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单词 Perestroika
1. This state of affairs, he said, jeopardized perestroika, unnerved the population, and threatened to make the country ungovernable.
2. The period of glasnost and perestroika under Gorbachev led to a great burgeoning of group activity throughout the republics.
3. His book Perestroika helps establish that from the very start Gorbachev was out to reorient, not dismantle their system.
4. And Perestroika has meant so many changes - even the introduction of the latest computerised office technology.
5. In July a Pravda editorial had attacked perestroika for creating a new bureaucracy without solving the old problems.
6. The passage of time required perestroika from the musicians themselves.
7. Enter glasnost and perestroika, along with the issues of determining where they would lead, and how fast.
8. There is no evidence of either glasnost or perestroika.
9. We see perestroika leading to glasnost.
10. His raft of reforms — often called perestroika, or "restructuring" — included a policy known as glasnost, or openness, that called for greater freedom of speech and less control over the press.
11. Perestroika was unable to reverse the collapsing Soviet economy despite Gorbachev's best efforts.
12. Paired with perestroika, the restructuring of the Soviet economy, glasnost set the stage for the 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe and the final breakup of the Soviet Union.
13. China chose perestroika first.
14. By the time Mikhail Gorbachev initiated perestroika and glasnost in the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was all but bust.
15. In doing so, he is stirring ghosts of perestroika in the late 1980 s.
16. By 1989 his perestroika, or reconstruction and opening, was in full swing.
17. While condemning the Soviet coup, Marchais had described it as understandable in view of the failure of perestroika.
18. The Gulf war could instead mark the beginning of a kind of Western perestroika.
19. The deep recession that followed shows how painful true perestroika can be.
20. Supposing they are being formed into a new secret police - with the aim of destroying glasnost and perestroika?/perestroika.html
21. Gorbachev had stressed the urgency of creating the new presidential system in order to safeguard democratization and perestroika.
22. Had they been in vogue in 1951, the words perestroika and glasnost might have been used by observers.
23. More probably, the mass desertion is another sign of how the people have lost faith in perestroika and its unfulfilled promises.
24. Vladimir Ryzhkov, a former opposition MP whose party was abolished by the Kremlin, says that the democratic changes brought about by Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika have virtually all disappeared.
25. Gorbachev responded to the Soviet Union's problems by introducing perestroika, or economic restructuring, and glasnost, an element of political freedom.
26. The new rulers in the Kremlin had launched the policy of perestroika, in fact a retreat in internal and foreign policy from the logic of the Cold War.
27. Deng Xiaoping is fighting to salvage his reforms in China, and Mikhail Gorbvachev's glasnost and perestroika seem to be ending in anarchy and economic ruin.
28. , and by 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev was in power promising perestroika—a comprehensive restructuring of Soviet politics and economy—and glasnost, a policy of openness and transparency.
29. It was this political class of intelligentsia that prepared for perestroika and became the main support base for Mikhail Gorbachev.
30. Ronald Reagan's efforts on arms control and embrace of perestroika not only improved relations with the Soviet Union, but empowered dissidents throughout Eastern Europe.




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