for his comments.
25) I'd die before I apologized to them!
26) He apologized with exaggerated courtesy.
27) He later apologized for speaking offensively about the Queen.
28) She apologized with bad grace.
29) He later apologized for his behaviour.
30) She apologized for her outburst.
1) The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.
2) It's all sewn up, since you apologized.
3) He knew he had been wrong, and duly apologized.
4) I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.
5) He apologized to his teammates for his mistake.
6) Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.
7) He apologized for butting in on our conversation.
8) The offender apologized when he sobered up.
9) He apologized for bursting in on our meeting.
10) Mrs. Moss apologized for her husband.
11) They ought to have apologized .
12) I apologized for being late.
13) He apologized profusely for the damage he had caused.
14) She apologized with a bad grace.
15) Now that she has apologized, I am content.
16) Henry has apologized for his bad behaviour and should be allowed to rejoin the group with a clean sheet.
31) She apologized and sounded genuinely regretful.
32) She apologized with a bad grace.
33) He apologized for breaking in on their conversation.
34) He later apologized for his outburst.
35) She apologized for being late.
36) He apologized to his colleagues.
37) His face lightened as she apologized.
38) Now that she has apologized, I am content.
39) She actually apologized. I couldn't believe my ears!
40) Bill wiped his eyes and apologized.
41) When tempers had cooled, he apologized.
42) She gave me a sheepish smile and apologized.
43) She apologized to her teacher for being late.
44) He apologized for his outburst at rehearsal.
45) The paper's editor has apologized unreservedly to the senator.
46) She apologized to avert trouble.
47) I apologized to the chairman for being late.
48) I'd shoot myself before I apologized to him!
49) "Sorry I haven't called you yet, "Tom apologized.
50) The fact that she never apologized says a lot about what kind of person she is.
51) The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him.
52) She apologized profusely for having to leave at 3.30 p.m.
53) The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.
54) She finally apologized, but she wasn't very graceful about it.
55) He apologized for not coming to the party , pleading pressure of work.
56) The receptionist apologized for the delay, explaining that it had been a hectic day.
57) He smiled politely as Mary apologized for her drunken friends.
58) The man apologized,(http:///apologized.html) but Aunt Matilda refused to let the matter rest.
59) Henry has apologized for his bad behaviour and should be allowed to rejoin the group with a clean sheet.
60) Costello later apologized, saying he'd been annoyed by the man.
61) She realized she had overstepped the mark and quickly apologized.
62) Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.
63) She apologized for the intrusion but said she had an urgent message.
64) She apologized for herself.
65) She apologized/thanked us profusely.
66) He apologized, and asked for a chance to put things right.
67) Corbin apologized for his outburst at the meeting.
68) She apologized at once, and moderated her voice.
69) Bingham retracted his remarks and apologized to those concerned.
70) A red-faced Meyer apologized for his choice of words.
71) Sometimes she accused me; sometimes she apologized for herself.
72) The editors admitted the mistake and apologized.
73) It had apologized for the way it had behaved.
74) Caught off-guard Wednesday, he apologized and reversed course.
75) And then she apologized for causing me trouble!
76) The bank apologized for the oversight.
77) She apologized for her earlier position.
78) Mori has apologized, but refused to retract the statement.
79) Moss later apologized for his actions.
80) Linda called me back and apologized for flying off the handle.
81) The police have now returned Mr Sullivan's car and apologized for the mix-up.
82) Brooke subsequently apologized and offered his resignation, but this was rejected by the Prime Minister, John Major.
83) She apologized, but fifteen seconds later she started sobbing again.
84) Fredrickson talked himself out and finally flushed and apologized like always and sat back down.
85) Ed apologized a week later, but the damage was already done.
86) I don't know why I apologized, because I didn't do anything wrong.
87) When I tried to get Chizuko to talk some more, she merely wiped her eyes and apologized for causing a scene.
87) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
88) Atkinson then publicly apologized to Wilson and said he would speed up dismantling the program, and the regents meeting was canceled.
89) She apologized for the muddle and ushered him into the living-room.
90) She apologized for slowing him down and twice advised him to leave her.
91) President Clinton apologized, denied knowledge of any wrongdoing and conceded a mistake had been made.
92) On the following day he apologized for his actions and pledged his allegiance to the government.
93) Makil apologized to tribal members six months after the incident but never faced charges.
94) A gaffe of a different order from those for which he apologized.
95) The company admitted a lapse in its standards and apologized to customers in a newspaper ad.
96) Another acquaintance, some one we d not heard from since our last visit, apologized for not answering our annual letters.
97) He apologized for that statement and, as he explained at the time, that statement does not reflect his views.
98) Sighing at the wonderful smells from her kitchen, he apologized for being late, but the most wonderful thing had happened.
99) Perhaps unwisely, Clinton has apologized for raising taxes in 1993.
100) On Wednesday, Brown apologized for his outbursts and vowed to get tough on park transients.
101) Joseph smiled and apologized once more and watched as Tran Van Hieu shepherded his family off the terrace.
102) The fisherman apologized for bothering him and then told the fish about the wish for a cottage.
103) I know of not a single surgeon who ever expressed any regret over these women or apologized to one of them.
104) The White House subsequently apologized to most of the fired employees, arranging new jobs for them.
105) Anyway, I accepted responsibility and apologized and expressed deep remorse.
106) The US has apologized to Britain for the accident that cost nine British lives.
107) At first I felt so guilty and apologized profusely even though I remembered nothing.
108) Although she apologized later, I still have a bad feeling about the whole incident.
109) I am not able to eat and talk at the same time, so I apologized to my neighbours for this.
110) Not one of the nurses apologized or indicated in any way that they had been brutalizing the patient.
111) The article was deliberately misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.
112) Clinton backtracked and apologized the next day, and never raised the question again.
113) They apologized and reassured us that the matter would be dealt with immediately.
114) Confronted by this direct and deliberate challenge, the United States has apologized.
115) Prime Minister Shimon Peres has since apologized and assembled a special commission to investigate the blood issue.
116) David Kaczynski said nobody talked about or apologized for incidents like this.
117) Richardson apologized and promised that appropriate action would be taken to fix the problem.
117) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
118) King Hussein immediately went to Israel and apologized.
119) Baby Doc apologized for his government's "errors" in 2004.
120) I apologized repeatedly, but to little avail.
121) Miss Allen called and apologized.
122) I apologized for my tardiness in getting here.
123) Dimitri apologized to Aleko for haveing accused him.
124) He apologized when he sobered up.
125) KFC's president publicly apologized for the'kerfuffle.
126) He apologized for his oscitancy.
127) He apologized, saying this subject always aroused him.
128) Vichy apologized to the blog community.
129) He apologized for trampling on her toes.
130) He apologized slowly and elaborately for the accident.
131) He apologized amply for his suddenness.
132) He made perfuse apologized me.
133) Later I apologized to Hooper for his reception.
134) I apologized to him with a bad grace.
135) Two years ago, Congress formally apologized for the internment.
136) He apologized to avert trouble.
137) His voice assumed a remorseful tone as he apologized.
138) He put ashes on his head , apologized profusely , but then went glibly about his business.
139) President Bush has apologized to war vets about the shoddy conditions at Walter Reed.
140) Within days Merrill switched from outrage to surrender: At its annual meeting in late April, CEO David Komansky abjectly apologized to his clients.
141) Siyu apologized for the shop's unfriendliness after the girl had returned to the counter. "I'm about their only regular customer, but for three years no one has acknowledged me, " she said.
142) I felt about one foot tall. I abjectly apologized to the owner of the company, who took it with amazingly good humor, and I learned a lesson.
143) One man apologized to his brother-in-law for telling his sister years before not to marry the man.
144) The cashier apologized to me, saying that the scanning machine had gone wrong.
145) Giles apologized and scolded the boy; but he felt that fates were against him.
146) White House officials later apologized for any panic caused by the photo op.
147) 'I couldn't really help it when toothers did, ' apologized Tess(), still tittering.
148) On the way home, Hung - chien repeatedly apologized for his mother.
149) Half an hour later the presenter apologized on air: ''Earlier in the program, I made a comment about Casper the cat which some of you may have found offensive.
150) He chewed out the player, who apologized the next time I saw him.
151) Joe was a considerate guy , and apologized as Sacker left , sniffing and weeping , either in pain or in frustration .
152) Since he has apologized, you'd hatter not pile insult on insult.
153) She apologized to her teacher for coming to school late.
154) I apologized like crazy.
155) But he has now apologized for what he called the " crude sound bite. "
156) Our interview came to the halt in the afternoon and Ms Xu accompanied us out of the hotel. Before leaving the executive lounge, she apologized to guests in the lounge about the interview.
157) Google Inc yesterday apologized for using another company's technology in a Chinese input method product it released a week ago.
158) Final Balac chose apologized to Luff, Fulinsi also indicated on Sunday, he still could be the German national sports team's member.
159) It's thought to be the first time the Pontiff has specifically apologized for the alleged offences.
160) He apologized profusely; however, he said to the servant: "You will cross swords with me tomorrow,(/apologized.html) and you will pay with your life this blunder!"
161) The president apologized to the whole country for his wrong-doing .
162) She lost her temper and apologized in the same breath.
163) South Africa's polygamist president Jacob Zuma has apologized to the nation after being criticized for having an extramarital affair that resulted in a daughter, AP reported.
164) In 2004, friction arose after a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine intruded into Japanese waters. Japan later said China had apologized for the incident.
165) Tina Fey, the executive producer and co-star of "30 Rock, " released a statement admonishing Morgan for "the violent imagery" of his rant and saying she was "glad" he had apologized.
166) Greg apologized for his behaviour and gave as his excuse that he was half seas over at the time.
167) If Naoto Kan is willing to make a statement as German Chancellor Willy Brandt apologized to the Jews as to admit its past invasion of China and knees down!
168) "We've spoken to Gucci and apologized for the mistake," Zimmer said.
169) In a statement Mazda says that the athlete "apologized to the Chinese public through a videocast ."
170) A leading Chinese producer for quick-frozen snacks Thursday apologized for the production and sale of bacteria-contaminated dumplings and said that a recall was underway.
171) Alan Gaskin, general manager for Air New Zealand in-flight service, apologized for the manual, but said it was no longer being used for cabin crew training.
172) Ashamed of having acted so rashly , Dimitri apologized to Aleko.
173) During a televised court hearing Monday, Berenson made a rare public statement in which she publicly apologized for working with the MRTA.
174) When she spilled the coffee, she smiled sheepishly and apologized.
175) KFC's president publicly apologized for the ' kerfuffle. ' But KFC says the grilled chicken launch and its campaign were successful.
176) After the ploy was widely criticized, company executives credited the fallout to an "overenthusiastic intern" and apologized.




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