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单词 Disapproved
1) His parents disapproved the arrangements for his wedding.
2) She replied that she disapproved.
3) The board of directors disapproved the sale.
4) They disapproved of my dragging in his wealth.
5) She disapproved of her son's indiscriminate television viewing.
6) My parents disapproved of my marriage.
7) They were conscious that he disapproved.
8) I disapproved strongly of his proposal.
9) The Senate disapproved the nominations.
10) She disapproved of popular amusements such as fairs.
11) At the time, Arnold had disapproved of such levity.
12) Her family strongly disapproved of her behaviour.
13) The Prime Minister made it clear that he disapproved.
14) I disapproved of their unethical actions.
15) Carson strongly disapproved of the plan and said as much at the meeting.
16) His request to be rehired was disapproved by the committee.
17) Her mother disapproved of the living arrangements,(http:///disapproved.html) saying that two girls living with four boys was bound to cause problems.
18) His mother disapproved of his plan to go away to college.
19) She married the man her parents disapproved of and presented them with a fait accompli.
20) 60 percent of the respondents said they disapproved of the president's performance.
21) He strongly disapproved of the changes that had been made.
22) He strongly disapproved of the way his daughter was behaving.
23) Sex before/outside marriage is strongly disapproved of in some cultures.
24) But the official church hierarchy strongly disapproved.
25) The Under-Secretary strongly disapproved of tobacco and alcohol.
26) His journal shows he disapproved of slavery.
27) Bob strongly disapproved of drinking and driving.
28) It was fairly evident from her tone of voice that she disapproved.
29) He claims he was hounded out of his job by a group of students who disapproved of his views.
30) I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved.
1) His parents disapproved the arrangements for his wedding.
2) She replied that she disapproved.
3) She disapproved of her son's indiscriminate television viewing.
31) A lot of church leaders disapproved of the book when it was first published.
32) Another airborne bid for peace that Churchill disapproved of, likewise doomed to failure.
33) Her working-class male counterpart is not usually ridiculed or disapproved of in this way, as some one whose language is inappropriate.
34) Or maybe they disapproved of or were indifferent to your best efforts.
35) Regional variations - Gallican or otherwise - were disapproved, whether liturgical, theological or pastoral.
36) And the professional enforcer visibly disapproved of endangering the minds of civilians in what she considered a problem for her department.
37) And he suffered from moral gaucherie also: he disapproved, he reproved.
38) Tanner disapproved of kidnap insurance and companies like D'Arcy's which negotiated for hostage release.
39) He sounded as though he disapproved of exotic plant feeds and the new variety of vegetative showmanship.
40) One of 11 children, he was born on a Mississippi farm where his deeply religious father disapproved of the blues.
41) Others were pro-reform but disapproved of the way the reforms were currently being implemented.
42) But he strongly disapproved of the proselytizing that went on under the cloak of humanitarianism.
43) However the parish council disapproved of the plan because of the possible distraction it would cause to drivers.
43) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
44) Hooker was born on a Mississippi farm, to a deeply religious mother who disapproved of almost all music.
45) Many seven-day members disapproved of members in other categories, such as social having full voting rights.
46) The first that Tarmac knew that the union disapproved was when the present proceedings were commenced.
47) That, she knew full well, she could do nothing about, although she disapproved of the whole set-up.
48) I could tell from my mother's face that she disapproved.
49) John Major did not publicly denounce Mr Churchill, but went as far as hinting that he disapproved.
50) And it was obvious that they had disapproved of her and given up on her a long time before Bill had.
51) His request for reinstatement was disapproved.
52) Her mother disapproved of her working in a pub.
53) Andrew Mellon would surely have disapproved. Liquidation was his game.
54) Both sexes disapproved of colourful underwear under a white top, slippers or sandals and sleeveless clothes.
55) An enraged German father who disapproved of his daughter's relationship with an older man went to her boyfriend's home and castrated him with a bread knife, the Telegraph reported.
56) He disapproved heartily of Rhett Butler and poor Pitty knew it.
57) He had to face up to the fact that his family disapproved of his wife.
58) He also disapproved of all sexual activity as unhealthy. His own marriage remained unconsummated , and he considered masturbation especially harmful, calling it "the silent killer of the night".
59) Furthermore, he was trapped in an unresolvable Black and White American racial conflict that White disapproved of him as Black and Black accused him of being too White.
60) The survey by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center found that 41 percent of respondents disapproved of Obama's handling of the Gates arrest, compared with 29 percent who approved.
61) Although the motion carried by eighty-six votes, it sparked strong opposition from conservatives and liberals who disapproved of Chinas human rights and trade policies.
62) His family firmly disapproved of his marrying a digamous wife.
63) But a majority of evangelicals disapproved of the first and a large number of his fellow social conservatives warned, rightly , that the second was a waste of effort.




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