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单词 infancy
释义  in·fan·cy /ˈɪnfənsi/ noun [uncountable]  1  CHILDthe period of a child’s life before they can walk or talk 婴儿期in infancy In the past, many children died in infancy. 过去很多孩子尚在襁褓之中便夭折了。2  NEWthe time when something is just starting to be developed 初期,初创期 the infancy of radio broadcasting 无线电广播的初期阶段 Genetic engineering is still in its infancy. 基因工程学仍处于起步阶段。Examples from the Corpusin infancy• John's twin brother died in its infancy• In 1972, when the café was in its infancy, I acquired a new agent.• In the late Seventies, drink-drive advertising was in its infancy.• Suburban planning was in its infancy.• The program is still in its infancy.• They had produced the first detailed map of the universe in its infancy.• To be sure, the on-line travel industry is still in its infancy, but it appears poised for explosive growth.• Truffle research is still in its infancy, however.• With globalisation still in its infancy, the likelihood of such crises recurring is·fan·cy nounChineseSyllable  walk life period of a child’s Corpus can they the before




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