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单词 both
释义  both1 /bəʊθ $ boʊθ/ ●●● S1 W1 determiner, predeterminer, pronoun  1  BOTHused to talk about two people, things etc together, and emphasize that each is included 两者,双方,两个都 → either Both Helen’s parents are doctors. 海伦的父母都是医生。 Hold it in both hands. 用两只手拿好。 You can both swim, can’t you? 你们俩都会游泳,对吗? They both started speaking together. 他们俩一起开了口。 Oxford is not far from Stratford, so you can easily visit both in a day. 牛津镇离斯特拉特福德不远,所以两个地方可以在一天内游览。both of Both of my grandfathers are farmers. 我的祖父和外祖父都是农民。2  somebody can’t have it both ways used to say that someone cannot have the advantages that come from two separate situations because they cannot exist together 某人不可能两者兼得 It’s either me or her. You can’t have it both ways. 要么我,要么她,你不可能两个人都要。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Use both (of) before 'the', 'my', 'these' etc, or use both directly before a plural noun both (of) 用在 the,my,these等前面,复数名词前则直接用 bothBoth my parents are dead (NOT My both parents are dead).我父母都去世了。Both of her parents went to college.她父母都上过大学。Both parents seem to be working very hard.父母两个似乎都很勤劳。• When both follows a pronoun or noun referring to two people or things, it should come after the first auxiliary if there is one 当both用于指两个人或物的代词或名词之后时,如果句中有助动词,则both应置于第一个助动词之后We have both worked in Scotland for some time.我们俩都在苏格兰工作过一段时间。• It comes after a simple tense of 'be' both应置于be的一般式之后a subject in which you are both interested你们俩都感兴趣的话题• Both is not usually used in a negative clause. Use a clause with neither instead both一般不用于否定分句。在否定分句中应使用含neitherNeither of these methods is perfect (NOT Both of these methods is not perfect).这两种方法都不完美。n GrammarWord order• You use both before a plural noun: Both women were tall.• You use both or both of before a determiner such as ‘the’, ‘these’, or ‘my’: Both (of) the women were tall.Both (of) her parents are dead. ✗Don’t say: the both women | her both parents• You use both after a pronoun: We both come from Scotland.• You use both after the first auxiliary verb: We have both worked there.They could both be described as robots.NegativesBoth is not usually used in negative clauses. You say: Neither of these methods is perfect. 这两种方法都不完美。 ✗Don’t say: Both of these methods are not perfect.both2 conjunction  both ... and ... used to emphasize that something is true not just of one person, thing, or situation but also of another …和…都;不仅…而且…;既…又… He’s lived in both Britain and America. 他在英国和美国都生活过。 She can both speak and write Japanese. 她会用日语说和写。 Both he and his wife enjoy tennis. 他和他妻子都喜欢打网球。both1 determiner →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2both2 conjunctionLDOCE OnlineChinese  




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