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单词 boxer
释义  Related topics: Sport, Animals, Petsbox·er /ˈbɒksə $ ˈbɑːksər/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. DSsomeone who boxes, especially as a job 〔尤指职业的〕拳击手2. HBADHPa large dog with short light brown hair and a flat nose 拳师狗Examples from the Corpusboxer• He calls the two Castor, tamer of horses, Polydeuces, good as a boxer.• Critics seem to view this as a cowardice, as if a boxer should want his brains pulped.• Indeed, standing in his vest, his eyes closed, he was swaying like a punch-drunk boxer.• a heavyweight boxer• His health was clearly failing, but he did what he always expected his boxers to do.• The body carried no identification and was dressed only in boxer shorts, trainers, a shirt and tie and jacket.• Underpants on the head -- Since boxers became an external pants accent, briefs have gone the way of spats.• The walkers still have some finger nails left and don't have skid marks in their boxer shorts.Origin boxer 1. (1700-1800) → BOX212. (1900-2000) German English boxer “fighter”; because of its flattened nosebox·er nounChineseSyllable  who a especially as someone Corpus job boxes,




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