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单词 haughty
释义  haugh·ty /ˈhɔːti $ ˈhɒː-/ adjective  PROUDbehaving in a proud unfriendly way 倨傲不逊的,傲慢的,目中无人的 → stuck up a haughty laugh 傲慢的大笑 —haughtily adverb —haughtiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpushaughty• People thought of him as being haughty and difficult to talk to.• Bella came out of prison as haughty as when she went in.• If he attempts to talk to you, you will flick him a haughty glance and say nothing.• Jessica turned away with a haughty look on her face.• She flicked him a haughty smile, then strode briskly on.• Are frowning and haughty tyrants to be preferred to generous Lords?• Under different circumstances, this would have sounded patronizing, a wilted bouquet tossed by a haughty victor.Origin haughty (1500-1600) haught “haughty” ((15-19 centuries)), from French haut “high”haugh·ty adjectiveChineseSyllable  proud a behaving in way unfriendly Corpus




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