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单词 Gasoline
1. There is still some gasoline left in the tank.
2. Gasoline is a solvent liquid which removes grease spots.
3. Our car is out of gasoline.
4. His old car consumed much gasoline.
5. The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line.
6. Gasoline prices have been decoupled from crude oil prices.
7. Unleaded gasoline rose more than a penny a gallon.
8. The airplane is dumping gasoline.
9. Republicans went on the offensive over soaring gasoline prices.
10. Gasoline is distilled from crude oil.
11. Gasoline was in short supply after the war.
12. Consumer hoarding of limited goods, such as gasoline and paper, is creating shortages in stores.
13. I siphoned the gasoline out of the car into a can.
14. Two pence a litre is coming off the price of petrol/gasoline.
15. Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision.
16. Gasoline prices are 14% below the peak level they hit in November.
17. Big gasoline hikes are expected in April.
18. Whoosh! your lips expectorate a stream of self-igniting gasoline.
19. Demonstrators immobilized tanks using gasoline bombs.
20. Consumers will benefit from the reduction in gasoline prices.
21. Some gasoline dealers began hoarding supplies.
22. There isn't much demand for leaded gasoline anymore.
23. Gasoline is heavily taxed in Europe.
24. Most chain saws are powered by two-cycle gasoline engines.
25. Cheap gasoline will make your engine knock.
26. Three hundred gallons of gasoline were loaded today.
27. Typically,(/gasoline.html) gasoline taxes are used to fund road-building programs.
28. Empty gasoline containers lay scattered around her.
29. The oil companies were accused of contriving a shortage of gasoline to justify price increases.
30. This car runs 5 miles on a gallon of gasoline.
1. There is still some gasoline left in the tank.
2. Our car is out of gasoline.
3. His old car consumed much gasoline.
4. The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line.
5. The oil companies were accused of contriving a shortage of gasoline to justify price increases.
6. Gasoline is distilled from crude oil.
7. This car runs 5 miles on a gallon of gasoline.
31. Gasoline cuts oil and grease.
32. I came ashore to see about gasoline.
33. Demand for gasoline has been dampened by the recession.
34. Like any big-block V-8 fueled by gasoline, this engine chugged regular unleaded.
35. Flames, fueled by gasoline and exploding ammunition, shot into the air.
36. Gasoline prices, by a tanker full of crude oil, without a doubt.
37. The main gasoline engine can be turned and its valve gear operates.
38. As crude oil prices dropped, many governments raised their taxes on gasoline.
39. Last month saw another hike in the price of gasoline.
40. Enough fuel leaked into the lake that nearby boaters could see the shiny residue and smell the gasoline.
41. You just sit on the ground, chant, douse yourself with gasoline and light a match.
42. For example, gasoline taxes are typically earmarked for the financing of highway construction and repairs.
43. The vaporized gasoline is processed into hydrogen, water and carbon dioxide.
44. Bond revenue and special funds like the highway account fueled by the gasoline tax are earmarked in advance.
45. Unfortunately, the tunnels were still full of gasoline vapour, which was ignited by the gun's muzzle flash.
46. Improved gasoline yields of up to 25 percent have been achieved using them.
47. This is then made into a gasoline which existing car engines will be able to use without modification.
48. The ethanol will then be trucked to a Total refinery to be used to add oxygen to gasoline.
49. The blackouts also disrupted gasoline and diesel supplies, causing a rise in wholesale prices.
50. Each barrel of oil is equivalent to about 40 gallons of gasoline.
51. Oil companies yesterday declared a gasoline price war, which should be reflected in lower inflation figures in future months.
52. He makes napalm in his basement with gasoline and baby soap.
53. The decline was in part due to a sharp drop in gasoline prices.
54. That means less gasoline consumption and less air pollution from trucks.
55. Behind the gasoline pumps the unlit garage stood like a huge black shadow.
56. February gasoline suffered a sharper decline, down 1. 83 cents at 58. 65 cents a gallon.
57. The explosion ignited a gasoline fire that sent many of the 500 employees in the plant fleeing.
58. Class B for flammable liquids like gasoline, oil, and grease.
59. Aboard they had some six hundred gallons of gasoline, just a partial load, and a male stand-in for her.
60. In the fire of an argument words are it's fuel, choose your words wisely. If you throw in wood or paper, the fire will burn evenly then put itself out. But if you throw oil or gasoline, the fire will spread fiercely and unmanageable. Anthony Liccione 
61. The warranty would cover the electric car's battery pack in much the same way that gasoline engines are protected.
62. He secured a single-burner gasoline stove and wrapped a cylindrical iron shell lined with fire-clay around it.
63. The National Rifle Association says taggants in gunpowder might act like a match struck near gasoline.
64. Hendon said Chevron spent more than $ 1 billion retrofitting its refineries in Richmond and Los Angeles to make the reformulated gasoline.
65. Rising expectations are driving up demand for gasoline, a finite commodity.
66. February unleaded gasoline fell 0. 46 cent to 58. 19 cents a gallon.
67. C., dumped gasoline on the bodies and set them afire.
68. The ultimate aim is to replace gasoline altogether by using battery power or other non-polluting energy sources.
69. In the United State, use of leaded gasoline was phased out on Jan. 1.
70. Gasoline, aviation fuel, heating oil, and diesel fuel tank farms are always located near centers of demand.
71. People are paying more for bottled water than they are for gasoline.
72. The gasoline additive had leaked from underground storage tanks at a Navy gas station.
73. It was just sputtering, so I threw some more gasoline on it.
74. About half way back, he made a brief stop and flung the empty gasoline can far into the night.
75. Oil revenue has allowed the government to subsidize housing, gasoline and cars.
76. The property for years had been the site of a gasoline station, and petroleum products had leaked into the ground.
77. The current wave of privatization is just throwing more gasoline on the fire.
78. After the war everything cost more: gasoline, buses, hotel accommodations, and musicians' salaries.
79. Unleaded gasoline for February delivery fell 1. 83 cents to 58. 65 cents a gallon.
80. Canceling the gasoline tax, a la Dole, will deepen them again.
81. Most outdid Torreson's $ 1.70.9 per gallon of unleaded gasoline by a cent at $ 1.69.9.
82. It was kicked off when gasoline prices shot up so fast the climb would make a Blue Angels pilot gulp.
83. No major oil company has agreed yet to blend the product into its gasoline.
84. He puts some logs into the small drum, douses them with gasoline, and throws in a match.
85. In Connecticut, a Waterbury man suffered a fatal heart attack Sunday night after going outside to fill his snowblower with gasoline.
86. The gas tax rollback, initiated because gasoline prices spiked this spring, has since fallen by the wayside.
87. Gasoline would have been ideal for a sudden blaze; the sealed nuclear drive was useless in that respect.
87. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
88. The tanker truck was carrying some 8, 500 gallons of gasoline, he said.
89. And, he said, gasoline consumption in the United States showed no growth in November and December from a year earlier.
90. However, households also paid sharply more for some items they bought every few days, such as gasoline and dairy products.
91. At gasoline stations it is illegal for customers to pump more than 10 gallons a minute.
92. Rating cigarettes by tar and nicotine content, much as gasoline is rated by octane levels.
93. To conserve your time, your energy, and gasoline, shop as infrequently as your storage facilities permit. 3.
94. The fire spread when burning gasoline trickled from the car toward other vehicles.
95. The mistake was the result of an earlier pit stop in which his crew failed to fill his Chevrolet with enough gasoline.
96. The dishes we tried tasted, not to put too fine a point on it, like gasoline.
97. A notable example occurs just after the fire has started in a gasoline station at Bodega Bay, near the harbour.
98. Dole was seeking to push his own issue, eliminating the 4. 3-cent gasoline tax that Clinton pushed in 1993.
99. Diesel comes from crude oil, and it is less refined than gasoline.
100. The lawsuit says oil companies contrived a gasoline shortage in the early 1970s.
101. With gasoline prices recently hitting their highest level in five years, is Walker driving less to save money?
102. Car owners are facing a 10% rise in the price of gasoline.
103. The stink of gasoline filled the air and the Prophet's eyes widened in shocked disbelief.
104. Every available hotel room was rented out and, on some weekends, county gasoline pumps ran dry.
105. Arco spokesman Scott Loll said 55 customers' cars broke down after pumping the regular, unleaded gasoline.
106. He noted California experienced two big gasoline price increases in the 1990s.
107. Dole is leading the push in Congress for repealing the gasoline tax.
108. The senator proposed scrapping the 4. 3-cent gasoline tax increase the Clinton administration enacted as part of its budget-deficit reduction.
109. The gasoline is formulated to burn more cleanly, producing less pollution.
110. But nobody fuses much over daily expenditures on sales and gasoline taxes -- even though they add up to large sums annually.
111. February gasoline rose 0. 20 cent 55. 41 cents a gallon.
112. As prices for other foods, electricity and gasoline more than tripled, the national currency, the lev, crashed.
113. Democrats note that Dole voted several times for gasoline tax increases totaling 10 cents in the 1980s.
114. Then it ordered a 21 percent hike in gasoline prices, the fifth increase in 43 days.
115. It must be shipped to gasoline terminals, where tanker trucks load up for delivery to service stations, by April 15.
116. February unleaded gasoline fell 3. 75 cents to 54. 44 cents a gallon.
117. The governor has made a proposal to raise the tax on gasoline by two cents.
118. February unleaded gasoline rose 0. 80 cent to 53. 90 cents a gallon.
119. If a $ 2 increase were passed through to the pump(), gasoline prices could rise by 5 per gallon.
120. In California, the state-mandated switch to cleaner-burning gasoline added another 5 to 15 per gallon to gas prices.
121. Environmentalists fear the gasoline additive prematurely ages the human brain.
122. And 86 to 90 percent comes from vehicle exhaust, evenly divided between diesel and gasoline engines.
123. Gasoline vapors burn not the liquid.
124. Octane number is of main quality indexes for gasoline.
125. Peter didn't work in a gasoline station.
126. The operation of coking gasoline hydrogenation plant is difficult.
127. Is there a gasoline station nearby?
128. Police also seized a vehicle at a gasoline station.
129. Sulfur content of gasoline reduces gradually along the riser.
130. High - test gasoline will soup up your car.
131. Tequila in his heartbeat, His veins burned gasoline.
132. Direct gasoline injection and hydrogen intake manifold supply.
133. Now, transpose this analogy to the gasoline industry.
134. He fed storage tank with gasoline.
135. How can I use this gasoline pump?
136. Never smoke near the gasoline tank.
137. He located a leak in the gasoline tank.
138. Static electricity will ignite gasoline vapors.
139. An electric - gasoline fuel injector technology products and manufacturing technologies.
140. As an important octane booster in unleaded gasoline , the need for ethers becomes more and more.
141. Whereas gasoline fumes linger close to the ground before dispersing.
142. The price of gasoline will unlikely drop to rock bottom.
143. South of Baghdad, two Iraqi businessmen built a gasoline station in the town of Tunis.
144. American motorists appear to grow more dismayed every time they go to a gasoline station.
145. It explains the theory that higher octane number gasoline is demanded with engine's compression ratio increasing.
146. Trace lead in unleaded gasoline was determined by measuring its PAR complex at 490 nm.
147. Fuel ( Gasoline and Naphtha ) cars of capacity 50 - thousand liters.
148. Gasoline for the pyre is getting to be a real problem.
149. Petroleum was not then used to make gasoline or heating oil.
150. It's a gasoline - electric midsize car that gets about 50 miles per gallon.
151. The quality transition of vehicle - use unleaded gasoline during storage and transportation is studied.
152. S . dollars . Gasoline and heating oil prices were falling.
153. The Slingshot has a rear mounted, 3 cylinder, gasoline engine with normal aspiration and induction.
154. This advantage prevents the diesel engine from replacing the gasoline engine in some automobiles and airplanes.
155. Historically, the primary source of lead emissions has been the result tetraethyl lead additives to gasoline.
156. In accordance with the requirements of imported transplanter must use pure unleaded gasoline with a high.
157. The most important advantage of the gasoline engine is its lower weight per kilowatt.
158. Leaded gasoline produces emissions containing lead, which coats the metals in the converter, rendering them ineffective.
159. A tire set on fire with gasoline was around the neck of one victim.
160. The determination method rating units is the only reliable method to measuring octane number of gasoline.
161. Hydrodesulphurization technology could effectively decrease sulfur content in gasoline and octane number loss.
162. The chemistry plant produces such chemicals as gasoline, kerosene, vaseline and paraffin.
163. The Swedes solved this problem by subsidizing unleaded gasoline for a number of years.
164. In a busy gasoline station, the attendant is on his feet all day.
165. As a rule of thumb, a one - cent - a - gallon gasoline tax raises $ 1 billion.
166. Tesla's planned Model S will consume no gasoline and will not produce any tailpipe emissions.
167. Another is GC - AED method which identifies oxygen element in gasoline.
168. 2.4 - liter gasoline engine and a six - speed automatic transmission.
169. Aim To synthesize new type of octane number improver for gasoline, methoxyisobutyrate.
170. The gasoline truck trailed a chain below it to reduce static electricity.
171. Tetraethyl lead worked leaded gasoline but was phased out because It'spoiled catalytic converters.
172. A new type online analyzer of gasoline octane number based on NIR Spectrogram was introduced.
173. The bomb in the sport utility vehicle included propone propane tanks, gasoline and fireworks.
174. Modern gasoline engine with electronically controlled fuel injector product technology and manufacturing technology, and international synchronized.
175. It mainly studies and designs belt driving system of 469 Q gasoline engine in this graduated paper.
176. Hyundai a 30 - kilowatt electric motor between the 169 - horsepower, 2.4 - liter gasoline engine and a six - speed ...
177. Did you know if you mix gasoline andNfrozen orange juice, you can make napalm?
178. After lacquer of transformer gasoline tank, how to check paint film flexibility?
179. Gasoline service stations and motor vehicle exhaust also release benzene.
180. Punishingly high gasoline prices have come down, potentially damping the public's willingness to embrace alternative - fuel vehicles.
181. The development of blended ingredient of gasoline of high octane number is outlined.
182. The unburned gasoline or carbon monoxide come out the tail pipe.
183. The car pinged when I put in low - octane gasoline.
184. The company says the sensor could overstate the amount of gasoline in the tank.
185. Malawi currently uses gasoline blended with ten per cent locally - made sugarcane ethanol.
186. Take charge of company vehicle's gasoline and toll fee statistic.
187. Some properties of petroleum products such as gasoline octane number are necessary to be analyzed regularly.
188. The average traffic fuel ( gasoline ) consumption of this lorry is 0.3 liter per kilometer ( l / km ).
189. Clinton and the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, want to suspend federal taxes on gasoline summer.
190. Mary's friend, Peter, worked at a gasoline station during the summer.
191. Combustion of leaded gasoline released lead into the air where it could cause lead poisoning.
192. Mixture of air and gasoline vapor outside these limits may misfire.
193. China's gasoline tax is about twice the average level of the nation.
194. In most cases, MIX - I - GO eliminates the need for high octane premium gasoline.
195. Father answers:'son, I am being gone to be cheered in your Mom gasoline tank. "
196. Please fill up my gasoline tank with lead free premium gas.
197. Gasoline station operators are required to join the local gasoline station commercial association.
198. Electricity, diesel and gasoline prices have all been held in check.
199. Tetraethyl lead worked in " leaded " gasoline but was phased out because It'spoiled catalytic converters.
200. This paper studies the effects of gasoline sulfur and olefin content on vehicle exhaust emissions.
201. Main sources of lead include leaded gasoline, cosmetics, leaded paint, and over the counter drugs.
202. Tests show that the digital CDI igniter can improve performance of the motorcycle gasoline engine.
203. Loaded with 870 gallons of gasoline and 40 gallons of oil, the ship moved sluggishly.
204. And to self - production of gasoline scooters, gasoline engine, cutting irrigation machines, Hedgerow machines.




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